This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Dee Taylor shares about the success she’s had working with Karen Yankovich and the She’s LinkedUp Program.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the relentless demands of running your business? Do you long for expert assistance to manage your membership program, or a tech-savvy partner to streamline your operations? You’re not alone. Running a business can often feel like a solo, exhausting journey. But imagine having someone wholly dedicated to your success, someone who shares your entrepreneurial vision and is committed to making it a reality. That’s where Deirdré Taylor steps in as your online business manager.


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About the Episode:

In this insightful episode, we’re diving deep into Dee Taylor’s incredible journey! Dee opens up about her initial reservations and how that first call with me set the stage for a transformative 12 weeks, bringing unparalleled clarity and direction.

We’ll explore the vital role of commitment and the remarkable success stories of those fully immersed in the program. Dee sheds light on the magnetic approach that reshaped her client interactions, leaving a lasting impact. Get ready to discover a unique perspective on the program, emphasizing the genuine care and support embedded in its essence.

As we gaze into 2024, Dee unveils her plans to scale impact and empower women in South Africa. Join us as we unravel the layers of Dee’s journey and tap into the transformative magic of my program.

Let’s make 2024 a year of profound business growth and impactful change!

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

  • “You create a kind of clarity. It’s like you help unveil what’s behind the curtain.” – Dee Taylor
  • “Your success is going to be dependent on how much you do the work and the outreach that you do.” – Karen Yankovich
  • “I want to know that in every fiber of my body… I want more women to have more money.” – Karen Yankovich
  • “At the heart of everything, Karen truly cares about the women in her program. She wants to see that you have the results and feel valued and supported.” – Dee Taylor

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:09
Hello, hello, everyone, welcome to the good girls get rich Podcast. I’m Karen Yankovich. I’m the host of the good girls get rich podcast. This is episode number 271. And I am so excited for you to meet our guests today. You know, you hear a lot you hear me talk a lot about how much I adore the women that are in my shoes linked up accelerator program and all the changes that they make in the world and the the importance of the of them stepping into this new identity and their personal brand. But we have what I haven’t talked a lot about is how we do some of the stuff behind the scenes. So today, I’ve got dear, she is on team, she’s linked up. And she has also gone through the program as a student, because it’s important to me that everyone on my team knows exactly what it is that we do and that we teach. So she’s coming here today with a couple of different perspectives, right, the one perspective of being behind the scenes, but also the perspective of a student. So D welcome, want to talk about a little bit about yourself.

Dee Taylor 1:13
Karen, it’s so it’s amazing to be on the podcast with you, of course. And it’s amazing to be able to share my experience of working with you and the ladies in your team to deliver and serve the women that we actually serve. So I think we’ve been working together for about 18 months, somewhere around there now. And I will definitely say that I’ve had the time of my life, I work as a virtual assistant. And it’s my job as you always say, to love up on your students. And

Karen Yankovich 1:51
all around here, I just released my microphone while you keep while you keep talking, talking.

Dee Taylor 1:57
And so of course, I’m in the business of love. Many years ago, I was actually told that part of my purpose in life is to love and so that’s why this being working on this team, is it means so much to me, because it means that I get to love I literally get to love and really hold space for the women, you know, because what we often find is that we are our own obstacles, we create our own obstacles through our thoughts, and everything that comes along with that. And many times, all we need is just for someone to cheer us along on our journey and to say, you know, it’s okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to, you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to take one step. Don’t stand still just do one thing today, if that’s all you can manage to do. So yes, yeah, yeah. Well,

Karen Yankovich 2:49
it is true. That is your number one job, job responsibility is to love up on our clients. And, and you know, it’s important, you know, we’ve had some, let’s just say hiccups with that, not for your fault for my fault, right? Like I remember a couple months ago, we were doing something and I was so I know I was completely swamping you to what I mean. And I’m like, I was completely swamping this poor woman, with some busy work that we just had to get done instead of going outside and finding somebody that could just do the busy work. And I woke up one morning, and I just felt like we were not serving our clients that I was pulling in too many directions. So I was like, that’s it from today forward. Anything that I asked you to do that’s on this side of the pre sale side of this business, you’re to say to me, are you sure you really want me to do that, Karen, because my job is the post sale, because I really, because it’s so important to me, that we’re serving up because there’s one thing that you said D that I want to bring out to people that are listening, and that is that we’re there for them, we’re loving up on them. And it’s not like the women that we work with. And man we’ve had a few men it’s not like they don’t have other people in their life that love and support them. But so often they don’t understand their big goals, right, like their family and their friends. And you know, I was actually talking I don’t know who was I was talking to recently. And you know, I was and you guys have may have heard me whine about this before listeners to the show. I was whining a little bit I think about my about health insurance here in the United States and how expensive it is. And I can talk to my entrepreneur friends about that. If I talk to my family and friends, they say Karen, just go get a job where they pay your health benefits. Do you know what I mean? Like that is not that is not supportive and helpful to me, right? They think it is they think it’s supportive and helpful, but it’s not really supportive and helpful to me and and you know, listen, my goal is let’s just make enough money that that number is irrelevant, right? Which is really what I want for all of the people that join our program. I want them to be thinking bigger and stepping into their you know, their bigger role whatever that next chapter is for them. It it can be bigger, but it’s it’s too far. When I see the only way that we can, I’m going to almost say guarantee success with this is with a community around you. Right? We’ve tried to do this ourselves many times over the years. And without the community around us, it’s a lot harder. Right with it’s a lot harder.

Dee Taylor 5:15
I like what you say. And and it’s definitely been, it’s definitely been what I’ve seen. And I think because we, ourselves are business people, we are business owners, and we, we understand, we walk in the shoes of every woman that comes into this program. So we all relate, we can relate. And so we understand the challenges that they’re going through. And I think that that is what sets us apart. It’s not, it’s not someone who works for someone who does something, it’s you who you are in contact, that’s high touch, it’s me, I understand the mind of an entrepreneur, I get that, Cindy, we all because we because you your team is is a people who, who walk in the shoes of every woman, we can so much apply what we’ve experienced. It’s our experience that helps others like us. So we go through with I mean, look at me, we were talking about me coming on this podcast, and look how many times I avoided

Karen Yankovich 6:18
oh my god, you guys have no idea. I said to deca, we talked about this, I was like, literally we’re recording this, I’m gonna just share this with you guys recording is at 7am here and, and Ds in South Africa. So it’s a little bit later for her. And at five o’clock this morning, I was laying in bed responding to some slack messages. I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet. And I was like, you know, and we were trying to do it over the weekend. And it didn’t happen. And I was like, Alright, I’m gonna get up, I have other things I need to do to get up and be showered and early for today. So let me get up and do it. Do it now. And then I get up, I get to my desk and I start messaging and look, where are you? Now? You know what I mean? Like, where are you now? Like, I took it, I jumped in the shower, quickly to be able to turn my camera on and like what are you? Like, is this? Is it really that? And I I’m saying that a little bit jokingly because here’s the deal. I even for like a big part of what we do is it’s mindset, right? Like, do you feel we want you to feel confident doing this stuff. And I said, is just get this the thought of getting on camera and being on the show is it. This is like the third avoidance, you know, and it was only a short of what is this morning, right? But, but I decided

Dee Taylor 7:23
to practice what I preach. And when I as I hold space for all of these women, I’m doing accountability calls with him I’m doing, I connect with him all the time. And when I speak to them, I tell them feel the fear, but do it anyway. And so now I am representing myself in that manner. And I’m saying I’m gonna feel the fear. But I’m gonna do it anyway. Because that’s the advice that I give each and every one of these women, these amazing women in this program, and those who have gone through the program, right now, it doesn’t stop there. Because because the alumni are as important as the current students. And I mean, that’s not something that we stop, we don’t stop loving upon them. If they were always there we are like that ever present we are that tree, when they come to us, and they want to lean on us. And they want to gain some strength or wisdom, whatever you call it through whatever the the hemophilia people out there. We are they we we literally stand there, we reach out. And women need us we are always there. So people move on and people can choose to do that. But those who still need it, they can still tap into us. After all, they often have the months of not being in the program. Because those are the dozen long lasting kind of relationships that we form with these women, you know, and they know that we’ve got their back no matter what, you know.

Karen Yankovich 8:52
And if you know if you’re listening to this, and you were a student a year ago, or two years ago, three years ago, you’re probably still getting messages from me introducing you to people saying, You know what I you know, we’ve got this new person in our program, her name is Mary and Mary, and you and Mary really need to know each other. Because to me, it’s those deeper relationships, that is where the abundance comes into your life, right? And having these conversations about that and confidently doing that, like getting it back to that confidence thing, right? So many of the women that we work with, they have these big dreams and I love their big dreams. But if but you know, we all know what what like New Year’s resolutions look like, right? Like this is the year I’m gonna lose 20 pounds, I’m gonna hit seven figures, I’m going to do all the things and by February there’s a date in January I remember what it is but they call it like, I don’t know like the failure date or something like this is the day everybody drops their resolutions, right? So something has to be done differently right? So I know that these women have these beautiful big dreams dreams up here, but their energy and their and their alignment is something is down here. So what we like to do is try to align that and you know I like it Love, that we want to do hard things, I want to do hard things. And at the same time, we want to do it with the foundation of our comfort zone. Right? Like, yes, we want to, I want to push you a little bit out of your comfort zone. But I’m not asking you to, you know, climb a tree, if you have, you know, if you have height fears, you know, like, it’s not, it’s not that I’m asking you to overcome, you know, lifelong fears. But I am going to ask you to push yourself a little bit outside of your comfort zone. So that you can achieve the kinds of successes that you want to have. And successes isn’t always about just money, right? Like successes is, you know, sometimes financial successes help you spend more time with your family. And then you’re being more of a successful parent, or grandparent or whatever, right? And not that you can’t be successful. If you have a full time job, you absolutely can. But you can. For me, I want the women that we work with to create, to create their life and then build a business that supports that life, right in a way that gives them more freedom. And, you know, can be done incorporated into the way they want to do that. So even if they have to, they’ve got a podcast interview scheduled and they’re, you know, a little bit like, oh my gosh, this is the first one I’ve ever done. I’m you know, it’s okay, do it. Because then, and that’s why we ask by the way, that’s why I like to create those those relationships with our alumni and our current students, because one of the biggest fears and do you tell me if you if you agree with us, one of the biggest fears that I think we have to help our our students overcome is the fear of getting on the phone with people doing outreach to people, and not really knowing why. Right, like not just saying, wow, this person seems like a really cool person, I don’t know where, what or if we could do together, but I’d love to explore the possibilities, get to know them better, and explore the possibilities. That is where the magic happens in the work that we teach. And it takes confidence to do that. So if I rebuilding, helping them build relationships with, with kind of like people that are like in our family already with other family members, it helps them get confidence because that second or third or fourth one, you’re more and more confident with, right? And that you know the next interview, you get d and the one after that on the one after that, you’re gonna be a lot more confident. So So tell me this, like I said, Dee, and I’ve been working. So she’s like Dee said, we’ve been working together about 18 months. And her sole role is the client concierge. And she’s linked up accelerator program, but because she knows so much about every single one of our of our clients, obviously, there’s a lot I asked from her on the front end, from a marketing perspective, how do we reach these? What are their greatest fears, things like that, right? So so Dee is, so she’s, you know, definitely a big part of everything we do around here. But a couple months ago, I asked you to go through the program as a student, because I want it and I truly I mean, listen, D I’ve talked about this on some of these episodes, you know, many, every single person that’s on my team right now, are contractors, right? They’re a part of my team, but they also have other clients, you know, and I’m cool with that. And I and I think we all need to understand, that’s the way we do business and in 2024 and beyond. So I asked you to go through the program as a student for a couple of reasons, right? I wanted her to understand fundamentally how we are what we’re doing and what we’re teaching, but also, practically, what is there things that don’t align? Are there things that don’t make sense? Or we add, you know, because sometimes, you know, you’re tweaking it tweaking a tweak, and you don’t realize that you pulled things out of alignment, right, so, so tell us a little bit about how that was, how was it to go through the program as a student?

Dee Taylor 13:45
It was, it was interesting. I think, really going through the program really gave me the experience of understanding what these women are going through, there’s so much to do. But it helped me figure out how better to support them. So in the advice that I can now give them I can say to them, You know what, yes, you got to do that that way. But you can also try it this way. Because I have the experience of having you that sort of just me, I find the better way that works for me to do things. And so I then share that knowledge with people with the with the ladies on the team. It was great also from experiencing it from the student perspective for myself personally, because now I was going through the program, and I was not implementing some of the strategies and things so it gives me greater I can put more weight behind my words when I say Karen’s program is absolutely amazing. Because because you know and the strategy work and things like that because at know how many times during my 12 weeks I was coming to the coals and I was celebrating the fact that I had another VIP call or I had a yes. Client. And I remember Kevin, at one point, you said, Oh, I’m not sure if I should have because now what if you get too many, make sure you don’t make sure you don’t give away my hours.

Karen Yankovich 15:18
Correct exam. So tell us a little bit about that. Because that’s really, you know, you guys know that our listeners to the show, that if you Google me, and if you know, if I’m speaking at a conference or being interviewed on a podcast, we’re often talking about LinkedIn, right? LinkedIn, and PR, but those are the tools that we use, right, they’re not at the forefront of what we’re doing. So the very first thing that happens when somebody joins our program, the full show is linked up accelerator 12 week program, is that I get on a call with them. And we dream up what their big, fat juicy contract looks like. And I’ve said this on the show a million times, we’re not looking for you to sell one pen at a time, we’re looking for you to get a distributor that wants to buy 100,000 of your pens. Like that’s what we look for on that first call, what is a big fat juicy contract, I’m not looking to change what you do, I’m not looking to to make you just overcharge people, I’m looking to really you know, get creative and create a big fat juicy, lucrative contract. So and then we want to reverse once we know what that is. Everybody on Team she’s linked up knows exactly what to do to help you reverse engineer your personalized strategy so that you’re landing that contract before the end of your 12 weeks. But you how many did you land within that 12 weeks?

Dee Taylor 16:35
I have, I have three VIP days in the 12 weeks, and I’ve landed two clients

Karen Yankovich 16:44
to how many VIP days did you have before the 12 week started?

Dee Taylor 16:49
You see that happened on the first call. On the first call with you, I’ve never even considered a VIP client, I never considered what that VIP thing could look like. And so definitely in my case, I can say that with that first call, you create a kind of clarity, you create a kind you sort of help. It’s like you help the curtains unveil what’s behind the curtain. And so we go into our 12 weeks with this clarity that we never had before, not really knowing exactly how that would work. But we’re now able to express it better. Because I remember after the clarity call, I called it my clarity call. Because that’s what I feel like I got from them. I went into a discussion with a with someone who reached out to me on LinkedIn for a discovery call. And when I was asked certain questions, I just your voice can just plays over in my head. Some of the things you say in those videos, it plays like a record in the back of my head. It’s almost as though when someone says that word in a year that replay. And so so it definitely positions it differently. Because it’s in that first 12 weeks itself talk most in your head, you literally just pull from that cup all the time. And if you are doing the you that’s the other thing. You know, there’s a saying that says something like God helps those who help themselves. So people often say, Well, God, God, I’m praying, and God’s gonna help me but we are asked to, we are asked to do our part. And the same with this program, we must if I don’t do what I’m supposed to do, I cannot get the results, that that the tools that have been put in place. So you have to you have to make the commitment. And it’s one of the greatest commitments to yourself, you make as a business owner, when you sign up for this program. It’s the strongest commitment. So you are going to commit to do your 12 weeks and you’re going to do it as it gets done. And I think that for the last 18 months, we have seen people have really done it, where they’ve where they’ve done everything according to the book. I’ve seen people have success, not necessarily, for example, in a monetary thing, but they have success in all areas, aspects of themselves that they didn’t even understand whether that is in confidence, and in showing up as a thought leader. And eventually I see that happening. I mean, the other debt is someone who was in the program is a year ago, a year and a half ago. And it has been in the in the society since it’s now paying off, you know, all that all everything that it’s all come together. And I was thinking over the weekend that that’s one of the things that you know, you have the Germans you are the fitness instructor and you’ve invested in these people and all of that and now they leave the program, you know the gym program, and in six months time the result the results are there. but because of the foundation being laid, and the foundation is what we are so key in, you don’t always know what’s going to happen post, you know, so that was

Karen Yankovich 20:07
so but let me i Do you know how much I 100% agree with you. In fact, when I talk to people on the arm when on calls that are interesting the program, and they asked me, you know, well, you know, what kind of success can I expect? I said, to be honest, your success is going to be dependent on how much how much you do the work and the outreach that you do? Vyas there’s also and I want to circle back to this, when we have created our strategy in a way that of course, there’s we’re not expecting you to sit on the beach and let the millions drop on your head. There’s things you need to do. But when you do those things, not only are you seeing quick results from that outreach, but you’re but you’re creating a magnetic approach. And one of the things you said about that first VIP call you got it was the guy found me on LinkedIn? Yes. So that’s what I mean about that magnetic approach. You didn’t sit back. And you know, like, how many of you I mean, I’m not saying people didn’t find you on LinkedIn last year or the year before. But once you start doing this work, there is a magnetic component to this. So when you found this guy, and when this guy found you on LinkedIn, tell us a little bit about the first engagement. How that how did that call go? And did he did he?

Dee Taylor 21:15
Yes, yes, he’s now client. Yeah, he’s on him is one of my monthly retainer clients. And I mean, he is so even though I don’t normally work with men, it’s not sort of what I put out there. But we worked really well together. And he was a good match. And I often say, it’s because my profile looks so much better, that people can see themselves being support.

Karen Yankovich 21:42
Yeah. So it’s not that it was done. It was done in a way that was created a magnet, a magnet, right? Yes. Yeah. So I do remember you saying to me, when you had that call that like, not only did you hear my voice, and what was my voice in your head, saying, I want you to tell everybody what it was saying.

Dee Taylor 21:59
This so many voices already. But the main voice, it keeps always saying and this was specific to the second client as well that I got, I needed to add a zero, I needed to add a zero, it was as simple as that. I had to, I had to uplevel scale that. And so that’s what I did, like, and that it was add the zero to the pricing. And schedule, the next call, took shape together on a calendar, don’t give them the opportunity to disappear. And then you got to try to get them and get feedback from them. sheduled the next call, and I’ve been doing that with every single call since then. And every single core i have it happens like that, I we do the talk, I do the proposal, we have the call and then I sign the business. I am doing every exactly I say I follow the formula. I follow

Karen Yankovich 22:58
this for all of our students, of course, but I especially love it for you because you when you’ve experienced the successes that there are there for our students, you can speak from experience, when you say this, if when there if you say you know they are struggling one of the things that we incorporated in 2023 was accountability coaching into the program, because not because I think ours were our people need to be babysat. But because I think that sometimes when things are starting to get hard, we retreat, we stick our head in the sand, we you know, and I didn’t my goal is to do everything in my power to help you get those contracts, you know not? It’s really not I mean, yes, I can help you build a thought leader brand. And yes, you know, but at the end of the day, and you know this because there are times when we talk about wins on our weekly calls, and I go, okay, can next week, everybody come to me with a client win. You know what I mean? I love that your wins are I took a walk everyday this week, and I got to spend the day with my granddaughter, I love those being your wins, because that’s a big part of what we do. But I also want to keep you focused on the on the money because because more money gives us more choices, and I want more women to have more money. So I and you know this, right? Everyone on our team knows this because I have to keep you all focused on that so that you guys can keep our students all focused on that. Right. And, and that’s important. It’s an it’s an important piece to me, it’s important to me, because I’m not just looking to bring people into this program and take their money, right, I want them. You know, we we have kind of like a, a, I guess it’s like a mission, a company mission or something that every single person in the company understands that the value of this program is 10 times what our students invest, you know, and I want that I want to know that in every fiber of my body. I want you to know that with every fiber of your body. And I want our students to know when they add a zero, their services are still worth 10 times that right so it’s really about the ripple effect of thinking bigger building one Wealth and creating a, just this beautiful supportive environment where women are supporting each other from a place of abundance where they can start charities donate money, you know, take their kids to Disney World for a month, you know, or week, whatever, right? Like they can do the things that are important to them. And the fact that you’ve experienced that personally, I think gives you gives you an even more you niq ability to chat with our clients that are struggling, right, because sometimes they do struggle. Some I mean, you know, that you did listen, you know, just coming here a big part of what we do. Is this, right? Are you building your thought leader brands, so that you, you know, part of that is being more visible? And so sometimes there are people, you know, there’s all different places where we have impostor syndrome and triggers. Right. So, you know, I think I think I appreciate you for doing the hard work so that you understand what they’re all going through. Yeah,

Dee Taylor 25:55
thank you, I appreciate the opportunity as well, I think it’s because I have an understanding of what they go through when they when they do and there are times where where people do disappear, because it becomes too much. Yeah, you know, I’m like a mother hen who tracks you down. I’m Tech, I’m gonna track you down, and I’m gonna enfold you in my arms. And I’m gonna say it’s okay. But let’s, how can we get? How can we get through this? And more importantly, how can we get through this together. And so I like to think of it as I like to think of it as that I was speaking to one of the students earlier today. And I was saying that at the heart of everything, at the heart of all of what what this is about, is that Karen truly cares about the women in her program, she truly truly wants to see that you have the results she wants to she wants to, to have you feel that you have been valued and supported, through your experience here with the she’s linked up team that’s at the heart of everything. And that really speaks to to that concept of love that we spoke about earlier. You know, we really, really, really just want to love up on our people, because they are worthy. And they deserve that love. And you may not find that outside of of where you are, you may have that readily available to you. But none of us can have too much love. Yeah, that was me receiving too much love. So

Karen Yankovich 27:30
let me ask you this. I mean, every our podcasts that, you know, the person that’s listening to this right now, has heard me talk a lot about who we think we best serve, and who should not only I mean, listen, this podcast is a part of that process, by the way, right? Like, if what you take away from this interview today is that you listen to next week’s podcast, I’m cool with that. Right? Like, I think that everybody’s in their own space in in where they are in their growth, right. And you know, this podcast is one of the things that I give to the to my community and to the world. And if you’re listening every week, I love that, in fact, if you’re listening every week, and you love the show, I’d love a review would be a good time for that. But also, then, you know, the next step would be and if you feel aligned with all of this, I’d love to see your name on our calendar, because because the next step would be to, to grab a spot on the calendar and speak to me or somebody on our team about what it might look like to get some support. And those are definitely not those calls are done in the same energy of here today. Right? I am going to say this, but I don’t want this to be intimidating by you. I don’t want you to be intimidated by this. I’m picky about who we bring into this program. Because I want to know, in my heart of hearts that we can, I need to know that I see a quarter million dollar business in your future. And if I’m not sure you’re ready, then I will give you some ideas. But either way, I want you to book that call. And I tell you that because it’s not like I’m going to just try and sell you in his program. It’s not that at all. If I think in fact, we’ve got a couple of different things we can do to work with people. And then of course, if we think it’s a fit, and you just and you think it’s a fit for now, we can talk about what it looks like to get you that that additional support. So do who you think if you’re listening right now, tell him about like, Who do you think we best support? Like, how do you Who is the woman listening right now and isn’t sure? If if she should book a call? Right? What are your thoughts on that? Who is the WHO DO WE Who do you think this program is for?

Dee Taylor 29:35
It’s definitely for that woman who’s looking for something. She hasn’t been able to put a finger on what that is, but she knows that something needs to be different. Something needs to change. And she wants to at the heart of everything that she does. She wants to make an impact somewhere. So she’s in some form of transition. She there’s definitely this thing of transition. Maybe it’s a new job, maybe it’s going off into another direction going to do some passion work, maybe you are in the passion work. But you really, really want to take that next level, you want to take your business to a completely different level, you don’t know how to do it, we have the tools to help you to help you do that. It’s all about impact. It’s all about making and realizing the dream, making that alive. Living the dream being alive in the dream, this program, and the tools and techniques and the strategies and all of that it’s, it’s it’s geared towards that it’s written around that it’s a it will help you uplevel everything. And I’m surprised it’s called up level media in the, you know, the company. It made absolute sense when when I went through that experience. It really is about it’s about leveling up. You’re afraid, and that’s okay. It’s alright to be afraid. Take one step, the ones that Karen, that you mentioned today, it’s a call on the calendar, it’s a no obligation call on the calendar is one step towards your future, the future you that you that’s going to be making the impact that you want to make in the world. And in your life, your family, your kids, your grandchildren, whatever that is. It’s not it’s this is not the time for us to play small. There’s only so much time that we have time. And there’s only so much that we can do while we are still here. And so that’s the woman that doesn’t

Karen Yankovich 31:41
matter. Doesn’t matter what they’re doing. Like what like what are they doing right now? Does it matter? If they’re just starting? Does it matter if they’ve been doing it for 10 years? Doesn’t matter if they’re an entrepreneur and corporate or totally chose to tell me the truth? What do you think? Sunny

Dee Taylor 31:54
for me, it doesn’t feel like they matter that matters. It doesn’t feel that that that matters at all. The only thing that matters is that I need to make my dream at the core of who I am, I want to make an impact. I want to make a difference in the world. I want to make a difference. That that’s the calling within me. No matter where I am. Karen, there are things that you can help people with that I think you don’t even realize yet that you that you can we all have gifts in all spheres. Whether you come into the world into cannons world now and you’re not ready right now. It’s exactly as you said, Karen, it’s that discovery call that call you’re not pitching, you’re not selling you they may not be ready right now. But they will be ready in the future. I will read in the future. And something about that call a call with with with you from a strategy perspective and what you give in that call. There’s something that you unlock every time you speak to someone I see the women’s faces, I see what happens when they in those calls, because obviously I do some of the work in the back end. So I see that I see that. It’s, it’s like there’s a light, there’s something that that changes. And I’ve seen evidence of that in looking at how some people have to embrace that change. And I’ve seen people who have been fearful of the change because right now when they are in the mindset, they’re just not ready. But that’s okay. Because

Karen Yankovich 33:28
you’ve said and it takes some courage to say yes, it takes some courage to say Yes, right? Yeah, you’ve

Dee Taylor 33:32
sown the seed. And your job is really just to sow the seeds don’t germinate when it’s ready. Yeah. And so it doesn’t matter where she is. She just has this deep, deep longing to make that impact. Yeah.

Karen Yankovich 33:46
Well, you know, it’s interesting that you’re saying that because this there was a woman that I spoke to over the summer. And one of those calls and for whatever reason, it wasn’t the right time for her. And she but she and if you’re listening, you probably know who you are. She’s popped into my you know, she replies to emails every now and then and I’ve reached out to her so we’re saying that we’ve stayed in contact right. And you know, she she sent me a message because we’re talking about is now the time like we’re talking about is now the time and she’s like I don’t know I do a little bit different. I think you serve coaches and something something better and I’m not sure that I can be helpful. So I kind of what so what I did was I went back to our initial call, which was recorded and I listened to it because I’m like it was six months ago. Why did I think she was because if I don’t think you’re like if I think you’re a good fit, and I think I can help you. It’s hard to get rid of me. And I don’t mean that in a bugging you kind of way but like I just I want more women to have more wealth. And if I think we’re a perfect fit, I want to be able to support you right. So which is by the way, one of the reasons why on those initial calls we do look to get some quick response, you know, to quick quick enrollments not because I need to fake scarcity or anything like that, but we like the more time that goes by like we kinda like forget. So I listened to the call. I was like, oh, because I was like, Why did I think she was such a great fit? I was like, Oh my gosh, we this, I remember now I reminded her that I just sent the link to her. And I said, You know what, I just watched this, maybe you want to watch this? If it doesn’t feel aligned, still let me know. And I’m here to support you at any time. But before you decide if this is a good fit or not, you need to watch our initial call where we had that conversation of is this a good fit? And I sent her the recording, you know, and I haven’t talked to her yet. So we’ll see if she ends up joining now or not. But, you know, it is that first conversation I spend, we spend whoever does the call with him does a lot spends a lot of time really kind of uncovering like, what are they like we I ask a lot of questions, because I want to know, if I want to know myself if I think I can support this person. And there are times that I, if I don’t, I will tell you this if there were times that I wasn’t sure. And I let them kind of convinced me to join the program anyway, I’m always I’m almost always like, yeah, I was kind of afraid this was gonna happen kind of thing. You know, I mean, for example, if your business is, you know, if you truly want to sell one pen at a time, this is not the program for you, you can’t use a LinkedIn strategy to make 99 cents, you know, so you know, direct sales, things like that there may or may not be a fit, if you can convince me that you have a big mission, and you want to speaking platform, or you’re writing a book or something like that, maybe I maybe I would, I would do that. But anyway, on that initial call, I sent her the recording, and I’ve never done that before. But I was like, let me just send her this. And you know, because at the end of the day, I want it to be a hell yes. And we were getting to the point that if it was a yes, it wasn’t going to be a hell yes. And I was like, I don’t want just to Yes, I want to hell yes. So I want to remind her of why I thought it was a great fit. And then why she thought it was a great fit. And if it’s not anymore, that’s okay, too. You know, because I want people completely. I want you all in, and it’s not a lot of work. It’s not all in physically it is I guess some degree, but I want you all in mentally, so that we can we can make the magic happen. Right. So, Dee, this has been so fun to do this, this was kind of an impulsive decision. And I’m so glad we did this because it was first of all, it was fun. You know, I don’t know that I asked you enough about your perspective on on this, maybe I need to do that more. But I think that, you know, the reason I do this show is to help more women have the confidence to take that next step. It doesn’t have to be with me, right? It can be with whatever you’re whatever you’re feeling. But I love that you’re here to say this stuff works. It doesn’t have to be you know, I mean, I would love to work with you guys. But it doesn’t have to be Karen. But know that when you when you grab the when you when you get pushed a little bit, the magic does start to happen. And the clients do start to come in and and do I remember how I Found You was through a Facebook group. I was looking for some help. And you were posting in Facebook group, you don’t have to do that anymore. Right? You don’t do that anymore. Tell me what’s next for you. What’s next in your brand d is d is very committed to helping women in South Africa have income. So tell me a little bit about what’s in it for you as you think about 2024 and 2025?

Yeah, so definitely, I mean, the game when we spoke about your ideal client for this, I was literally I met that actually. I mean, I at the heart of what I thought of what I do from a business perspective, is that I want to make an impact. And that means for me, it means that I can’t I can’t play small, I have to show up and I’ve got to show up big because I cannot scale anything and make the impact I want to unless I do what, what what you’re basically asking me to do even coming on a podcast. You know, we’re here with your South African community, right?

Dee Taylor 39:04
Okay. So yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. So so I’m definitely I’m definitely continuing my maths, my strategy as I do my I do everything according to what I’m supposed to do. Some weeks, I give myself grace, some weeks, I don’t do the amount of outreach I’m supposed to do. But in other weeks, I supersede that. So, you know, I continue to, I continue to take the the what the foundational kinds of things that we learned in the program and I do them, I just do it maybe a little differently to what others would do it. For example, if I’m supposed to do five, then five a day then maybe I’m doing I’m doing 20 A week, you know, instead of you know, the in terms of the recipe, but I still am still getting the same results. I mean, since I did the program. I’m still I’ve got calls booked every week. I’m having conversations with people in the DMS. I have new people that reach out to me And it’s only through continuing to do all of those things that I will eventually reach to have the reach and impact that I want for the women in South Africa. Particularly women who have sick kids that cannot cannot work and earn an income. My business supports them. And my business supports them being able to do work and have an income for their family. And I can’t do that without doing what my LinkedIn strategy tells me to do, it’s not negotiable, it’s not negotiable. I can fit the I’ve got the strategy, I got that from someone like you who is knowledgeable and understands how this works. How I do it, you know, I the how I end up doing it, that I can play around with, but I’ve got my framework, I’ve got my structure, I’ve got the recipe, how I choose to make the cake or make the pot of food is going to be up to me, if I’m not going to do all of what I’m supposed to do, then it’s going to not taste as good as it should taste. Right, you know? And so, yeah, so So for me, it’s definitely about, it’s definitely about scaling this year. Definitely about that. Big on my radar. And yeah, so far, it’s so far. That’s the end of January and on target. January,

Karen Yankovich 41:22
I’m so excited to hear that. Yeah. The thank you, first of all, thank you for all you do for me and for our clients, but also for being here today and sharing your experiences with my podcast audience, I think this is I like providing a little bit more behind the scenes, I feel like, you know, one of my goals this year is to is to feel like I’m less talking at people and more like I’m talking with people. So if you heard this conversation and have a have a thought on, you know where anything you want to say if you have any ideas for me, maybe from this, it’s inspired something in you, you know, I want to hear about that. In the show notes, if you go to Karen 271, you can, you’ll see all the notes from this episode, and there’s a link in there for SpeakPipe. I personally respond to everything in that from SpeakPipe. Myself, I like to and again, it’s how we have a little bit more how I do a little bit more talking with you than at you wherever as you can see, we’re still doing video, which, for this show, if you’re listening to this on audio know that you can come on over to my YouTube channel and watch the video if you want to see, you know, my Italian hand gestures, you can do that. And, you know, if you liked this, I would love for you to share this with your audience. You know, tag me tag D, we’ll put all of our social media handles in the show notes, tag us both, we’ll share it with our audience. And that’s how we create that ripple. That’s how we start to bring, you know if the extent of our relationship is that you’re a podcast listener, we love our podcast listeners, and we want to love up on them too. So give us a chance to do that by sharing this so that we can share it with our audiences. Right? And then, you know, remember that, you know, we’re here for you, right, grab a spot on our calendar. And if you decide you want to work with our team, you get to that just work with me to get to oops, this lovely woman over here you get to work with as well. And she’s, you know, she’s the first person you meet. And know that we’ve got a lot of fun things planned for you in 2024. And, you know, help us help you write. So thank you so much for being here. I am very much looking forward to seeing what 2024 unrolls for us and for our programs and for our students. We’ve made some serious changes in the program this year that I’m really excited about. And I can’t wait to kind of dive into all of that. And, you know, thank you for being who you are. And if you’re listening, thank you for being who you are, and I’ll see you here next week.