188 – Shine a Light on Yourself with Cindy Winslow

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Cindy Winslow shares with Karen Yankovich why and how you should shine a light on yourself.

Cindy Winslow was a full-time real estate agent, trainer, and new agent mentor for 15 years when she was offered an opportunity to help start a non-profit company that specialized in building new and modifying existing homes for people with disabilities. After her parent company cut funding due to state budget cuts, she decided to start her own virtual business to allow her the freedom. She began by supporting real estate agents and eventually transitioned to copy and content writing which was a long-time desire. She’s even one of our profile writers for She’s LinkedUp!


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

We, as women, have a difficult time shining the light on ourselves. We often feel that highlighting our strong points and achievements is bragging, but it’s not!

Cindy Winslow, one of our LinkedIn profile writers for She’s LinkedUp, knows how to help women find their voice and properly shine the light on themselves.

Your profile needs the right energy. How do you get the right energy? How do you feel comfortable “showing off”? Cindy Winslow shares how in this episode!

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/188
  • Introducing this episode’s guest, Cindy Winslow (1:38)
  • How women feel about shining a light on themselves (5:04)
  • The challenges people are having (6:12)
  • Getting your voice (7:27)
  • The energy you need (10:42)
  • More challenges people have when building their profiles (16:06)
  • How to write a multi-profession profile (18:45)
  • Cindy’s number one piece of advice (21:26

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 188.

Intro 0:05
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello there. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is episode 188 of the good girls get rich podcast. And this show is brought to you by she’s linked up where we teach women simple relationship and heart based LinkedIn marketing. It’s a system that gets you on the phone consistently every week with the people that can change your business, your life and your bank account forever. You know what this helps create more impact and influence. We’re creating wealthy women of influence here on our she’s lindab family. So if you listen before, if you love what you hear today, you know, we love to hear from you. So please make sure that you subscribe to this episode, wherever you’re listening to it. And if you’re feeling it, leave us a review. I love to get your reviews because it lets me know a little bit about what shows are resonating with you right and we could do more of that. I’d love for you to share this episode on social media. Take a quick screenshot, put it in your stories, put it on LinkedIn, hashtag it with good girls get rich. Tag me, I’m at Karen Yankovich Tag Cindy Winslow, who’s our guest today. And we’ll be sure to share your post with our audience and we all get more visibility. In the show notes, we have a link to speak pipe, you can leave us an audio review there or audio message or just let me know who you think we should interview or a topic you’d love to hear about. Just go to Karen yankovich.com/ 188. And you’ll see the blog for this page, you’ll see the link to speak pipe and we can communicate that way as well. I am so excited about this episode, I decided I wanted you guys to take a picture behind the scenes a little bit this year into our she’s linked up family we have really built this program out I think it is the only LinkedIn strategy program for women that I know of on the planet. It is certainly the premier strategy program. And it’s really designed to help you build relationships. And you know what, we have such brilliant coaches in our program that I thought like it was a good it’d be fun to kind of interview them on the show so that you can get a sense of the kinds of things that that we help people with, but because you might be having some of these same questions, right? Like Cindy writes LinkedIn profiles for our students in our she’s in depth program, every single student meets Cindy, and she’s worked with every single one of them. And writing your profile is emotional, right? There is an emotional piece of it. Sometimes our students when they see their updated profile, they look at it like I don’t know, can I really say that about myself? You know, because it’s as women, we’re not naturally bragging about ourselves, and we’re not really bragging, we’re owning it. And Cindy and I are going to get into that in this episode. But I’m really excited for you to meet Cindy today and hear a little bit about the kinds of questions that she gets from our students. And if you’re writing your LinkedIn profile, it’s January 2022, or February 2022. And whenever you’re listening to this, and you know, maybe this will help you shift the energy of your profile a little bit to help you have lots of success this year. So without further ado, here’s Cindy. I’m here today with Cindy Winslow and Cindy was a full time real estate agent, trainer, new agent mentor for 15 years, then was offered an opportunity to help start a nonprofit that specialized in building new and modifying existing homes for people with disabilities. Her role there was director of real estate and after two years of building out the nonprofit, the parent company cut the funding due to state budgets cuts and she decided to start her own virtual business allowing her the freedom that she wanted if she returned to the full time to the real estate world that would not offer her that same freedom. So she began supporting real estate agents, and eventually transitioned into copy and content writing, which was what she had always wanted to do. Now she’s doing what she loves helping others who want to better the world articulating their messaging with words. And Cindy, is the LinkedIn profile ahead LinkedIn profile writer in our she’s linked up program. Cindy, I’m so happy to have you here today.

Cindy Winslow 3:53
I’m excited to be here.

Karen Yankovich 3:55
This is fun, Cindy, and I just said we don’t really know where this is going to go. But we you know, I thought it would be fun to just have a conversation with Cindy about that, you know, so when people join our shooting program, the first thing that happens is they meet Cindy, right? As soon as they get enrolled, and they get moving because we want their profile to get done. First, we write your profile for you. Because it’s hard to write your own LinkedIn profile, right? I feel like it’s hard to talk about yourself the way you want to be seen in the world. So Cindy is the first person that meets many of our students. And you know, I know that when we are getting questions about profiles, as people moving through our program that you who’s listening may have some of the same questions. So first of all, Cindy, aren’t other women in our program, not the most amazing, brilliant women you’ve ever met?

Cindy Winslow 4:40
How many times do I tell you that every person I meet no matter what they do, I find so intriguing.

Karen Yankovich 4:47
Yeah, and Cindy’s job is to dive into that intrigue and to kind of look at their whole history. And like tell build it up to the story of them right like right back down to when they worked in McDonald’s and customer service. Right? So first thing that happens is they get an intake form, right? And then you get the intake form. So let’s talk a little bit about what happens from there. Like when you first start talking to these two hours, two of the women in our program, how are they feeling about, you know, taking this step to really shining a light on themselves?

Cindy Winslow 5:18
Well, you send it, nobody wants to talk about themselves. And that’s what I find. Probably the most surprising, is these women who are achieving such great things can’t do their own horn.

Karen Yankovich 5:31
Right, right. And it’s, you know, I like to say like, it’s, it’s not, it’s, I’m okay with you bragging, but it’s not really about bragging, it’s about owning it, right? Like owning the things that you do, right, the things that you’ve done. And, you know, I know, a lot of times too, sometimes, once they’re, once we’ve done their profile, they’re like, they need a little time to live sit with it, before they can even upload it. Right before the rest of the world sees what we see in them.

Cindy Winslow 5:58
Right. And I think it was Simon Sinek. He said in one of his books, people don’t buy what you do they buy, why you do it. And that’s what we try to bring out in their profiles.

Karen Yankovich 6:11
Right. Right. So what do you find? What, Where? Where are people having these challenges? Like? What kind of challenges are people having when you start working with them?

Cindy Winslow 6:22
Well, I think and because we work mainly with women, I think it’s a big problem with women is we think, because we know something, everybody must know it. So it’s not anything special. And some of these women’s just don’t see how they can change the world with what they do.

Karen Yankovich 6:42
Yeah, yeah, it’s so true. It’s so true. You know, a tiny little segue here we did. End of 2021. We did you know, we do weekly q&a calls. And I asked everybody, what’s your big goal for 2022? Not one person on that call, threw a number at me, everyone wanted to make more of an impact, every single one of them. Now I of course, I’m like, the more money you make, the more impact you can have, right? You can, let’s have your cups overflowing, so that you can have an impact from that overflow. But these are, you know, people that really have a heart towards making big change in the world. Right. And they’re making big change in the world. And yeah, like, like shining a light on that is a little uncomfortable. Yeah, yeah. So I know that, you know, one of the biggest I know, when I was when I when I work with people, and I’m not a writer, I tell people don’t I know what I want to see. But Cindy is the one that’s gonna make, you know, that’s gonna get the words out. But I also know that one of the hardest parts about helping somebody with something like their LinkedIn profile is getting their voice, right, like you can write it, but you need to, it needs to be, you know, in their voice. And one of the recommendations I have when they say, you know, when I talked to them, about what they’re when they do the work with you is to literally, once you’ve got that first draft from Cindy, read it out loud, and see if it feels like you see if you would say those things, you know, and if you can’t read it out loud and feel like it’s the way you would actually talk to somebody, then that’s where you need to make notes back to Cindy and and let her know, you know, like, this just doesn’t feel like me or over. You know, I might say this, but I’d never say that. Right? So how do you navigate that?

Cindy Winslow 8:21
I do a lot of research, you know, I have a one hour call with them to go over what we’re going to write and how we’re going to write it what, you know, we go over some creative positioning statement. But then I go in and I read, you know, whatever I can find on them. You know, whether it’s LinkedIn profiles, articles, they’ve written their website. I love when they have videos, because that really helps me tune into their voice. I don’t always get it right. But we get close. And you know, after I write it, then we have another meeting where we start to tweak it. So I don’t ever expect the first draft to be the final draft. But sometimes it happens.

Karen Yankovich 9:08
Yeah, yeah. And you know, to I do you find too, though, that sometimes they’re like, feeling like it should be very factual. And we really want it to be more narrative. Right. So how does tell us a little bit talk a little bit about that?

Cindy Winslow 9:22
I think the confusion comes because when LinkedIn started, it really was a job searching kind of place, right? And this really your profile, especially if you’re running your own business really isn’t your resume. It’s what you offer people and you know how you can help them with your services. So I think that’s one of the hardest things is, is some people want to make it look like the resume when you don’t even if you’re job seeking I don’t think you want to make it look exactly like your resume. Because you you’re gonna give them your resume. You want to give them something different

Karen Yankovich 10:00
Right, well, I like to say like your resume is all about who you used to be, right, your LinkedIn profile should really be the brand of you projecting into the future, the person you’re becoming like dressing for the job you want, right? Not making stuff up, but, but really showing up like the person, you know, if it’s a woman, you know, if you’ve got a goal to be a seven figure business earner in 2022, then you got to be showing up like that seven figure business earner in January, right. And that’s your profile, and you’re reaching out to people have to also be showing up like that. And it’s sometimes it’s the energy, right, it’s not, it’s just the energy of their profile, not even the words in the profile. It’s how, you know, the shifting the energy from resume to brand.

Cindy Winslow 10:41
And we start with a positioning statement, when I do the initial interview with them that talks about who they serve, how they help them. And their unique, what makes them unique, what makes them the person to help these people. And I try to convey the importance of that, because it’s not something we’re going to put on their profile. It’s just for them to kind of psych themselves up. I tell them, It’s like their power pose, like, you know, yes, I love that Wonder Woman pose or stuff like that, just to get you psyched up and get you in the right mindset to convey your messages.

Karen Yankovich 11:21
It is a lot about mindset, right? I didn’t even know that this is even there. Do you know that before they even fill out that form, they watch a video from Carrie, because their mindset coach in the program, like they watch a video like Carrie. And actually Carrie asked to do this. She said, Can I do a video for people right before they’re writing, they’re sending the profile information to Cindy, because she wants like your mindset about how you’re showing up is such a big part of how you’re showing up in your profile. Now, for those of you that have that, follow me on LinkedIn, in December of 2021, I did a whole series of LinkedIn profile tips, like right, your you know how to move your profile. So I felt like this is a good follow up to that because you can go to LinkedIn profile tips. COMM takes you to the Youtube playlist, where they were all those videos are, and then apply the energy type stuff that Cindy and I were talking here. If you want to take a stab at it yourself, of course, you know, we want to help you if you want some help. But you know, sometimes you take a stab at it yourself. And that’s cool, right? That’s cool. But if you don’t consider the energy that you are putting into this and the way that you’re showing up, then you’re you’re at a disadvantage, I think.

Cindy Winslow 12:25
Yeah, mindset is, that’s why we love Carrie.

Karen Yankovich 12:29
Yes, we do love Carrie, we do the character of Carrie on the show. Carrie actually was I think a guest like episode two way before I even had she’s linked up Carrie was like my second or third guest on the show. I’ve known Carrie for a lot of years. So it’s been exciting to actually be working with her. But we I digress. You know, one of the things that we’ve struggled with, right, as the as the people that run the program is, you know how the profiles getting done, and not from the perspective of what you’re doing, but from the perspective of our students dragging it out. Right? Because, because if they dry out the profile, then they’re dragging out having to do that outreach and having to do the scary stuff, right. So it’s interesting to me to watch these brilliant women had need a crutch, right? Need a crutch, to to be stepping into another reason why we love Carrie right to help them with the crash. Yeah, I remember that I did a profile years ago for a woman who I mean, she was like, top 20 women in the world who kind of person like I don’t really want to, you know, I don’t want to give her name. But she’s like, you would probably recognize her name. She is you know, being she’s, she’s she’s a very successful woman. And we did her profile. And she said to me at when it was all done, she like, I feel like I’m bragging. I was like, Really, you did all this stuff? Like you did all this stuff. Like we’re not making stuff up. This is stuff you did. We’re just asking you to own it. Right? And it’s so hard for women to do that. So they delay and they push it off, and they push it off. And they don’t want to put it out there. So that’s where we come in. And we’re like, let’s go, let’s go. Let’s get that in. Because if you don’t, then you’re not really going to be able to achieve the things that the profiles there to help you achieve, right.

Cindy Winslow 14:08

Karen Yankovich 14:12
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And you know, when people are, you know, when, you know, obviously, in the beginning of the program, people haven’t finished their profile yet. They’re working with you still. And I get that they want to wait a little bit to do the outreach. And I agree with that. Because when you’re doing outreach from a LinkedIn profile that really positions you as if your peers, with the most influential people in the in your industry, people look at you differently, they’re more likely to say, yes, I want to be connected to her, like, especially in this virtual world, right, where people are maybe doing a virtual networking event. You know, chances are, you know, 75% of the people on that virtual networking event barely have a LinkedIn profile that talks about what they do. So when you do have that great profile, everybody’s going to be like, Wow, hold on, I want to know this person. Right. So it’s so powerful, even more so. In this virtual world that we’re living in, to, you know, to have this work done.

Cindy Winslow 15:05
And I find that’s one of the things that I have found as a surprise is some of these women come in, and they have like two or three sentences in their about section and haven’t written anything about themselves out there. So we start from scratch.

Karen Yankovich 15:22
Yeah. And you know, one of the things before they even work with Cindy, they, one of the things I require is that they talked to me first, so we can get clear on what their target is, right? Because if we can see the target, we can hit the target. But if we’re like, wow, I could do this. And sometimes I do this. And I’m, you know, I’m a realtor, but I also stage homes. And I also do that, like, I’m here to do all that stuff. Let’s pick one thing that you want to get a big fat juicy contract for, and let’s write your profile. So that that supports your goal of getting that contract. But what I think it’s so what I what I want to remind people is that that can we can change it right? Once your profiles done, if you want to shift it, and you know, you’re getting the contracts you want here, you can shift it, then it’s not Mount Rushmore that it can never be changed, you know. So, you know, tell me what out what other kinds of things do people find a challenge when we start working with them on this, like, where else are they struggling? When, when you’re working with them?

Cindy Winslow 16:18
I think just defining the benefits that they provide to their target market. Yeah. And that’s what you have to explain to them. Your here’s my benefits of working with me, and here’s how they can help you. So

Karen Yankovich 16:32
because nobody really cares about them, right? They care about what they do. Yeah, nobody cares. And that’s so funny too, because I know like, I don’t want to, you know, certainly, like so many women that have doctorates and and you damn well earned that and you should be called Doctor. At the same time. Nobody cares about the degrees you have, the certifications you have, they care about what transformation happens in my life when you are in it. Right? So so there’s a little tricky navigating with that we want to we want to, of course, own all of that. And at the same time, realize that people don’t run a laundry list of your experience.

Cindy Winslow 17:12
Right? You said about, you know, we help them identify their target market if they don’t already have that. And that’s really where you have to start with this. It’s right, who are you talking to? And what do they need to hear?

Karen Yankovich 17:26
Yeah, and then reverse engineer everything we write in the profile to support getting that contract? Because that’s what it’s about, right? If you know, if you put on there that you have, you know, ABC degree, is that going to help you get that contract? If not, it doesn’t need to go on there. You know, like, I mean, I know that sounds a little harsh. But at the end of the day, what is it? I don’t want you to make stuff up. But what is it that you’re doing that supports the transformation that people want to see? And tell me about it? Right? Like, tell me in the about section? Make it interesting, right? Tell me a story. Right. Right. Yeah.

Cindy Winslow 18:03
And think that one of the other things that people forget about is a call to action.

Karen Yankovich 18:08
Right? What do you want to do now that we got this profile?

Cindy Winslow 18:11
Yeah, you got to be very clear about what you want the reader to do next, and how you want them to connect with you.

Karen Yankovich 18:18
Yeah, and there are some funky ways fancy ways for real bold on that and things like that. I’m not a big fan of making it mean, I was like, this isn’t your Instagram bio. So I don’t want it to be all full of crazy characters and fonts and things like that, but a little attention to your call to action, because at the end of the day, that’s what you want, right? You want them to take some whatever action you want them to take. So I would say Cindy, is one of the one of the the biggest the question that I probably get asked most often and tell me how you would handle this. The question that I probably get asked most often is I am a attorney by day and a Reiki Master by night. How do I write my LinkedIn ready to LinkedIn profiles? So you know, tell me how you handle that for people because it is so common we are we are living in a multi passionate world, I totally think that we are living in a multi passionate world. So how do you handle that?

Cindy Winslow 19:07
Well, I think you just have to focus on the one thing that you want to build at that time. And like you said previously, you can adjust your profile at any time. But you know, if you want to sell your Reiki practice, because you want to get out of becoming an attorney full time, then obviously that’s where you want to start. And I’m sure you can, there’s going to be a way where you can marry some of yes, some of each of those.

Karen Yankovich 19:36
Right, like, where do they intersect? And how do we find that space where they intersect? Because you worked hard to be an attorney, right? Like to me that that shows that you have I feel like credibility, you know, worked hard to get that degree. And it doesn’t mean you’re not working hard as a Reiki Master, right? But um, yeah, so So I feel like that’s literally almost every single client that we have. It’s literally almost every single person I talked to Has that that question, but I do all these different things. How do I put it in? Do I need two profiles? How do I put it all in one profile?

Cindy Winslow 20:07
Well, and I think it comes from, you know, again, being women, we do what we think we’re supposed to do, until we get to a certain point where we saying, hey, it’s time to do what I love. And then that’s usually when we see those shifts in career.

Karen Yankovich 20:27
And I feel like that’s when people join our program, when they’re making some kind of transition, right, they’re coming to us with years of experience, maybe they’re a brand new coach, they just got their coaching certification, but they’re not 12. You know, they’re 60 got 40 years of, you know, 35 years of experience in the corporate world, or in the work world, they’ve probably been coaching for more years, and many coaches, you know, that have been doing it for a few years, because they’ve got experience. So, you know, that’s another thing that I find that I have to kind of hold people’s hand through a little bit like, just because you are a new, whatever, you are a new, it doesn’t mean you haven’t been doing this for 20 years, it’s just that you’ve got a new title, and you’ve got a new focus on how you deliver this skill that you’ve probably been honing for years.

Cindy Winslow 21:14
And there’s commonalities between the two that we can find to bring that experience to your new role. Right.

Karen Yankovich 21:22
I love that. I love that. So all right. So if somebody’s listening to this, and they watched some of the videos on my LinkedIn profile tips, and they’re ready to take a stab at their own profile, what would your number one piece of advice be to them?

Cindy Winslow 21:37
I think defining your target audience, and speaking to what they need to know about you, and how you can help them

Karen Yankovich 21:46
Right, how you can help them what’s in it for them. I love that. I love that. Well, Cindy, thank you so much for doing this today. This has been a lot of fun. I think that you know, I think it’s important. This is it’s probably the you know, we made a decision a few years ago that we weren’t letting people write their own profiles anymore, because it was it was impeding in their success, right? It was impeding their success. So we had to have the courage to basically say, You know what, anybody that says, Now, we’re writing a profile for you, because a great profile is such an integral part of your success strategies. And, you know, if you’re writing it yourself, and I can’t even tell you how many people and you’ve probably could think of a few people that we wrote it for them, and then they rewrote it, and they rewrote it again, and they rewrote it again. And the more you rewrite it, like I can think of one person that I looked at, and I was like Cindy wrote this. And then like I realized it was like four edits after you wrote it. And like, got rid of all the good stuff, you know, so I’m saying that because, you know, there’s a reason to, to create this stuff in a way that positions you. It’s, I feel like it sales copy. It’s not a resume. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And thinking about it like that, like thinking about it from branding and marketing, I think is a is a good place for your head and your energy to be as you’re moving forward. Very cool. Well, Cindy, Cindy, I’m going to link to all your stuff in the show notes. Cindy, is not just a great LinkedIn profile writer, but she does all kinds of fun copy stuff. So well. If you want to connect to I highly recommend you connect with Cindy on LinkedIn. But certainly we’ll link to some of the other work that she does as well. And if you’re looking to get some coffee, then reach out to Cindy. Soon as she finishes writing my LinkedIn profiles. She’s all yours. And you know, we’ll we’ll see. We’ll see in Slack city. Thanks so much for being here.

Cindy Winslow 23:27
Thank you, it was fun.

Karen Yankovich 23:29
Well, it is always fun to talk to our coaches here on podcast, or in general or just on Zoom or in Slack or wherever I get a chance to talk to them. So it was fun to do this with Cindy today. I hope that you found some value. Remember, if you go to LinkedIn profile tips, com you can check out the YouTube playlist for the LinkedIn profile tips videos that I did in December of 2021. And I’ll take you through a bunch of you know, you can binge it right binge watch it, make some updates to your profile. And of course, if you want to know what it looks like to get some help and to be in our shooting family, and have Cindy do your profile for you. Just book a call on my calendars. Just go to Karen yankovich.com/call. And we’ll jump on the phone and see about what it would look like to get some support for you. So thank you so much for listening today. And I will be back here next week with another episode of The Good girls get rich podcast

172 – Three Improvements for Your LinkedIn Profile

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares three improvements you can make to your LinkedIn profile.

Your LinkedIn profile is vitally important. Here are three improvements you can make that’ll make a big difference.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Your LinkedIn profile needs to be well-maintained and up-to-date. Every aspect of your profile is important, but there are three key areas to focus on at first.

  1. Your LinkedIn Headline: Your LinkedIn headline needs to include three bits of key info… who you are, who you help, and how you help them.
  2. Your About Section: You can have up to 2,600 characters in your About section. Use every single character! And make sure it’s full of important keywords.
  3. Your Experience Section: List your most recent experience in your Experience section. People want to know about your experience!

By making just these three simple improvements, your profile will stand out. Listen to Episode 172 to hear even more details about how you can improve your LinkedIn profile.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/172
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (1:42)
  • The importance of your LinkedIn profile (4:02)
  • Improve your LinkedIn headline (5:11)
  • Improve your About section (9:35)
  • Improve your Experience section (12:53)
  • Episode recap (15:34)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 172.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello, I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is Episode 172 of the good girls get rich podcast. And this episode is brought to you by she’s linked up the family of programs where we teach women simple relationship and heart based LinkedIn marketing. We want to get you on the phone consistently with perfect people, people who change your business, your life and your bank balance forever. We create wealthy women of influence with no spam, no cold calling, just simple, easy to fit into your life. LinkedIn relationship marketing strategies. This is Digital Marketing with the human touch human to human marketing. That’s where the money is. That’s where the biggest opportunities are. And that’s what we want for you. So if you’ve listened before, if you love what you hear today, you know, we love to hear from you. Please subscribe to this show, wherever you’re listening to it. If you feeling it, leave us a review. We love your reviews, you know, it helps us understand what kinds of shows you want to see more of right. So please let us know what you think of our shows in the show notes, which you can check out at Karen Yankovich comm slash 172. There’s a link there for speakpipe. Or you can leave an audio review. I love that you can leave us a review you can tell us about a guest you think we should have you can you just tell me what you’ve probably wait with only telling me that day, right? We love getting speakpipe messages, because it’s really a fun way to just communicate with our with you. Right? So we’re going back to basics. Today, we’re going back to basics today, it has it’s been a while since I’ve done it like LinkedIn 101 type episode. So I wanted to do that. Because you know, for a few reasons, you know, I do a lot of in person training. Well, I did do a lot of in person training, I’m going back to doing more in person training, obviously, over the pandemic, I did a ton of zoom training. So I shouldn’t say in person, I should say private training. So if you have an audience that you think could benefit by some LinkedIn training, please either check out the link in speakpipe. And give me a little message or, you know, send us a message where you can touch it’s hard not to be able to find me. And when we do this in person training, what I basically teach is, you know what you need to get started what you need to get started on LinkedIn. And you know, a lot of the episodes I do we talk about the energy that you need and the mindset I want you to be in and how to how to shift the energy from resume to personal brand. But sometimes there’s just stuff you got to do. Right. So today we’re going to talk about the stuff you got to do. Right. And you know, here’s the thing, I bet that all of you listening, when I say is update, I update my LinkedIn profile on your to do list. I bet all of you shaking your head, yep, yep, my profile needs some updating, right? So you know what I’m talking about, you know that it’s important that you update your profile. In order for you to achieve the goals, you have to meet the kind of people that can change your business and your life and your bank balance forever, right? Listen, our digital brands are here to stay, regardless of what happens with the world and the pandemic and blah, blah, blah, right virtual everything. Our digital brand is here to say, because what we’ve learned over the past year through 2020, and 2021, is a lot of this virtual stuff works. virtual networking works, do I miss people meeting people in person? I absolutely do. But there’s a part of me that really is going to miss the virtual networking, because I was able to attend networking events that I never would have been able to attend in person. So therefore, my digital brand is even more important because people are checking you out. Right? They want to check you out. If you’re there talking to talk and you’re like I, you know, I do all this cool stuff in this virtual networking, or virtual whatever, then they Google you and they can’t find anything, right? And you’re like, it’s a little bit of a disconnect, right? So I want your brand, your digital brand to match the amazingness of you that people see when they talk to you. That makes sense. Here’s the other thing. I have talked to people and I’m thinking of one person in particular, if you’re listening, you know who I’m talking about, who have told me that 100% they know that they’ve missed opportunities. They were offered an opportunity, whatever that opportunity might be, right? They had some competition, of course, we will have some competition. I’m not normally worried about that. But then they saw that the decision maker looked at their LinkedIn profile. And they didn’t get the opportunity and like kicking yourself, right, like, Listen, if you didn’t get the opportunity, but your LinkedIn profile is on point, then Okay, something that we don’t we don’t want them all right. But I don’t want you to be kicking yourself when you know, maybe there was one thing like she had said to me, this particular woman said to me, Karen, I have been following you for years. I’ve been meaning to call you for years, now that I’ve lost this big money opportunity. like where do I sign? How do I hire you? I want to get this done. Right? So so I don’t want you to miss these opportunities. I want you to get these opportunities. And here’s the thing, this the work we’re going to talk about today. The things we’re gonna talk about today is just going to make it more Solid, it’s gonna make your brand more solid. And it’s not easy to do this yourself, I completely recognize that. But you got to start somewhere, right? So we’re gonna start with you doing it. And of course, you know, if you want my help, you know, you can always reach out to me. So there’s three places on your LinkedIn profile that I think, listen, I want your whole profile done. But there’s three places on your LinkedIn profile that I think is important to be done, to at least just capture the attention of the people that are most important. Okay, there’s a lot of other places to talk about. So don’t be like, Well, what about this? And what about that? Yeah, yeah, we need to do it. All right. But if you just do these three things, it’s it’s at least giving you like, it’s given you a leg up, you’re ready, you’re on your way, right, and you can at least be presentable. And you can feel free to start reaching out to people, you know, that can change your business, your your life and your bank account. And the first section is the headline. Now the headline is what is under your name under your picture. So my headline if you want to know what I’m talking about, if you’re looking at my profile, my headline at the time that I’m recording this, and of course, I change this stuff all the time. So it’s helping women entrepreneurs, and business professionals grow a profitable LinkedIn network, LinkedIn success, strategist, keynote speaker, virtual networking trainer. So a couple things about that. First of all, you have you have 220 characters you can use here. So you definitely want to use every single one of them. Because there’s such a thing as LinkedIn search, right? So people are searching for the things that you do, I want your profile to come up soon, the way they know that is if you’re inserting your keywords right into this, so you wanna use every character and use your keywords, obviously, LinkedIn, you know, keynote speaker LinkedIn training, I’m actually I’ve actually advised most of the people I’ve talked to, to insert the word virtual into this headline somewhere, because people are looking for virtual networking trainers out virtual, whatever you do, right? Maybe what you do is virtual by nature, maybe you’re a coach, and you’ve never worked with anybody in person, use that word now, because people are searching it. And it’s gonna come, it’s gonna stand out, make you stand out from your competition. And that’s what we want. So in this headline, you want to be using every character. And remember that people don’t really care about you. They don’t care about you, they care about what you can do for them. So in this headline, I want you to tell people who you are. So in my case, I’m a LinkedIn success strategist, keynote speaker, virtual networking trainer, who I help entrepreneurs, women, entrepreneurs, and business professionals, and how do I help them I help them grow a profitable LinkedIn network, who you are, who you help, and how you help them? Nobody cares about all the letters after your name, nobody cares. I mean, yes, I want you to, if you have a doctorate, you earned it, and I want you to use it, because I absolutely positioned you with credibility and authority, and I, and I don’t want to minimize that at all. And all the letters after your name, right, but nobody cares about that stuff. They care about what you can do for them. All of that’s going to help you stand out from your competition. And of course, I want you to use it, I want you to be confidently projecting into the world, right, what you do and what you can do for people. But like, the example that I use a lot is maybe you’re a financial planner, and maybe you’re a financial planner that’s helped tons and tons of people make tons and tons of money. And I know you can’t, you probably have a license that says you can’t say this stuff. And I get that right. This is just an example. But if you say I’m a financial planner, and I have all these letters after my name, that’s cool. I love that. But there’s a million of you on LinkedIn, right? But if your headline says, I’m a financial planner, with all these letters after my name, that helped women over 50 create enough wealth to retire at 60. Now I’m like, Wait, what? I need this person, this financial planner is talking to me, right? And she can under she understands my unique situation. So do you see where I’m going with this. So if you just take time to create a headline that positions you as an expert, but also if you’ve got a niche, lean into it, because it doesn’t mean you can’t help other people, right? This financial planner doesn’t mean she can’t help men, doesn’t mean she can’t help you know, college students. But this is her specialty. And when you have a specialty, right, like my specialty is supporting women on LinkedIn. If there’s a conference looking for a speaker, if it’s a woman’s conference, looking for a speaker, there’s a lot of LinkedIn speakers out there, right. But I support women specifically. So now I have a leg up over a lot of my competition, that maybe support LinkedIn. And otherwise, we’re all good. There’s a lot of great LinkedIn speakers out there. But I, you know, listen, I’m cool. I don’t want to speak in front of a group of you know, I don’t know, that doesn’t make any sense for me to speak to write, I would much rather speak in front of a group of people that have my ideal clients and the people I really want to work with in it. So think about that when you’re creating your headline, but take care of the headline, it’s going to default to most current experience title if you don’t do this. And again, nobody really cares that you’re a coach or consultant or an accountant or an attorney or whatever, they don’t care. They want to know what you can do for them. Okay, so that’s the first part of your profile that I want you to take a look at. The second part of your profile is your about section. And the about section, I want you to be like it doesn’t say used to be called a summary, but it used to be called your summary. And a summary is boring. It’s just full of, you know, here’s what Karen does, right? But about is interesting about his personal, right. So just that little shift from summary to about, I think was a tiny little show. Technically, but a made a big psychological shift in the way they’re that we’re presenting ourselves on LinkedIn. Right? You’ve 2600 characters hear us, every single one of them. And I hear you, I can hear you across the ethers. Karen, who’s reading all that I don’t care who’s reading all that, right? First of all, people are reading all that your exact right, people are going to be reading all that I’m going to talk about what to write and how to write it in a minute. But second of all, there’s 2600 keyword characters that you can build in for your keywords, right, so that you start coming up in more searches for the things you want to be found for. If you’re not feeding LinkedIn, LinkedIn is not going to know when to bring you up. And I promise you, your competitors are getting this business. So I want you to get it. So use this summary, use all 2600 characters. Here’s the thing, I don’t want this to be one big giant paragraph because no one’s reading that. So think like sales page, right? Like you want a little bit of whitespace in there, you want to make it readable. I want it to be a narrative. I like it in first person, you know, not third person, no one wants to read Karen Yankovich has an what via vast experience and like nobody’s reading that, right? make it interesting. Make it cool. Make it mate hook me with a really cool story that tells me exactly what you do and why you do it. Right. Like, you know, I could say something like, my refrigerator is covered with recommendations or success stories of the women in my program that have you know, hit their first $50,000 month, right? Like if I say that, and that now people looked at like, Oh, wait, I wanna I want a $50,000 month, right? But isn’t that more interesting, then the people in my program have success? If I say my refrigerator is covered with like, like my kids report cards on there and said, I have my clients successes on there. Like, do you get what I’m saying? make it interesting hook me don’t like people think they need to do corporate speak on LinkedIn. That is not true. I actually spoke to a LinkedIn, somebody that works at LinkedIn recently. And we talked about the fact that LinkedIn has changed, you know, the energy of LinkedIn used to be online resume, it’s now personal brand. So you need to shift the energy of your profile from resume to brand. And the brand view is much cooler than your resume. Right? So I want you to do that. Tell me about that, in your summary, tell me what makes you unique. Feel free to model mine, by the way, like I don’t care at all, feel free to model mine. You’ll notice at the end, I have specialties listed. Guess what those are, those are my keywords, right. So feel free to do that. Right? I don’t want you to shove keywords in where they don’t belong. But obviously, think about what people are searching for on LinkedIn that you want to come up with the search result and use that in your summary. Because now, if you’re doing outreach on LinkedIn, and you’re reaching out to people, because you want to get on their podcast, or you want to be a speaker, or you want to client rate, whenever you’re reaching out to people on LinkedIn to do, you need to make sure your profile looks worthy of their time. And now it’s starting to write now it’s starting to now you’re starting to intrigue them a little bit. When they see that message from you. They’re gonna be like, Ha, she seems pretty cool, right? That’s what you want. Alright, the third section we want to talk about is just the first experience section. Now, let me just say that I want you to fill in your experience section way back to when you went to McDonald’s in high school. Okay, because somebody might have worked there with you. And you know, maybe they’ll like, wow, I wonder if that’s the person that worked with McDonald’s, right? Here’s the thing. There’s, I don’t care, nobody cares. You made cheeseburgers at McDonald’s. Right? But if you were the person that they brought, like, what you’re doing now is customer service related, like your, your, you know, like you help people really, you know, build relationships, right? You can say, you know, when I worked at McDonald’s, I was the one that they put on the register when cranky, Mr. Murphy used to walk in, because I was the only one that could schmooze him. And he walked out of there smiling, instead of driving everybody crazy, right? Like that. Nobody cares, he made cheeseburgers, but that if that’s relevant to what you’re doing now, tell me that kind of stuff in your experience. So build it up. But don’t worry about all that stuff for now. Right? Don’t worry about all that stuff. For now. For now, all we’re doing is talking about the most current experience, because let’s get real, that’s all the people really care about, when that’s the most, that’s what they care about the most. Okay, so take care of that first experience. And this is of course, where it is more resume like, right, use your keywords. Your headline doesn’t have to be account executive, it could be, you know, voicemail marketing guru, right, if that’s what you sell, whatever you do, right, like, use your keywords, voicemail marketing as a keyword for you then put that in your headline, right? It doesn’t have to say what’s on your business card. There’s no LinkedIn police saying what’s on your business card. I mean, don’t make it you can make it up. But don’t misrepresent yourself. Right? Like, make sure it’s authentic. Because people will find that out in a minute. Right? But you got to do this, you got to do this and you and then and then in the experience, beef it up a little bit. If you know, tell me about your wins. Tell me how much you know if what you did if what you did was sales related. Tell me about how much you grew the sales for this department. You know if what if you have clients, tell me about your clients wins, how many what you do for them, right? Again, tell me about you but make it about me. Okay, so if you just do those three sections, you’ve got a huge head start. Right, then when people check out your profile, they, they’ll at least feel like you’re somebody that is worthy of their time. Okay, and probably when that decision maker looks at your LinkedIn profile, if you’ve done this work, you’re not going to lose that business because of a crappy LinkedIn profile. Right? You’re not gonna lose it. Because of that, I can’t promise you’re gonna get it. But Alicia LinkedIn profile won’t be you know, what will be will do its best to help support you landing those bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger contracts. Okay, so I just want to I just want to recap this for a second, the three sections I want you to do to just move forward with your LinkedIn profile is your headline. Right? We have 220 characters, your summary, we have 2600 characters, and your first experience section. Here’s the deal, we all miss opportunities. But when we see they looked at our LinkedIn profile, and we know it could be better than we’re kicking ourselves, right? I don’t want you to be kicking yourself. Don’t be that person. And, you know, here’s the other thing I mentioned to you, like, I don’t want this to be your resume, your resume is all about who you used to be. Nobody cares about who you used to be about hiring Karen from 10 years ago, right? I want you to project into the future. As you’re writing this the person that you’re becoming dress for the job you want not the job you have, right. So think about what future Karen is how what she’s doing, how she’s doing it the kind of the cool people that are in her life, right? And why your profile, so those people are like, wow, I need to get to know her. I want to know her better. Right? So of course I want your whole profile done. Of course I want your whole profile done. But you have to start somewhere. I mean, listen, I can tell you story after story after story about people in our program in our she’s linked up program that just from getting the profile done, had these huge successes like Jenny Cameron, who was episode Oh, was last week Jenny Cameron was Episode 171. Jenny Cameron, if you haven’t listened to 171, listen to it just by changing her profile, just by changing the profile. She didn’t start connecting with anybody and earning that stuff. Just by changing her profile. The she her her boss’s boss reached out to her and said, How do I not know you? You’re more qualified for my job than I am. And I want you know, we have an opportunity. We want you to interview for 12 years she’d been at the same job 12 years. Five weeks, she’s doing her profile for a couple weeks, not even a couple weeks. She’s doing a profile. And she got and she wasn’t even looking for that by the way, but she got offered a new job. So if you haven’t listened to 171 yet, then listen to that because Jenny Cameron is a perfect example of why you want your profiles on why this is so important. And what you’re missing by not doing it right. How many opportunities to Jenny Miss in the 12 years she didn’t do this. I mean, listen, I’m not I’m not I don’t live in regrets, right. I’m not living I’m not living in regrets, but let’s get real. Let’s Let’s not miss another one. Let’s put it that way. Let’s not miss another one. Jenny’s journey to success started with our online masterclass. As you know, I mentioned earlier that she’s linked up our goal is to recreate wealthy women of influence. Jenny is on her way to being a wealthy woman of influence it and she started with an on demand on demand masterclass. I would love to invite you to watch it as well. Right I refer to LinkedIn as absolutely my money tree. So our on demand masterclass, you can find out what are that money tree COMM The links are all in the show notes. Check it out. It’s on demand. It’s It’s my gift to you. Right. I want you to understand, once you do these couple things, listen to the masterclass. So now you understand a little bit about the shifts, that when you start to make some mindset shifts around how you use LinkedIn, and what you’re missing when you’re not using LinkedIn. That’s where the money starts coming in. And listen, I really I truly believe I love doing the show. I truly love doing the show. But I believe if I like stopped my podcasts and stopped posting and every other social media site and just did the work that I do on LinkedIn, I don’t think I’d lose much of my business would take a big hit the money, the vast majority of the money that comes into my business comes in through LinkedIn. So it can be the same for you. So let’s help each other out. I do this on demand masterclass. For you. I do this podcast every week for you. These are all my gifts to you. I would love you know, I would love for you to share this podcast with your audience and help me out right a rising tide lifts all boats. So let’s rise together. Let’s lift each other up. Help me Help you share this podcast, take a quick screenshot of this episode on your phone. Share that on your social media tag me I’m at Karen Yankovich. So I can share it with my audience. And then we both get more visibility, right? This is so important. And this is honestly this doesn’t take long. This is like an hour on your calendar, get yourself a glass, a glass of wine, whatever floats your boat, and just do these couple things. tag me if you want when you’re done or message me on LinkedIn. I’m happy to take a look at it. But let’s do this. Let’s do this. Let’s not miss any more opportunities. All right. Step one. Hallmark number one, do the three things we talked about on this podcast Hallmark number two, check out what are that manjushree.com and the on demand masterclass. And I promise you by the way, we’re not selling anything on that masterclass. It’s just pure content. If you want some help from us, we’ll tell you at the end how you can get some help from us, but it’s not we’re not selling anything. Don’t need your credit card, do those couple things. And I promise you, if you take action on these things, you’re going to start to see the shift. Fast. exciting, exciting. Okay, I’ll be back here next week with another episode. And until then, enjoy

