Discover Your LinkedIn Success Style!


  • make some HUGE shifts in your business?
  • have the life and business of your dreams?

I would love to brainstorm with you and make that happen!

VIP Intensives, my absolute favorite time of the week.

You. Me. Virtually, or in-person.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day running of your business, and procrastinate when it comes to doing what it takes to REALLY move to the next level with your business. I get that, heck, I DO that! So taking some time to work, one on one, will transform your business. Every time.


Because I am the queen of Conversational Marketing.

Together, we will find your sweet spot, that one product that YOU love spending your time on, and we’ll develop a plan to make that profitable for you. I like to get things done, so this WILL get done in this session. Your business will get a kick start like you have never seen the likes of. You’ll be pushed right out of that comfort zone you’re so familiar with.

When we’re done, you’ll:

  • have detailed guidance on how to systematize and manage what we’ve created
  • know what you can do to make this happen, what you need to delegate, and how
  • know who to pitch your program to, and how


To have the business of your dreams.

The Deliverables:

We’ll schedule our four hour session.

deliverable 1SETUP CALL

1 x 30 min call

We’ll have a 30 minute setup call, so we can be very clear how we’ll spend our time.



Block out the full day (live or in-person)

When that day comes, be ready, because we’ll:

  • brainstorm
  • geek out
  • work our TAILS off!


deliverable 3Q&A SESSION

1 x 30 min call

2-3 weeks after the VIP time, to tweak and brag.


You will have unlimited email access to me for 30 days from our VIP session.

Clients for VIP session are only accepted after an interview process.

Click the link to submit answers, and set up your 20 minute session.

We’ll decide, together, if this session is right for you!

Now booking for 2023

* You will be prompted to complete a questionaire. You must complete this questionnaire to be considered for the VIP session.

Here’s some client favorites: