I’m sure you’ve seen it.

If you are active at ALL on Facebook, I have no doubt you have watched one.

You may have even participated in it too!


What am I talking about?

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge of course.

It’s a phenomenon I am watching in complete awe, spread across the social media ether.

It is a true example of social media genius, and I bow to the person (or team) who started this movement.


It is simple.

It is powerful.

It’s a strong message, with fun built in.

And it is working.


The ALS Association states they have raised $22.9 million as a result of the social media challenge, which is a donation rate 50 times normal for the same amount of time in past years.  (*as of 8/30/2014, the donations have topped 100 million dollars!!  Holy cash batman!)

This is exactly what I want my clients to achieve. But I do want them to find a simple but powerful way to get their message out to the world.

And it is achievable.


Brainstorm with your team, or with your friends:

  • What is a way your business can have fun online?
  • How can you build community at the same time?
  • What is the single and simpleoverarching message you wish to promote?
  • What one action do you wish your followers to take?


Make sure it’s:

  • Super simple to implement
  • Funny (or at least will make someone smile)
  • Something people can be proud they were a part of
  • Built to tap into the sense of gratitude and connection people have when they do something together.
  • Effective for the platform you want to be on.

While you brainstorm click here for some great videos of celebs taking the Ice Bucket Challenge. (My favorites Lady Gaga and Chris Pratt!)


My wish for you, and for all my clients, is to get your message out to the world and I’m here to help you do it!


First step: Join my LinkedIn group so we can brainstorm together! You better believe I’d love to have a social media movement like this behind my business strategy.


Second step: Watch and learn from this campaign’s success, even Forbes agrees.


To your business success!


karen-signature copyP. S. Want to see MY challenge?  Check it out!  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10204008968458609

Photo Credit: Hot Gossip Italia