133 – What Comes Up When You Google Yourself?

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares how to improve your search results.

People are searching for you, even if you don’t realize it. It’s important that you take control of the content that shows up when someone Googles your name.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

It’s no secret that we Google everything. We Google businesses, restaurant and product reviews, celebrities… the list goes on. If everyone does their research before making a purchase, wouldn’t you expect people to Google your name before doing business with you?

Whether you know it or not, people are Googling you. When they search for you, you don’t want your high school prom photos to pop up. You want only what’s going to help you and your business to pop up. And guess what… it’s possible to control what shows up! You need to drown out the less important information by putting more pertinent information out there.

How to Improve Your Search Results

  1. Build Your LinkedIn Profile. The most effective way to improve what shows up when people Google your name is to… you guessed it… build a great LinkedIn profile. On LinkedIn, you can control exactly what you want others to know about you. The stronger your profile, the better your search results will be.
  2. Gain More Publicity (#1). You read that right… gain more publicity. You might be thinking, “Of course I want to gain more publicity, but how do I do that?” Glad you asked! For starters, check out helpareporter.com. On HARO, you have the ability to show up as the expert and write articles that pertain to your industry.
  3. Gain More Publicity (#2). What magazines and articles do your audience read? Find the articles that pertain to your industry, see who wrote them, and connect with those authors on LinkedIn. Then share, share, and share their content until you have the opportunity to write for them or be featured in one of their articles.
  4. Podcasting and Blogging. The more you podcast and blog, the more content you’ll have out there. And the more content you have out there, the better the results that show up on Google will be. But don’t stop at writing and podcasting your own content. Connect with other podcasters and bloggers and try to gain visibility on their shows and articles. (Hint: connect with these people the same way you connect with reporters in #3 by connecting with them on LinkedIn.)

Improving your search results may seem like a daunting task, but if you follow these simple steps, your Google results will improve in no time.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/133
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (2:16)
  • Take control of your LinkedIn network (6:00)
  • Gain more publicity (7:44)
  • Connect through podcasting and blogging (13:11)
  • Episode recap (15:35)

