Social Media Quick Tip: Facebook Notifications


Let’s say you have clients or people that are influential to you that have Facebook business pages. As you know, Facebook is changing its rules and the organic reach of business pages is getting really low and it’s very likely you’re not going to see what they’re posting, but you want to see it, right? Because you want to have an opportunity to engage with these people if they’re your clients or, better yet, potential clients. You want to be engaging with their stuff. You want to make sure that they know who you are. One of the great ways to do that is by engaging with their content on social media.

What you want to do is go to their page. I’m actually going to go to the DailyWorth page. I’m blogging for them and I want to be of service to them as well. I want it to be more than just have them post my stuff. I want to be able to share the stuff that they share with their audience as well. I’ve already liked the page, but I’m going to go here and I’m going to click this little down arrow and I’m going to check off “get notifications”. Now when DailyWorth posts, it’s going to notify me. This makes it really easy for me to go in and share their content.

That’s what I want you to do. I want you to think about what pages you’d like to engage with on a regular basis because you want them to remember that you exist. You want them to know that you’re being of service to them by sharing and commenting on their stuff. Go in, get notifications on their page, make it easy on yourself, and be of service to your clients.

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Top 5 Tips to Make Sure Your Facebook Post is Shared and Shared A LOT


Do you wonder how some people ALWAYS have great images associated with their blog posts when they post on Facebook?

Have you spent hours creating a fabulous blogpost, only to share it on Facebook and find out it comes up with crazy images, or no image at all?

Well, wonder no longer!

The very first thing I do after I publish a blogpost is “debug” it for Facebook.  Sounds scary and hard!


First, grab the URL of your post (select and copy) then head on over here to the Facebook Debugger.  Paste that URL into the top “Input URL” box and hit enter.


Be sure you use the URL for your specific blog post!

Second, scroll all the way down until you see “When shared, this is what will be included”


  1. Does the photo look correct? Is there a photo there?
  2. Does the description caption pull in what you want it to? It should show the first few sentences of your post.
  3. Click on “see this in the share dialogue” in order to preview it full in the Facebook screen.

Computer gobbledygook from the above debugger method have you stressed out? Here’s another way to fix the Facebook image problem.

First do a screenshot of your blog page, or use the image directly from your blog and click on the camera icon or “Add Photos/Videos” tab in your update status screen.

Second, type in the first few sentences of your blog post adding “go here to read more!” and add a link for the URL.

Then share!

Top 5 ways to make sure that blog post gets shared by others?

  1. Make sure you have an image.
  2. Make that blog post longer! Over 2000 words is now the most popular post size – who knew? BUT keep the caption (narrative) SHORT, Twitter style short.
  3. Create a list that describes your post, lists get shared the most over any other type of post.
  4. Post to Facebook on a weekday.
  5. Include a call to action. Ask people to share, dare them to share, entice them to share and they will.

Check out this article by Facebook for some great information as well as examples, and be sure to read the infographic example near the top, humor will snag those shares every time!

Did you try it and it STILL didn’t work? Join my LinkedIn group where we talk about all things related to social media marketing and ask away!


Screw the Glass Ceiling


A glass ceiling is a political term used to describe “the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.” Well that’s the definition according to Wikipedia.

My glass ceiling consists of a hell of a lot more than that.

After 30 years in the corporate world I have bumped into my fair share of glass ceilings, fought through some of them, and helped colleagues shatter their own. It’s challenging, it’s rewarding, and it’s exhausting.

It wasn’t until I started dreaming of my own entrepreneurial debut that I realized… it didn’t have to be that way at all.

I could just walk right around that barrier like it didn’t even exist.

It’s true! I could walk around it like I was strolling down the lane. Well ok… maybe not strolling exactly, but walk around it while building my new business, learning how to become a successful entrepreneur and finally stepping away from my corporate gig to focus on full time.

More importantly, what I realized through this entire process: if working in someone else’s world is making you bump up against glass ceiling then create your own world!

[Tweet “If working in someone else’s world has you bumping up against glass ceiling, create your own world!”]

  • Create your own world and your own experience.
  • Completely ignore any glass ceiling that appears to pop up.
  • Build your business to go around, over or above any “version” of what people believe your business should look like.

Most of all, position yourself like the rockstar you are using the tools I talk about every week on this blog and basically every day of my life!

5 Areas You Can Build To Rocket Yourself Past Any Ceiling

My dear entrepreneurs, here are 5 areas you can build upon using your passion to rocket yourself past any ceiling, glass or otherwise, in your way!

  1. Your own website: Showcase your passion here. Be authentic and build content through blogging, testimonials, videos, and online resources that are valuable and full of your business WHY. Tell us who you are and how you came to be, remind us that you are a real person passionate about this one great thing in life, and why you are the one we should trust. Bumping up against another barrier here? Nah, just save the money and hire someone to help. Money for someone whose passion IS website building is money well spent and you will zoom past any learning curve obstacle in record time.
  1. LinkedIn: Establish your expert status here. Here you prove why you have the chops to be in business. You’ve heard me say this again and again: make sure you have a polished and pretty profile that sets you apart from others in your field, skills and endorsements that tell of your talents, groups that connect you with prospects and mine for research, and connections that expand your reach. There is no limit to who you can find on LinkedIn, so if it truly is “who you know”, you are primed for success without a barrier when you use LinkedIn to its fullest potential.
  1. Facebook: Use Facebook to build your fan base from the loyal first crew, aka friends, family and colleagues, to a robust following made up of people who want what you’ve got. Advertising has never been cheaper nor easier to do. There is no need to have millions in revenue and an ad team standing by, you can make your own personal business ad in minutes and see results faster still. You are in control to create your own success – no longer do you have to wait for approval from a boss or teammate to create what you know will work. If it doesn’t, who cares! Just try again and test another. It’s all part of the process.
  1. Twitter: Ahhh Twitter. That honest, real time, news feed is so valuable for us! You can reach anyone you want, no matter how famous or how unreachable, they are bound to be there. This is my favorite platform by far to engage, follow, and connect with people I never would have had the opportunity to before, and this connection often comes with business rewards that include more visibility and more clients. The invention of Twitter helped me to be able to say, “Screw the glass ceiling!” and I love this platform even more because of it.
  1. Instagram, YouTube, Google+ (etc): Social media in general gives us a thousand more ways to adapt and overcome, to ignore any ceiling put in front of us, to build our business the way we want to build it and position ourselves as business owners who deserve to be here. Welcome to a level playing field folks, business just got interesting.

For the last few months I have been diving deep into a new side of my business called Portraits and Profits. Through P&P days at our beautiful New York venues, I’ve had the opportunity to work with strong women and each day I’ve been able to see these women really step into their power.

The more I see this happen the more I realize… we are rockstars of our own design. We DO have the ability to ignore the glass ceiling and create our own reality!

Who’s with me?

Here’s how to get started. Check out my free video series: The first three things you need to do on LinkedIn. AND, of course, comment below and tell me YOUR glass ceiling stories. I’m here to support you!