If you’ve attended any of my webinars, you may have seen this chart already.

Quick Guide to Post Frequency


No, I’m not trying to make you crazy with this stuff. I know you’re looking at Twitter and thinking to yourself “has she lost her mind?”


What I want is for you to use these social media platforms for PROFIT. I want you to use them in a way that will keep your name top of mind with your followers. To do that, you need to be consistent, you need to have a plan and work that plan.


This chart is the place to start.


I’m not saying you need to be in all of these places. What I’m saying that if you ARE going to post in a platform, use it wisely. Use it to get the most bang for your buck. Pick one or two and do it right.


Much of this can be pre-scheduled. For example, for every blog post I write, I throw three tweets for it into a queue of content that goes out to Twitter on a rotating basis. Hey, I took the time to write it, why not share it over and over ? The content is still valuable to my followers for many months or even years ahead.


Need help figuring out what to post on each of these platforms? Join my LinkedIn group where I and other interested entrepreneurs are always brainstorming new content ideas!