Today we’re looking at Twitter lists.
I have lots and lots of Twitter lists. I have Twitter lists for people that are in New Jersey – which is where I live, social media of experts, B-schoolers (I’m a member of Marie Forleo’s B-school), my clients. I have one called potential clients. And they are all private.
You have an option to make them public or private. I choose to make them private because when they’re public those you add will get a notification that they’ve been added to a list. You don’t necessarily want people to know that you’ve added them to a Twitter list that’s called “potential clients” for example. Make your Twitter list private unless you have a reason to create them as public.
What can be powerful about a list is that it helps you engage and support with people more intentionally. For example, I’m a member of Solo-e. So with this list (members of Solo-e), I can create engagement with members and support them.
When I click on the Solo-e Twitter list, it only gives me people that are members of Solo-e. (Here’s how to create a list.) Now I can go in and I can re-tweet and share content from people on this list to show support for them.
Think about how powerful this could be if you have a list of your clients or potential clients, a list of places you want to speak, a list of local people that you just want to support. It makes it so much easier.
When you go to my home Twitter feed, you’ll see there’s so much stuff in there. I can’t possibly make heads or tails of the people I want to engage with. Twitter lists help me do that.
Do it now. Do it while your Twitter list is smaller. It’s never going to be smaller than it is today. Right?
Do it today!
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