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the Good Girls Get Rich podcast episode 133.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl. Stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:24
Hello, I’m Karen Yankovich, the host of the good girls get rich podcast, and this is episode 133. And on this podcast, we teach digital marketing with the human touch. We want you to build a network full of amazing human beings. Totally cool people that you cannot wait to get on the phone with that can change your business, your life and your bank account for the better for ever digital marketing with the human touch. So we’ve been getting so much great feedback lately on the show and I so appreciate all your ratings and reviews. views, I really want to just take the time to say how grateful I am to you for listening to the show. If you want to let us know what you think we love your ratings and review, you can just go to the show notes at karenyankovich.com/133. And check that out. There’s a link there for speakpipe where you can not only leave us a review, but you can also tell us a little bit about maybe who you want us to interview if you have a great guest we should interview or maybe you’ve got an idea for the show, something you want me to teach or talk about on the show. I would love your suggestions. So go on over to karenyankovich.com/133 and click the link for speakpipe. And let us know and of course, take a quick screenshot and let everybody know that you’re listening to us today. Just take a quick screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories or your Facebook stories. Maybe you’ve got LinkedIn stories, right tag me I’m @karenyankovich. Use the hashtag #goodgirlsgetrich and then we’ll share it with our audience and then That’s how we all get more visibility, right. That’s how we lift each other up and support each other. So I really appreciate that as well. And it also helps us know, which episodes you know are landing with people, which ones people really appreciating. So we love when you share our episodes on social media. So today, I want to talk a little bit about how to control what happens when people throw your name in a search bar. And I mean, Google’s a verb these days, right? I mean, we’re talking googling here, but it could be if you if you use Bing or whatever search bar you use, same thing applies. And it’s important that we know what comes up when our name is thrown in a search. So hopefully you’ve done that for yourself recently. Or you do it consistently and regularly. You throw your name in a search so that you know what comes up when people search for you. But did you know that you can control it? You can control it because when you control it it kind of like people say oh my gosh, I have this my high school prom pictures come up when people search for All right. So you know what, what we need to do is not get rid of it, we need to bury it. We need to bury it with all kinds of other stuff. Right? And because, you know, listen, unless you’ve done something terrible, in which case, this none of us applies or, and I’m not, I’m not an expert at rebuilding your reputation. But what I am going to show you is how to get lots and lots of publicity and get, you know, have lots of things, lots of different things come up when your name gets thrown in a Google search. So a couple years ago, I was working on a project, and it was a big corporate opportunity, and potentially a six figure opportunity. It was a big opportunity. And I you know, you just take take forever to close and we we talked to the people in the sales team and the people in the marketing. And eventually I knew I had a meeting with the with the president of the company. And the first thing he said to me is, do you know when you put your name in a Google search that 10 pages come up? I was like, Yes, I do. Yes, I do. That is deliberate And I said, and that is what I’m going to teach your people how to do. And that helped me land that deal. Okay, it was deliberate. If I’m not saying if I didn’t have that I wouldn’t have gotten the you know, I would have I would be losing deals. Not saying that at all. But what I am saying is use it. This is something we can where you have control in this crazy, Wild, Wild West digital world we live in, take control. And one of the things you have control over is what comes up when people throw your name in a search bar. So here’s the deal. It’s also never been more important to take control of your digital footprint, social media accounts, right? So Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, that will count that all will come up, but you need to Google yourself regularly and see what comes up. Because in this virtual networking world that we’re living in it’s summer of 2020, right? In this virtual networking world, your online foot Print your digital footprint is more important than it’s ever been. nobody’s doing business with you, nobody’s hiring you. Nobody’s giving you $5 without their name and a Google search, because we’re all sitting in front of our computers all the time, right? We’re just not able to get out as much as we used to be able to get out. So and you know, and business is being done virtually very often. So, where you might have met someone in a coffee shop, and I hope I know that day’s coming back, right? But at the moment, we’re doing virtual coffee Hangouts, right? And what do you think’s happening, the check in your name in a Google search and see what comes up. So hopefully, you’re googling yourself regularly and you’re taking, you know, taking note of what’s coming up. Here’s the deal. I want you to build a million dollar LinkedIn network, I want you to be connected with really cool people. And the way that happens is, is when you look worthy of connecting with millionaires, right? You need to be look worthy of it. So let’s take control of what comes up when people Google you shall we Alright, so we’re gonna start with, I know, I know, you can guess we’re gonna start with LinkedIn. Right? The first thing I wanna talk about is LinkedIn. You have got to do your profile. You’re listening to this podcast, we’re at Episode 133. There’s 132 episodes that can take you step by step through how to create a great LinkedIn profile. You got to do it. There is no more excuses on this. If you have had this on your to do list for a long time, and you haven’t done it. Well, guess what? Today’s the day, you know, and I speak to people a lot. And I know that often, you think you have a great LinkedIn profile, and it’s probably presentable. But is it doing you any favors? Is it client facing? Is it letting people know, this is why I am better than everyone else. You have got to do this. You’ve got to have a great LinkedIn network. Because if you put if you’re using LinkedIn consistently, and I’m guessing you are because you listen to this show, or you’re or you’re considering it, then LinkedIn is gonna come up. I think it comes up second to me under just below my website. So it’s my opportunity to tell the world what I want them to know about me, right? So when people put my name in a Google search, I want to tell them what I want them to know about me. So they don’t have to go any further and look for my high school prom pictures, right? So take control of your LinkedIn network. We’ll link to a couple episodes we’ve done on your headline on your bout section below. And you can listen to those episodes and just take a little control over this. And then of course, I’ve got if you listen to this whole episode, we’ll also share how you can get some free training on this as well. So I know, I know, you’re tired of hearing me say this, but you’re listening. So hopefully you’re not do your LinkedIn profile there. You cannot, you cannot not do it anymore. The second thing I want to talk about is publicity press. Have you ever been featured in a newspaper? Have you ever been featured in a magazine? If you put my name in a Google search, you’ll see I get it. ton of publicity, a ton of press. And that is not because people are knocking on my door saying, Hey Karen, can we interview? It’s because I go after them. Okay, there’s so many ways to do this. And the more you get featured in newspapers and magazines and TV, the more you’re the more hits are going to come up for your name. When people throw your name in a Google search, and let me tell you something, if you’re a coach or a consultant, or somebody’s looking for, you know, a five figure six figure, contract with someone, and you have competition and you have 10 pages of content when people throw your name in Google and your competition does not. That is a huge weight in your favor to get that business. You have control of it. It’s not as hard as you think we teach this in every step of everything we do here at uplevel media, in my shoes, linked up program, whether or privately we teach you how to get featured in the news. There’s a couple ways to do this. If you have not signed up yet go to help a reporter calm herro ha, ro, you’ll get emails three times a day from help a reporter calm. And it’s journalists looking for sources for their stories, that’s a little bit overwhelming, right? Because you get three emails a day, and there’s sometimes 5060 things in each email. And a lot of them, most of them will not be at all relevant to you. But sometimes there’ll be something that says, you know, I’m looking for a veterinarian in Bergen County, New Jersey that can talk about this. And if that’s you, you want to respond to that, because it might be great publicity for you. And don’t overlook the anonymous ones. Because sometimes there’s anonymous ones. And often the reason they’re anonymous is because it’s things like the Dr. Oz Show, The Steve Harvey show, okay, I have had clients that have gotten on those shows from herro because of the just responding to them. So it’s simple. It’s not easy. It’s simple because it just dropped in your inbox three times a day, right? So these opportunities are there for you. Every single day, you do have to be careful in creating a pitch. And I will link to some episodes we’ve done, we’ve done a couple episodes with PR experts on the show where they talk about how to craft your pitch. And of course, this is all stuff we can help you with as well. But sign up for help reporter calm and start responding to these queries. The other thing you could do to get more publicity and this is to have probably 100 things right? is go to the the newspapers or magazines or places that you think your ideal clients, the people that are going to pay you $10,000 or $100,000 that you think they’re reading, go to their digital homepage, go to their search bar, and top type in the topic that you talk about. So maybe you teach prenatal yoga, okay, type in prenatal yoga, see who’s talking about that and writing articles about that and connect with them. share their articles, connect with them on LinkedIn, connect the journalists on LinkedIn because remember, if you did number one, you’ve already got a great profile right? makes everything else in your life easier. I promise. Connect with them. And just don’t pitch them. Just say, Oh my gosh, you know, Suzy Smith just wrote this great article and she talks about this, this and this. I talked about what she does an item too. But I’ve never quite looked at it that way. Susie, thank you for opening my eyes on this, tag her share it across your network. Remember, you have a LinkedIn profile that’s already positioning you as a rock star. So now when Suzy does this, right, when she sees that you’re sharing her article, she’s going to check you out, because that’s what we do. Especially if you’re sharing it on LinkedIn, it’s really easy for me to click and see who’s this Karen, check that sharing this and saying all these nice things about me, she’ll see that you’re credible because you’ve let her know that by your profile, and maybe she’ll feature you in your next in her next article. This is again, really easy. I have had clients that have got serious, serious press by doing this. So those are just two easy ways to get publicity, but the and it doesn’t take a lot of time, but you have to bake this into everything you do. If you’re spending I so many people I talked to spend so much time, you know, creating content. And I mean, listen, I’m create this podcast is content. So I create content. So I don’t want you to stop creating content. But I want you to streamline what you’re doing. And I want you to focus on the big rocks focus on what’s important focus on what’s going to help you land, the $10,000 and $100,000 deals. So you can pay people to do the things that you’re saying, you have no time to do this. Because you’re doing that right. Does that make sense? Anyway, publicity, don’t don’t skip this piece, because it’s really, it really helps, it will help you get a ton of visibility, and it will help your Google searches. And when people search you. And if you get 10 things a year even, that’s not even one a month and you could do a whole lot more than that. I promise you. Now how long it’s going to take you to have a few pages, right, especially if you have a common name. My name is not common. So I recognize it’s a lot easier for me to get 10 pages in the first 10 pages of Google for my name, then It might be if my name was, you know, Mary Smith, but Mary Smith, if you’re listening, you can do it too, because all the other Mary Smith’s are not doing this. Okay? So even more important than you do this. And the third thing that you can do to just literally take control of what comes up when people Google you, is take the same concepts that we talked about in the second step and publicity and apply it to blogs podcasts. Do you have a favorite podcast in your industry? Does that podcast host take guests? Go on a little bit of a podcast guesting binge and see if you can get yourself some podcast interviews. I think everyone in the world is starting podcasts now that we are working a little bit more virtually It feels like that way to me, right. So so there’s a lot of people out there that are looking for guests that make sure you listen to the podcast, make sure that you know they actually do take guests and make sure it’s a podcast that you love and that you enjoy the host and get your messages congruent. Reach out to them. Again, connect with them on LinkedIn. Say, I just listened to your podcast I loved Episode 37 where you blah blah, blah, share that episode, right? Same thing you did with trying to get sharing like newspaper articles, writer magazine articles, share their podcasts, guest blogs, most big publications have a process on how to guest blog. If you go to you know, all of the all of the publications in your industry, whatever that is, and type in the name of the publication, and then say, you know, guest blogs or guest submissions, or guest writers, I bet you’ll find a page that says here’s how you apply to become a guest blogger for us. Right? So when you guest blog for those places, it gives you the you come up with, you know, in those will come up in Google as well as all of your content. You can also, you know, look and see if there’s people that again, write about the things you’re expert in, share their blogs, share their content, maybe they’ll quote you in their next piece of content. So these are all ways that you can take personal control, you have personal control over this, of what comes up when people throw your name in a Google search. And I am telling you, this is how you build that million dollar LinkedIn network. It’s by the human to human connections you make, and you’re going to make more profitable and more amazing and really cool human to human connections. When you look worthy of it when you’re coming up time after time after time, in different publications. And when, when people throw your name in a Google search, you got pages and pages and pages. So let me just recap this a second. Number one, you got to do your LinkedIn profile. Okay, enough of that. You heard me rant about that already. Number two, publicity, newspapers, magazines, television, whatever, you know, whatever people are doing YouTube shows, right? What are people doing that in your industry and what is congruent with what you talk about? What shows Do you love what my public Do you love that your audience is reading and getting them find a put a process in place to get featured in those publications. And last, take that same concept over to podcasts and blogs, and look for the hosts of the podcast and the writers for the blogs, of the things that you are expert in and build actual relationships with these people. It’s really cool when you go to a conference and you know, some of the most powerful people there because you’ve been a guest on their show, right? It’s really cool. And you can do this. They’re not looking for you. You’ve got to look for them. Okay, because they’re getting inundated. I get inundated with pitches for my podcast. Okay, I want you on my podcast, but I need to, you need to let me know. And if you’re the one saying I loved this episode, and telling me why. And guess what, I cannot tell you how many people send me guest pitches for this show. And Have not you heard me the very first thing I said was when I introduced the show was Go to speak pipe and tell me if you if you know of a good guest. If you are someone that wants to be on the show, send me go to my application and we’ll put a link in here to how to apply to be a guest on the show as well. But also go to speak pipe, right? I’m telling you how to do this right. And people who aren’t doing this I get cold pitch after cold pitch after cold pitch. So humanize it, humanize it build relationships with people. This is how you build those million dollar networks. So I mentioned to you before that we’ve interviewed some great PR experts on the show we interviewed Amanda Berlin recently Christina Dave’s a maybe a year ago. We’re going to link to those episodes below because I want you to control this I want you to start building your million dollar network today and you know we can help right we’ve got a brand new free masterclass that we’ve created. It’s just hot off the presses. If you go to her millionaire network calm and we’ll link that below as well. Go to her millionaire network calm You can check that out. I’d love your feedback on that. Because we take you through the five shifts that I’ve identified that help you build a network that puts you on the path to your Million Dollar Bank account. So you know I love when you guys share this. So one more ask just take a quick screenshot. Share this with your network, especially if you love to tell us what you loved about it. Tell them what you loved about it. I will share it with my network. A rising tide lifts all boats. Let’s Park our million dollar boats next to each other as the tide lifts them right and support each other. I’m here to support you with this podcast with my new free masterclass which you can check out at hermillionairenetwork.com and let’s kick some 2020 booty together, shall we? I want this to be simple. I’m here to help make the simple. I will see you back here next week with another episode of the good girls get rich podcast.

116 – Polishing Your Virtual Networking Skills

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares 3 ways to polish your virtual networking skills.

As COVID-19 has hindered our ability to network in-person, virtual networking is more important now than ever.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

In-person networking is a great way to meet people you’d like to be connected with. But for now, until the COVID-19 pandemic passes, it’s important that you polish your virtual networking skills and keep making connections. Here are three ways to get started:

Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is THE place to be for virtual networking, and making great connections starts with having a great LinkedIn profile. Take a look. Does your profile make the services you offer clear? Are you taking advantage of the “About” and “Featured” sections? Is your profile picture up to date? Listen to Episode 114 for more details on how to improve your LinkedIn profile.

Look at Your Existing LinkedIn Connections

When people attend in-person networking events, oftentimes they make many great connections, but they fail to follow up with those connections. Sound familiar? Now is the time to look at your existing LinkedIn connections, rediscover those people you meant to follow up with, and get on the phone with them.

Expand Your Network

While we can’t attend in-person events for now, that doesn’t mean you have to stop expanding your network. You still have the power to find new connections who belong to the same groups as you. For example, if you’re a member of a Chamber of Commerce, find people within that group who might be a good connection. Then, reach out to them on LinkedIn by letting them know you’re part of the same group and that you’d like to connect with them.

