topthreelinkedinI can hear you already. Here she goes again, telling me how great LinkedIn is.

It IS great, and not enough of you are utilizing it to its fullest potential.  Really.

The biggest complaint I hear about LinkedIn is that your clients aren’t on LinkedIn.  And that may very well be true.  Maybe today, the clients that you have aren’t active on LinkedIn.


You want more clients, am I right?  Smart, Savvy,  Successful clients?  THOSE next clients are probably on LinkedIn.

I know you’re on Social Media overwhelm, and I’m not trying to make that worse.  I’m trying to ease it up.  You can spend much less time on LinkedIn than you do on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram and get more return on that small time investment.

Today I’m going to show you the first thing you can do to take your LinkedIn profile from newbie to professional.  Take a look.



Be sure to connect with ME on LinkedIn!

I’m happy to give you personal feedback on your profile.  Leave me a link to your profile in the comments below with your question, and I’ll review it quickly and offer support.

AND if you’re ready, lets do a personal LinkedIn Makeover session!  You can check that out here, 60 minutes = a profile that will be making it rain.  Click here for details. (Note: The LinkedIn Makeover session is no longer available. Instead, go to my Free LinkedIn Workshop instead.)

See you over on LinkedIn!

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