When people search for you, they may come up with your personal profile first if they don’t know about your business page. Even if your personal profile is locked down and private and you only accept your friends, there’s a section that I want you to make public.
Go to edit your work place. You’ll see that the section will come up where it says position. I don’t have that I’m the president, rather I wrote “click here to visit my page”. I want to make it clear that people can visit my business page by checking this out on my personal page.
You need to check this section I show you in the video is public. Make sure that even if your whole page is locked down and private, that this section, the “click here to visit my page”, is public. I’m using it for my own purposes as opposed to using it the way Facebook’s got it set up.
This will help your friends, your family, your followers, and people just checking you out find your business page.
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