It’s more important now than ever that you polish your virtual networking skills. And as you start to use those skills, you might just be amazed at how many interesting people you’ll meet.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/116
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (1:09)
  • The benefit of online networking (3:12)
  • How COVID-19 might change our thinking (3:43)
  • Why you should polish your virtual networking skills (5:29)
  • How to improve your LinkedIn profile (9:09)
  • Look at your existing LinkedIn connections (11:51)
  • Expand your network (16:31)
  • Recap of this episode (19:56)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast episode 116.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are, girl. Stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies, and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:24
Hello there. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is Episode 116 of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast. And this podcast is brought to you by Uplevel Media where we teach simple relationship and heart-based LinkedIn marketing, LinkedIn being the tool to building relationships with people that can change your business, your career, your life, your bank account forever, the perfect people. I don’t want you to have to talk to hundreds of people that are not valuable. I want you to learn how to be really micro targeted. Really get on the phone with people that can change so much in your business. So much in your life, heart-based marketing, right? Digital marketing with the human touch. That’s what we teach here at Karen Yankovich Land and Uplevel Media. So it’s been an interesting few months here, as I’m recording this, it is April 2020. And been self-quarantined in my house for a month now. And things have shifted a lot. And I’m going to talk a lot today on this show about what I’m talking about. A lot of it is my opinion. And you know, may or may not be what happens, but I want you to think about it. Because what we’re going to teach you on the show today, this is definitely a teaching episode is going to be valuable to you whether or not you know, what I think is going on, you know, kind of really happens. And again, this is not doom and gloom at all. I think this is really positive for us. Because I think what’s happened is, you know, not being able to leave our houses and go to networking events, go to conferences, I hate it. I love talking to people I love meeting people in person, but What it’s what this has made me do is kind of really refocus. I mean, I teach this stuff, you guys. So, you know, the fact that I’m saying this is kind of crazy, but it reminded me even more. So how important it is to be building actual relationships. Because here’s what happens. Let’s say you get in the car, and you drive to a networking event, which hopefully we’ll be doing again, real soon. Hopefully, if you’re listening to this episode in 2021, you’re thinking back and going, “Oh, my gosh, I’m so glad we’re over all of that now.” Right? You know, you go to a networking event, and I love that I’ve met some great people. I’ve made a lot of good friends, right? I spoke to somebody yesterday, who was a client who said, “I love this particular organization I belong to but it’s just a lot of people like me that like hanging out.” And I love that too. But that’s not business for me, right? So when you go to a networking event, often you meet people that are you love, and they’re not necessarily great business connections, but you love them and you build relationships with them. So but you know, you wouldn’t be going to the networking events, if you didn’t have a business goal in the first place, you have to talk to a lot of people to find the people that are the valuable people, the people that could really bring change in value to your business. Now, we don’t have to do that anymore. Right? Now we can cherry pick through the people that we say, you know what I’d like to get on the phone with these people. Because you know, we’re not walking into a room, we’re kind of looking at our screen and going right who’s valuable? Here’s what I think the reality is, as I’m recording this, it is, you know, the second or third week of April 2020. And we just don’t know they’re still talking about when the economy reopens. I think that, you know, I have no nothing to say about any of that. None of that is my area of expertise. But what I do think is even if we wake up tomorrow morning, and fairy dust sprinkled all over the country, and COVID-19 is gone, and the risk is gone. And we’re completely covered. You know, we know that that things have changed, which I obviously is not gonna happen, but let’s just say that happen even if that happens. And tomorrow, I think we’re going to think differently about the events we go to, at least for a while. And when I say for a while, I think maybe for a year, right? So for example, if there’s a conference that you’ve been thinking about going to, you might think, stop and say, You know what, I think I’m going to skip the 2020 one and go to the 2021 one, right? Because maybe you’re like, I, you know, if I don’t have to get on a plane, if I don’t have to stay in a hotel room, maybe I just won’t for a while, even if I can write even if the economy is reopened, I think that it’s gonna be a slow progression, to getting back to the things that are not as necessary as the things that are, right? So obviously, there’s things that are necessary to get the economy going, but you know, will you be as quick to book a hotel room for an event that’s an hour and a half away that then you might have before? You might say, “You know what, I can drive home and sleep in my own bed where there’s no germs,” right? Now, this might be germaphobe Karen talking here. So maybe You don’t think that way and maybe that won’t happen. But here’s the thing, I think it’s possible that it does happen. I think that hopefully business we get back to business soon, and the economy starts to thrive, and our businesses and our bank accounts are thriving. But even when that happens, I think it’s another progression to get back to the not mandatory stuff, right? The the the in person networking, and you guys, I love my chamber of commerce, peeps, I love all of the talk, I love having a microphone in front of a room, I just think that we’re going to that’s going to be a little bit slower to come back to where it was before, because we’re going to be maybe making choices to do a little, you know, a little modified social distancing, at least for an extended period of time. So that’s not a i’m not i’m not talking about that, like it’s a bad thing at all. I just think that that’s possible. And if so, I think it’s even more important right now to be polishing our virtual networking skills, because I don’t think that has to change Your business, I think it’s just going to change the way you network for a while. So what I want to talk about today is polishing up your virtual networking skills so that you continue can continue to build relationships with people that maybe you did before in person, and you’re doing more now virtually. Okay, so I want to talk a little bit about that on the show today. So if you love this show, you know what I want, right? You know, I want you to take a screenshot and share this with your social media tell your social media audience, that you’re listening to this episode, and that they should listen also. Okay, tag me, I’m @karenyankovich. And I will share it with my audience and that’s how we lift each other up, right? We want to lift each other up especially in these trying times, a rising tide lifts all boats, right, so let’s rise the tide together. How you can help me is by sharing this episode, a screenshot of it with your audience. I will then help you by sharing your post with my audience, getting us both some visibility right so cool. The shownotes and all the links we talked about in this episode, you can find at karenyankovich.com/116. That’s where you can also leave us a review and audio review in Speakpipe. Of course, you could leave a review, wherever you’re listening, that helps us, again, get more visibility for the podcast, but also, you know, dive in a little bit because we’ll know a little bit about what topics we’re getting good feedback on. And we could do more of that, right. So by all means, we love your feedback. Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to the show. Leave us a review on Speakpipe where the links in the show notes, and let’s dive in. So whether or not you agree with me, I don’t care if you’re with me or not. Like, that’s not that’s just what kind of what I’m thinking. It’s still gonna benefit you to polish your virtual networking skills because I think we’re seeing the power of it now. Right? We’re seeing the power of getting on the phone with people in a very strategic way. I have done I have had conversations in the past few weeks with people I’ve known for years. people I’ve met at networking events. In fact, I met I spoke to someone yesterday about, you know, that I’ve met for years at networking events. And one of the things he said to me was, you know, I go to all of these events, but maybe I’m going to too many events because I’m not doing this. I’m not taking enough time to dive deeper into the relationships with the people that I meet at those events. Right? Can you relate to that? Can you relate to that? I’ve known this guy for years, this is the first time we actually had a Zoom call, and you know what, we’re gonna work together. I know, I can help him bring some profit to his business, and he’s gonna help me do some really cool things in my business. So why don’t we have this conversation a year ago? I don’t know. Right? I mean, I like I said, I teach this stuff. But I also need to, you know, be more consistent about implementing it my own business. So if you can relate to that if you can relate to going to events, and then not really seeing the benefit of that event, because you didn’t dive deep enough into some of the relationships with people you might have met there. Then this episode, is for you. So the first thing I want to talk about and you know, this is going to be LinkedIn focus, because let’s get real, this is me here that’s talking about this. The first thing I want to talk about is your LinkedIn profile, I want you to take another look at your LinkedIn profile. And just, you know, especially if you are still offer it well, especially if you do offer services virtually, make sure that that’s very clear in your profile, because people now are looking for that. If you help other businesses, run their business virtually put that in your profile, make sure that your profile like this is your profile is a living breathing thing, you can change it all the time. And if in a few months, that’s not valuable anymore, it doesn’t matter anymore, that you offer virtual services, then you can change it again. But at this moment in time, I want you to make sure that you’re adding into your profile that you offer virtual services. If you do, maybe you’ve you know pivoted to offering virtual services, then put that in there right, but update your profile. Make sure because now more than ever, people are checking you out online. And you have the opportunity to tell the world what you want them to know about you. But that starts with your LinkedIn profile. You know, I’ve got a ton of resources to help you with this. We do a weekly live workshop, freelinkedInworkshop.com. We dive into profile, among other things there. So check that out. If you want my help. We’re doing it live again for the spring of 2020. Who knows what we’ll what we’ll do after that, but Eddie, no matter when you go to that link, you will find our latest workshop on there. But right now, we’re doing this we’re helping you create your virtual presence and do some virtual net, you know, polish your virtual networking skills. So to do that, make sure that your picture is there because we want you know, as we’ve seen from doing, in my case, an uncountable number of Zoom calls in the last couple of weeks. You know, it helps, it helps to have a face to go with the profile. So make sure you have a great profile picture. Make sure you have a header image that also bring some life to your LinkedIn profile. Make sure you’re using things like using the featured section, which is an amazing new section on LinkedIn, make sure you’re using that section, make sure you have an About section that is compelling. And that tells me a story about you. And that makes me want to read it. Okay, take some time to create a great LinkedIn profile. This will make you stand out from the crowd. And this virtual world is pretty crowded right now. Right? So we want you to stand out from the crowd. So take some time to polish your profile. You know, you can also join me in my facebook group, which is karenyankovich.com/facebookgroup. It is a LinkedIn tips Facebook group, you can pop your profile in there and we can give you feedback on it right? So I can help you with this. But this is the time to take some time to create a great profile. Do it Do it your home, you sit in front of a computer, take some time to create a great LinkedIn profile. The next thing I want you to think about then is to look at your existing LinkedIn connections. And again, like walking into a room of 100 People were you know, 90 of them are lovely, but not necessarily going to help you with your business. I’m not looking for you to talk to every single one of your LinkedIn connections. What I am looking for you to do is to cherry pick, go through your LinkedIn connections, see who might be somebody that, you know, we’ve been connected for a while, I’d love to hear what this person is doing. Because there might be some opportunities to collaborate. It’s not necessarily selling your services. It’s about who are you connected with, that you might be able to have a conversation with, because maybe they can offer your stuff to their audience, right? Or maybe they would be a good client. Or maybe they could refer you to someone and say, you know, this is not something I’m looking for right now. But I really want to introduce you to my brother, Joe. But here’s the thing, you’re not reaching out to them and saying, hey, buy my stuff. you’re reaching out to them and saying, you know, Hey, Hey, Joe, we’ve been connected on LinkedIn for a couple of years now. We never really took the time to get to know each other. But I was, you know, poking through My LinkedIn network because you know, I feel like this is a good time to really get to know some of the people I’ve been connected with for a while and haven’t really built a relationship with and you’re doing some really cool things. I see you were featured recently in Forbes or I see you’re teaching some virtual classes now, how’s that going for you? I’d love to hear more about that. That’s the kinds of introduction that I want you to an introductory opening that I want you to do with your LinkedIn network, your existing LinkedIn network, so go through if you’re using Sales Navigator and I did will also link to it was a two part series are mainly been a three part series that we did on how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, it is by far the best tool I pay for every single year. So it’s a great tool and it allows you to narrow down the search of your first degree connections so that you’re not sitting there paging through them. But I do want you to read the profile. So it is a little bit of like I say tedious, but know that there’s no magic wand. You’ve got to go through it, you’ve got to read their profiles, especially if you want them to get on the phone, I don’t want you to send 10 canned messages to people, that nine of them are going to know it’s candid, not respond to you. So maybe you get one phone call, I want you to send three kids three messages that you have really dove into their profile, and really personalized that message. Because again, you don’t know until you get on the phone with someone if they’re if there’s value. But the more you, you know, the more pre work you do and research you do on these people before you met, reach out to them, the better shot you will have a number one getting them on the phone because you’re personalizing the message. And number two, getting on the phone with people that you know, you’re like, Oh my gosh, this is gonna be amazing. I can’t wait to talk to this person, right? But here’s the thing, you’re not on that first message to them. You’re not saying let’s talk you might if it’s somebody that you’ve known for a long time, but it’s really like I’d love to hear more about that and then if they respond, maybe your next messages Do you have a couple minutes to jump on? The phone or jump on a Zoom call, okay, I wouldn’t make I wouldn’t go straight for the phone call, unless it’s somebody that you know, you know, or that you think will be responsive to that, but put yourself in their place. Yes, you’ve been connected for a couple years. So technically, it’s a warm-ish connection, but they still don’t know you. So I still wouldn’t go straight for the phone call. Because at the end of the day, we’re all on LinkedIn to grow our businesses. But we don’t want to feel like we’re being pitched all the time. So you want to make sure that you genuinely are interested in what they’re doing. Maybe you can truly introduce them to your audience, right? Maybe you’re doing videos, interviews with people now and maybe they there’s a possibility that it’d be a good person here to interview right? Who knows, this is the time to dive deeper into those relationships. And I know, when you see the power of this, you’re gonna keep doing this even six months from now, when maybe the economy is open, but you know, you may be still doing a little bit less in person networking than you might have been a year ago to understand where I was going with that. So you know, you’re at existing LinkedIn network, now’s the time to go through it and see who you may want to get on the phone with. And maybe you just say, here’s what I’m doing. Who do you know? Who do you know, is a great question to ask on LinkedIn? Because you know, listen, we’re not we’re there to network, we’re there to build our business. It’s not like Facebook, or Instagram or Twitter, where it’s part personal and maybe part business, depending on your business, right? LinkedIn, it’s all business. So it’s okay. I mean, it’s not okay to be pitching people all the time. But it’s okay to have a business focus and say, here’s what I’m doing. Who do you know? All right. And then the last piece of this is to think about expanding your network, I would love to see you building your network by 5 to 10 people every single week, and I normally say five people, but now that you’re locked in your house, maybe you could even do 10 I don’t want you to do more than that. Because I’m not looking for you to have this big giant network of people. You don’t do anything with. You know, hopefully, you’ve gotten from this podcast already, that I want you on the phone with people right. So who made You belong to a chamber of commerce. Okay. And again, let’s say there’s 1000 people in the member directory, you’re sitting in front of your computer, ma’am, while you’re catching up on your neck while you’re watching Netflix, right? So So grab your laptop, open up the member directory, and again, cherry pick, if business coaches or your industry if insurance agents or your industry if sales organizations are good contacts for you look to see who those people are. You’re not these are people you’re not currently connected to, but you have a warm connection being that you’re both members of the same chamber. So now your connection request to them says, you know, hey, Sally, my name is Karen and I, we’re both members of this Chamber of Commerce. But I don’t know that we’ve ever actually met in a meeting and looks like we’re not going to be meeting at a meeting anytime soon. So I was kind of poking through the member directory to see who I thought you know, I’d like to get to know more. And it looks like you’re really doing some cool things. I’d love to be connected to you here on LinkedIn. That’s it, drop it there. Okay. But again, Sally’s likely to accept that connection request because you gave her a reason to say yes. You’re not just saying, Hey, we have connections in common, right? Or hey, you look like you’re a pretty cool, you’re saying, We’re both members of the chamber, I joined the chamber to meet more people, and you’re somebody that I think I’d really like to meet, but have never made the time. We’ve somehow that’s never happened yet. So let’s start by connecting on LinkedIn. Okay. I can give you 50 examples of other warm networks you can do this with In fact, I did a whole podcast about this. And I’ll share that in the show notes to where you can find other warm networks to do this with. Okay, maybe it is maybe you spoke at a conference. And there were other speakers at the conference. You can say, Hey, you know what, six months ago we were both speakers at this blah, blah, blah conference, and we never actually made time to get to know each other. But now that I’m sitting here with a little bit of extra time on my hands, I came across some of the stuff you were doing or I watched the replay. Play of your talk or something. And it was, you know, really, it was really intriguing. I love that you talk about this and this, I talked about this. And this, I’d love to get to know more about you. Let’s start by connecting here on LinkedIn. Right? Or maybe you weren’t a speaker at the conference, maybe you just went to the conference, you know, these warm connections, real, give people a reason, five to 10 a week, because, again, I want you to ultimately get on the phone with these people. And if you do this to 20 or 30 people a week, you’re not going to be able to, you’re going to overload yourself. And I don’t want that I want this to be simple, consistent, but simple. Okay, so the three things we talked about here are ways that you can polish your virtual networking skills is one, first and foremost, take care of that profile. Because in the next two things we talked about, you’re going to have much more success with those. If you have a profile that positions you as somebody they want to get to know right and that’s on you. That’s on you. Create a great profile. Let me help you join the Facebook group. Watch the webinar. You know, join me for the workshop. All the links are in the show notes. Number two, go through your existing LinkedIn connections. Who is it that you want to get? Pick the top five people you want to get on the phone with this week and customize a message to them. That is gonna that there’s a no brainer, yes on their part. Right. Make sure you’re telling them why you love what they’re doing. Make, you know, don’t be as authentic as you can and genuinely be looking to support them as well. Don’t just be looking for a way that they can give you money. Okay, when you LinkedIn is the place to for the best use of LinkedIn is for those collaborations. You absolutely will meet people that will ultimately hire you, okay, if you do this job if you do this job, right, but start by offering them value. And then the third thing is continue to build that LinkedIn network, but do it with your warm networks. Okay, if you belong to networking groups, look and see are you connected to them all on LinkedIn, maybe it’s even like a bi group or something and there’s six people in there that, yeah, you’ve met but you’ve never been connected to them on LinkedIn. And when you connect with them on LinkedIn, you see that they, you saw something about them you didn’t know before, maybe that’s valuable. I can talk about that forever. And again, I did a whole podcast on that. So I’ll share that here as well. But that is how you start to polish your virtual networking skills. And whether or not you feel comfortable in a month or two months or six months. as comfortable as you did six months ago going to in person events. These are skills that are still going to serve you well because once you see how powerful this is, hopefully you’re going to continue to do this even when you are going out and networking in person because of this, my friends is why I love LinkedIn so much. So for me as much as I hate what got us here. I love the lightbulb that’s going off in so many of my clients heads and so many of my contacts heads about how this really just get on the phone with people thing really works right. So I love that and I can’t wait to see that light bulb for you. I can’t wait To hear how this works for you. So if you love this episode, remember, I’d love for you to take a screenshot of it, share it with everyone, you know, now is the time for everyone to be doing this, right. So share this wide, share it all over the place that helps me you know that I want to help you as well. So I will do everything I can to get you the same visibility. I want you to stay safe and happy and healthy and thrive through all of this and I know that you can. And I hope that you take me up on my offer to help you join the Facebook group happy to look at your profile, they are joining the workshops, share this stuff and let’s lift each other up so that we are thriving as we go through this, this crazy spring of 2020. And when we’re on the other side of it that we still learn, we take with us the lessons that we learned unexpectedly as we are emerging through this event. I will see you back here again next week for another episode of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast.

114 – Three Simple LinkedIn Profile Updates

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares 3 ways you can update your LinkedIn profile.

As you’re staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the perfect time to update your LinkedIn profile and make sure it’s reaching its maximum potential.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Are you stuck at home amid the coronavirus pandemic? Now is the perfect time to take a look at your LinkedIn profile and make sure it’s reaching its maximum potential. Here are 3 ways you can improve your profile:

Your Profile Header Image

The header image is one of the first things people see when they visit your LinkedIn profile, and you need to make sure it shows who you are, what you do, and what you have to offer. Use it to show the world what product you sell. Update it to promote your upcoming event. Tell your fans how they can subscribe to your email updates. There are many ways to make the header image work for you… use it to your advantage!

Your “About” Section

The “About” section of your LinkedIn profile is a tool to show others what you’re all about. Don’t be shy! Tell others all about yourself and what you do. The more information you share about yourself, the better search results you’ll get on Google… more visibility!

Your “Featured” Section

The “Featured” section, which used to be the “Media” section, is a new update on LinkedIn. This section allows you to feature what’s important to you. Have an event coming up? Add it to your “Featured” section. Just released a podcast episode? Share it in “Featured.” Use this section of LinkedIn to promote what’s important to you.

As we’re all stuck at home with little to do, take advantage of this extra time, update your LinkedIn profile, and reap the benefits!

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/114
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (2:58)
  • Taking control of your personal brand (6:37)
  • Why your LinkedIn header image is important (8:18)
  • What makes a good LinkedIn “About” section (11:31)
  • The value of the “Featured” section on LinkedIn (13:56)
  • Recap of the episode (19:33)
  • Info about Karen’s weekly live webinar (20:31)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast episode 114.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are, girl. Stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies, and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello there. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich, and we’re on episode 114 of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast. And at the time that I am recording this, I live in New Jersey, and in New Jersey we are self-quarantining due to the coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. And you know, the world’s upside down a little bit, right? So I’ve shifted my business I’m sure that you’ve shifted yours or you’re thinking about shifting yours. One of the things that I’ve been doing if you haven’t seen them yet, is creating daily live videos. How can you Make $1,000 Roday? And I think it’s important that we understand that while we might not have control over a lot of the things in our life right now, right? We don’t have control over what our employers do with our paychecks. We don’t really have control over what our customers do, although we can have a little bit more control over that, you know, we don’t have necessarily even control of what the government does, we’re our families do, we do always have control over what we do? And we always can count on ourselves to show up in a way that is confident and that is going to make an impact, you know, a positive impact in our lives moving forward. And I get it, let me tell you, I get it that it’s not easy. You know, I’m recording this on a Monday and I will tell you that I spent the weekend not really depressed because I’m not really a depressed person, but in a way like what the ever-living heck is going on. And when I went to bed last night, I went I went to bed thinking I need to wake up tomorrow and kick myself in my own behind, and, you know, take control over how I spend the next few weeks. Because it is, you know, it is possible I only can control what I can do right I can’t control what’s going on in the world. And what I can do is continue to support you continue to support you and learning how to continue to make a living during this crazy time. And that’s why I’m doing these Make $1,000 Today videos, you can check them out at make1ktoday.com. That gets you to my YouTube playlist. So I hope that that is inspiring you to just shake a little bit of cash out of your business and not be waiting on the government to send you a check or you know your employer to rehire you or anything like that. I’m always available for consultations if you’d like go to my LinkedIn profile. I’m going to talk to you a little bit about that today. Be go to my LinkedIn profile and there’s a button there that you can schedule some time to chat if you want to brainstorm with me about what that might look like for you. But here’s the thing, I think today is a great day to, to take a look at your LinkedIn profile. Because as you are stepping into whatever this new chapter of your life is, it’s up to you to tell the world what that looks like why you what makes you the person to support whatever it is that your support right now, right and, and your LinkedIn profile is where you tell the world what you want them to know about you. So what I’m going to do today is give you some ideas to get you just give you a couple little quick ways that you can make the biggest impact on your LinkedIn profile. While maybe you have a little bit of time, because we’re all sitting here with our phones in our hands all day long rate, or hopefully not, but at least I am way more than I should. And people are going to throw your name in a Google search, your LinkedIn profile is going to come up. So take this opportunity now where maybe you have a little more time behind your computer and create make some make some little changes to your profile that could make some big changes in your brand and your business and your career. So as usual, if you’ve listened before you love what you hear today, you know, we’d love to hear from you. So take a quick screenshot of this episode, and share it on social media tell the world that you’re listening to this show tag me, I’m @karenyankovich across all social media and I will share it with my audience and that way we both get more visibility right and that’s how we we support each other. That’s how we lift each other up in the show notes for this episode, which is at karenyankovich.com/114. You’ll see a link for Speakpipe or you can leave us an audio review. I love that! In the audio you not only, not only can you leave us an audio review, it’s kind of like a voicemail, right? You can just leave us a message with whatever it is if you have a guest you think we should have on the show speakpipe is a great way to tell us about that. If you want to be a part of my Make $1,000 Today series messaged me, you know reach out to us on Speakpipe and let me know what kind of ideas you have about shaking cash out of your business in your life in this Crazy new world of ours. And, you know, because we’re looking to book guests, we’re doing this every day. Right? So we’ve got a lot of a lot of guest opportunities on that. So check that all out. So, you know, I will just a little bit of a backstory as to why I’m doing this episode. Right before this pandemic really became a big thing here in the US. I was at a conference, Podfest Multimedia Expo Conference with 2000 people. And you know, we got to the conference, knowing that this was going on in the world knowing that it might be moving to the US but not really understanding the impact of it yet. By the end of the conference, which was like three days later, the world had shifted. I was in Florida, my parents live in Florida, so I took a train to go back with them and spend a couple days and literally didn’t stay the end up end up saying the whole week I ended up turning around and going back but what has been interesting since then, not just Podfest, but Podfest then created a virtual opportunity to kind of talk for me anyway for some people to talk to their audience about what their topic was at the show, but also independent podcast conference. And I’ll put links to both of these Facebook groups because they’re both public in the Facebook group. Both of these learning opportunities also did a two day summit in the last two days, just with lots of free information about podcasting. So I have had my head in the world of supporting podcasters since this since I was at the conference, and then I did to, you know, live virtual events for podcasters since then, and really what I was trying to get across to the podcast community and that translates to what I’m going to teach you today is you are an influencer. And whatever it is you do, you can be you can position yourself as influential. And it starts with you. It starts with you what makes you different. So it’s really been more apparent to me than that. The importance of really taking control of our personal brand. Listen, a lot of people that I work with on LinkedIn strategy are businesses, right? Sometimes they’re small businesses, and they bring me into training. Sometimes they are entrepreneurs, and they and they hire me to help them get leads. And I love doing all of those things. But for the podcast community, it’s really been more about creating a strong personal brand, so that you can get better guests so that you can get maybe to be a guest on other people’s show so that you can get great sponsors, right. And you have to take control of that. So I’m going to give you a couple tips today on how you can do this because I think whether you’re a podcaster or an entrepreneur or a small business owner, or somebody sitting here looking at your computer going, what can I be bringing to the world during this time, right? I mean, we’ve had a week or two to kind of stick our heads under our pillows and say, oh my gosh, what is this world coming to right? But you know, we got to pull ourselves out of that at some point. So when you’re ready to pull yourself out, I’m here to support you and I wanted to share that with you show you a couple ways today that you can start grabbing control over what people see when they throw your name in a Google search. And these are simple things, right? These are three simple things that you can update on your LinkedIn profile right now while you’re quarantined while you’ve got a computer and not a whole lot else to do. So the first thing I want you to look at is your header image. And that is when you pull up your profile that is what’s at the very top of your profile. And if you haven’t done anything with it, it’s just like a gray box as very, you know, doll and, and, you know, it basically just shows that you’re not paying all that much attention to your LinkedIn profile. So there are so many free tools Canva being one. Canva C-A-N-V-A, we’ll link to that in the show notes being one where you can create a header image of yourself and let me just tell you, graphics are so not my thing. I am not great at graphics, but I can create a graphic on Canva that I can put on my LinkedIn profile. So because Canva makes it so easy for us. So When you go into Canva, they don’t at the moment that I’m recording this anyway, they don’t have a template for your LinkedIn header image for the LinkedIn hero image, whatever you want to call it. So what you’re gonna want to do is create a custom image and the custom dimensions are 1584 pixels, so 1584 x 396. So 1584 x 396 are the dimensions that you want to use when you’re creating a new header image. Now, you don’t have to make this beautiful, you don’t have to add words. In fact, I kind of almost recommend you don’t, because when you pull up your profile on different types of devices, different kind of mobile devices, you know, when landscape portrait, your iPad, your computer, your profile image, which is the picture view sometimes moves around, so you don’t want your profile image to be on top of the text that you have in that. So I’m not saying you have to make this complicated. You can make this if you’re a realtor, take a beautiful picture of something that you have. That’s a second in your community, right maybe it’s springtime and the apple blossoms are in bloom take a picture of that. upload it to your header image. If you do you know if you’re a an author take a picture of your book and and just kind of just showcase what it is that you do and use this header image to showcase what it is that you do. I changed my header image a lot. I use it for kind of promo right now I have my free training up there. And you know, it lets people know that I have this free training if people are interested, right. So I change it a lot. It’s not hard to do, but it’s something that we don’t often do. So now that I’m asking you to take a couple minutes and look at your LinkedIn profile. And make some updates. Make an update to that header image. Just take some time, create a new graphic, update it, you know, in Canva, you can even create like almost like multiple graphics of the same size, right? So you might want to create a couple like if you’re a realtor, create four different ones for four different cities. Write and then update them. If you have if you know you have something coming up, but you’re not marketing it yet, update it right now with something that’s more generic something maybe that’s list building for you. But then make another one and be ready. When you’re when the time comes to update your header image to whatever it is you’re currently going to be marketing. Again, I could talk about this forever different ideas for that you can always join me in my facebook group as well, which is completely free. And we’ll link to that in the show notes as well. And we can brainstorm What a great header image might be for you. The second thing I want you to think about is your about section. Now this is really interesting. And this is really cool because the about section, let me just talk about the about section for one second. the about section used to be called your summary. And in fact when you go to edit it at least in my case, it still says summary. It says edit about but then it has summary there, right? So your about section used to be 2000 characters, but it’s been changed. Now it’s been changed that now you can update it to 2600 characters, they’ve given us an additional 600 characters. So that’s a lot more characters, right when 2000 to 2600 is a lot more characters. So it’s giving us more time, more, more opportunity to really tell a story. So when they change this from summary to about, think about this from a psychological standpoint, it’s a tiny little change on your LinkedIn profile, but it’s I think it has big psychological impacts. A summary is a book it’s boring, it’s just you know, like the summary of a book and it’s just the you know, here’s, here’s a little bit about what the book is like. But about is interesting, right? You know, anything about website marketing, you’ve probably know that your about page on your website is often the most visited page on your site. Because we’re nosy, right? We want to know more about the people that we do business with. So when you’re creating your about section, make it interesting. Don’t make it boring. Make it in first person Tell me a story. Tell me about you tell me what makes you interesting what you’re passionate about about the business, you’re doing right? And use all 2600 characters because those characters feed Google. They feed LinkedIn. They feed it, they feed it when people are searching. So think about what are people searching for on LinkedIn that you want to come up as a search result if you want to be a podcast guest, put that in your about section. So when people search for that you come up if you want to be a keynote speaker, put it in your about section. If you are a money mindset coach, make sure you’re using those words in your about section, right, and feed these platforms so that when people are searching for this stuff, your profile comes up. So again, all 2600 characters make it interesting, make it a story and take some time to really recreate this section. You’re welcome to model mine. I actually am always changing mine so I don’t even know what mine’s gonna look like by the time this episode goes live, but you’re always welcome to model it. The last thing I want to talk to you about here that you can make a little change on, and this is cool. This is a really cool. So LinkedIn has recently taken the media that used to be living in our about section. Right. So at the bottom of your about section, there was an opportunity to put media in there. And if you scroll down to your experience section, you’ll see what I’m talking about, you can still add media to your experience section the way we used to be able to edit our about section. Now I’m going to qualify this by saying there are still a few people that don’t have this feature yet. So if you’re still seeing the media that’s across your about section, I still want you to listen to this because this is going to apply to you. Even today, even though you don’t have this feature. And I’m going to tell you why in a minute. But what LinkedIn is doing is they are rolling this out slowly but I think the majority of the people are seeing this now. They’re pulling the media out of the about section and they’re creating a section called featured. And these this featured section is immensely valuable. These are giant tick boxes that really stand out from the little tiny media boxes that we used to have before compared to the little tiny media boxes that we used to have before. And you still have the ability to put a whole bunch of different things in your featured section. But I am a fan the way it’s laid out right now, and this could change. This is a brand new section. But at this moment in time, I’m a fan of only using two because when you use more than two, it becomes like a carousel with those arrows that you can click to make it to go through them. And then it gives people like something else to do besides click on one of them. I want them to click on one of them right. So what I’m currently doing right now for my featured section, is I have one of the boxes I’m using and I’m updating it every week for my most current podcast episode and then the other one I created a box that says apply for a complimentary strategy call. Now I have been doing complimentary. I mean most business coaches do complimentary strategy calls right? I’ve been doing this for years, and I’ve had this on my LinkedIn profile for years. And I’ve gotten a few people book calls from my LinkedIn profile over the years, but I’m getting multiple people booking calls from this section a week now, because this I, what I did was I wanted to create, I went back into Canva that we talked about in the first tip that I talked about. And I created a box in Canva that just says ready to learn how to leverage LinkedIn, apply for a complimentary set strategy called click to schedule. And when you click that box, it takes you right to my calendar, so that you can immediately schedule time to chat with me. This is huge. This immediately monetizes LinkedIn by doing these kinds of things. Now, what you’ve also can do and the thing I can’t imagine that I’m ever going to take down this apply for a complimentary strategy call. But I’m always testing other things in the on the box on the left, for example, I did a LinkedIn live with Marie Forleo a couple months ago, and it got a lot of action and it was a lot of fun to do. And one of the things you can do With your featured section is feature a post. So if you’ve got a post that’s doing really well on LinkedIn, like an actual post, like maybe it’s a blog post, or maybe it’s just a question you ask your audience, you can feature that post. And when they click on it, it will go right to that. So by featuring the interview with Marie Forleo, I got even more people that were able to click on it, which was really cool. All kinds of things you can put in here. The other thing that’s really interesting about this section that’s different than way than the way it was before, and it’s different than the way the media still is, in the experience section is, when you click on these links in the experience section, you go straight to the link that you’ve identified there. Whereas before you would go to this interim kind of a holding page. So it wasn’t a direct link. You had to click at least twice to get to the place you wanted people to get to and I don’t know you lose people that way. Right? This you go straight there. So I’m still experimenting with this section. But I am telling you it is one of the best changes LinkedIn is made in a long time. So the third thing I want you to do while you’re quarantine is look at the media you have in your about section. Or maybe you don’t have any media, maybe it’s time to add some media. And make sure if you have this featured section, make sure you’re really intentional about using it with. I like to two specific types of media. Here’s the thing. That’s important to know, even if you don’t have this feature yet. When I look at everybody’s profile on LinkedIn, I see it the way I have it. So let’s just say Suzy doesn’t have this featured thing yet. When I look at Susie’s profile, I see her media as a featured section even though she doesn’t. Okay, and when she looks at mine, she doesn’t see it as featured. She sees it as media in the about section. So what’s important to know about that is you need to do this even if you don’t have the feature yet, because everybody that does have the feature sees your media the way I’m saying here right now. So you want to still do this, even if you don’t have it pulled out of your about section yet, in the featured section, I know this is a little complicated. But listen, I don’t make this up. I’m just reporting it. So you want to make sure that you’re picking choose really important types of media creating a really strong graphic to go along with it, and send people to that section. Again, if you’re, if you’re not sure how to do this, or you are looking for support on how to how to, you know, really take advantage of these things that we talked about today. I’m here to help you and I’m going to tell you a couple ways we can do that. But let me just recap real quick. The first thing I want you to do is update your header image 1584 x 396 simple to do take some time, make sure it’s updated and relevant. The second thing is update your about section you have 600 more characters than we’ve had before. Make sure that it is story based easy to read something that is going to intrigue me and interest me make sure you have a call to action in there. Make sure it’s first person I know it’s a lot of rules, but you’re gonna be so happy when you’ve got this done. Because it’s really going to be valuable to your business and may help bring the profits to your business. That’s why we’re doing this right not so that we can look pretty so that we can have more money in our bank account. And the last thing is to be really intentional about two pieces of media to use in your featured section on your LinkedIn profile. So in addition to and I may I, by the way, I broke all the rules that I teach in this episode by saying one call to action one call to action. I gave you a million calls to action in this episode here, but I’m going to give you one that you absolutely want to take advantage of and that is this. In addition to doing the daily videos that Make $1,000 Today videos, I am doing a weekly live webinar because what I know is when people start to see more about you on your LinkedIn profile, when they start to maybe invest in you on a smaller level that we’re teaching in the make one k today, there are going to be a certain number of people that will want more from you. And LinkedIn is not the place for you to sell your hundred dollar programs because I want you on the phone with people and you cannot get on the phone with enough people To make enough money at $100 a pop. So what I’m doing is I’m brainstorming every single week with you, I’m doing a short webinar or short workshop. And then I’m sending out as long as you want to brainstorm with everyone that’s on the workshop live about what Your $5,000 Offer can be on LinkedIn. And here’s the thing, all of the things we talked about today need to be in line with that, right. So if you have a podcast, if you have a blog, or if you’re doing video, make sure that that is in line with what you’re, you know, maybe an introductory offer that you’re driving people to, which is where you make the thousand dollars in a day. But make sure that offer is in line with something that is a higher end offer. People will pay for faster results. We have lots of people now that are working more than ever, right? They’re working from home, they’re homeschooling their kids, they’re swamped. They need our help. Okay, this is not the time to stop offering what you provide in the world. It’s the time to continue to offer it. So your continued is to continuing to support people through this crazy time. Yes, I mean, I am providing free life videos every single day free weekly workshops every single week. But obviously at some point, I am a for profit business. If you want more, I’m going to tell you what that looks like. That’s what I want you to be able to do too. So join me every Wednesday, if you go to create your5000offer.com you can, you can register for that workshop. I love to have you there. And we can brainstorm what Your $5,000 Offer is, but maybe even what the featured images or your header image might be, that will be in line with that $5k offers that you get people into that offer when you’re ready. So I hope that this was valuable to you. I mean, you got no excuse. If you’re sitting around at your computer. Listen, I work from home. So this really shouldn’t be all that different from me, but somehow it is. So take some time position yourself so that you are ready for the business when it comes in. There’s so much more to this than I can talk about on this short podcast. But position it make sure that your LinkedIn profile is is pivoted to go with the kinds of Things that you’ve you’re pivoting to in your business I’m here to help you decide what that might be. Again free workshops every single week. Happy to do that. So you join my facebook group at karenyankovich.com/facebookgroup, watch the weekly videos at make1ktoday.com. They’re broadcasts across in my in my Facebook groups that’s the best way to get notified of those. And join me every week for the your5000offer.com workshop. Let’s lift each other up here. We need each other, we need each other. Let me help you so that you can help the people that you need to help share this podcast. Remember, take a quick screenshot of this episode on your phone and share that on social so I can share it with my audience. The bottom line is I want you to be massively successful in 2020. I want this to be simple for you. I want to look at this time as a time for us to really evaluate what the next season of our life and our business and our careers are going to look like. And innovation comes from challenging times like this. So Let’s do this together. I’ll see you next week for another episode of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast.