Easy LinkedIn Tip to Quick Profit

Unless you’re stalking your exes, let people know you’re interested in them!

I’m talking about LinkedIn here. Letting people know that you’ve viewed their profile is a good thing. Viewing other people’s profiles on LinkedIn will make them interested in YOU, and maybe start an interest that leads to business: a business lead, a business partnership, important business related information.

[Tweet “Letting people know that you’ve viewed their profile is a good thing.”]

LinkedIn has a very robust feature, the free version included, that even the most casual LinkedIn user can and should use to their advantage.

The feature I’m referring to: “Who’s Viewed Your Profile”.

One of the first things you might want to do when you see who has viewed you is make an inquiry using the search feature: Was it someone in a related business field? Someone who might want to offer you a job? Buy your product? Maybe the viewer was curious what you have to say on a topic? Research them right back and then send them a message, based on what information you gather!

Don’t be shy, most experts and powerful LinkedIn users agree: “Viewing somebody’s profile was like knocking on somebody’s door. You view me, I view you and then we have some common ground to talk about.” Udi Milo (LinkedIn’s lead redesign expert)

A bonus this new redesign offers is the opportunity to see where your viewers found you. Did they come from a Google Search, LinkedIn keyword search, from a school you attended or maybe a company you worked for?

If you notice a trend you will now know:

a) what specifically you are doing that IS working
b) where you might want to focus more time
c) common interests you can use to your advantage when reaching out.

After checking out who’s checking you out, wander down the Who’s Viewed Your Profile page a bit and there you will find a list of action items crafted specifically to increase your profile views. So simple, just click and follow the instructions! It really is like taking candy from a baby.

Take 5 minutes, right now, and jump on over to LinkedIn. Log in see who’s viewed you and then click on one of the recommended actions LinkedIn offers you.

In just 5 minutes you can literally gain a new contact, improve your profile, learn about (and join) a new group! All of which will lead you to better connections, future business leads, and help extend your social media reach as you shout your expert status to the world.

People are “knocking on your door” it’s time to let them in and connect!

While you’re there, if we haven’t already connected – connect with me!

Ready to be a LinkedIn Star? CLICK HERE for a free webinar.

Eight Ways to Establish Yourself as an Expert on Twitter


Last week I talked about how you can get started with Twitter, and how to manage your account. This week I want you to start using Twitter to declare your expert status!

With Twitter you can reach people you might never have access to all over the world. You have conversations with people from all walks of life. You can tweet @Oprah and she just might tweet back. Meet millions of people online talking right.this.minute. about the live March Madness basketball games. You can just jump in and join the conversation!

Twitter helps you find your niche and jump into the river of people out there waiting to find you as just the expert they need.  The general consensus by “social media scientists” (oh yes they do exist) is: “Twitter is key for all forms of online marketing and communications.”  Science Of Twitter 2013 from HubSpot

[Tweet “Want to know the top three words to use in your Twitter bio?”]

Today I want to tell you exactly how to establish yourself as an expert on Twitter and start using this wonderful tool to your business advantage.

1.  Fill out your profile – Having a profile picture increases your number of followers by an average of 1000%. Yup that is a real number.

2.  Make sure your bio tells your followers why they should believe you. – Are you the founder? Are you an expert? Guru? Speaker? Author? It has been proven that official, founder, and speaker are three of the top words to use in your micro profile. Please please please include a link to your website!

3.  Link to the stuff that makes you smart! – Add links to your tweets about 60%-80% of the time. This is the sweet spot to promote engagement (aka re-tweets) and to show that you are a valuable resource to follow.

4.  Be the first to know something and share it. – Found a fantastic article that appears not many people have read? Found the most comprehensive list on the best green smoothies, best way to stay organized, top business tricks in your niche? Share it and share it fast!

5.  Aim to tweet at least 22 times per day. – Last week you saw this and made a lot of noise about it, so I’m going to say it again. It is very difficult to over tweet. This is the one place no one will tell you to stop sharing, stop posting, or complain you talk too much! Wondering how to manage this? Take a quick read of my post here that tells you exactly how to set yourself up for success and not get overwhelmed with posting 22 times/day.

6.  As always, talk about your prospective client. – People like to know you are interested in them. Tweets with the word YOU are statistically the most often retweeted.

7.  Talk about your niche in a unique way. – There might be many life coaches, real estate agents, consultants, writers, etc out there, but there is only one YOU. You have your own special brand of advice and knack for sharing that with your followers (and soon to be followers!)

8.  Finally, and most importantly:  Use your own voice. Your people will listen.
So, my fellow business experts, what is the first step you are going to take this week to set yourself up for success on Twitter? Click here to tell me, and I promise I will retweet!

It’s Time to Talk About Twitter

I love Twitter. I didn’t always! It wasn’t more than a year or so ago that I was whining that Twitter takes up a lot of time, and I wasn’t seeing any real results. Some business friends called me out on it, said that basically Twitter is the great equalizer, you can tweet directly to Oprah, Richard Branson, your favorite celeb, really anyone you want! [Tweet “Twitter is the great equalizer.”] They were right. I quickly stopped whining, and started building my Twitter following. It might be the single most effective thing I’ve done to grow my business in the past year. The more followers I have, the more followers I get. The more followers I get, the more respected I become as an industry expert. The more respected I get, the more interview requests I get. The more interview requests I get, the more profitable my business is. Now, I’m a HUGE Twitter fan! I tweet all the time. Twitter is fast, it’s chock full of information, it’s sometimes hard to understand, but it IS an important place to be and here’s why:

  • Twitter is democratic: Unlike Facebook, Twitter doesn’t screen your posts based on most liked or commented upon, it lets each post be equally visible in the stream for anyone to see.
  • Twitter is a trove of information: Search what your competitors are saying, search for the people who like what you like, find out what your ideal customer needs. Bam! You have enough information to create your next service offering, to find your next tribe of followers, to write your next blog post and more.
  • You have equal reach to all Twitter users: You can talk directly to every user on Twitter. It’s a great way to reach out to influencers in your industry, and to get your name in front of them! Engage with their posts, and you may be able to kickstart a real relationship.
  • Twitter establishes your expert status: Show what you know without pressure, just a few words and a link and you are set! No need for fancy pictures or perfectly worded posts, just the facts. (Ok and maybe a little funny in there too)

On the flip-side Twitter can feel like a lot of work. I recommend to my clients that they post an average of 22 times per day. No worries! There are ways to take the burden out of the bulk and I’m here to tell you how. Scheduling and automation is key. The one caveat here, automate your tweets not your DMs (direct messages), please don’t risk sounding like a robot. Automated tweets are important foundational posts about who you are, what your business is about, your business WHY, and all of your expert knowledge in one place rotating through queues of topics. You can share quotes, statistics, industry information, and general information about your products and services. Hootsuite and Buffer are two popular scheduling tools, however my personal favorite is Social Oomph. Unlike Hootsuite and Buffer, Social Oomph allows you to create re-occuring queues of tweets. It takes a little bit of time and effort to set up, but in the end, just like everything else, the hard work pays off in time saved and ability to focus on the more meaty parts of Twitter – namely having time to engage. I like to set up Social Oomph with the following queues:

  • blog posts
  • industry stats
  • favorite quotes
  • promotions
  • general “my stuff”

Once you have your queues set up, each time one of your posts is tweeted Social Oomph automatically places it at the back of the line to wait until its turn comes again. This could take days, weeks, or longer. The longer the better of course as you want to have a lot of fantastic content for your audience to chew on, to get to know you with, and to trust you because of it. With the bulk of this churning in the background you can finally sit back, relax, and actually enjoy social media again through connecting and conversation. THEN I use Hootsuite to engage and for analytics. I also use ManageFlitter, a paid service that allows me to sort followers by all sorts of traits, helping me to follow and unfollow strategically. That’s a more advanced service. So what’s your first step going to be with Twitter this week? Find me and tell me! @karenyankovich

Listen up ladies! We need LinkedIn.


We’re rising in the work hierarchy, we’re breaking glass ceilings all over the world. We’re leaning in, we’re leaning out.

Some of us, anyway.

The reality is, as a gender, we’re still not as comfortable shouting our genius to the world as our male counterparts are. Ladies, we’re losing business because of this.




The Facts:

  • LinkedIn has over 225 million registered members and 77 million of those make their home in the U.S.
  • It takes at least 36 thousand 1st degree connections to crack the top 10 most connected on LinkedIn.
  • Only 5 women are in the top 100, 2 are in the top 10, and 4 are in the top 20.

Speaking as a woman here, I know we are often not as comfortable at promoting ourselves, asking for testimonials/recommendations, as well as receiving praise. Believe me I know it can be difficult, this is why I loved LinkedIn. This platform makes it so much easier for us to step into our power, to claim our expert status, and promote our business genius with personal branding.

What the most connected woman on LinkedIn has that you can have too:

  • A fully fleshed out profile with an attention grabbing headline noting exactly what and who she is. At a quick glance we know if we would want to hire her, sell to her, be her friend, and why
  • Her summary is clean, easy to follow, highlighting relevant numbers for her field (e.g. 23K+ Twitter followers), relevant experience and where to find her
  • There are visuals: photos and links to articles and websites that again highlight her expert status
  • Specialties section is being used so we know exactly what she feels she is best at
  • Experience sections are chock full and engagingly written in first person with enthusiasm – notice the titles – very specific – again we know her expertise
  • Recommendations section is active – she has 25 which is not an unreachable number for the rest of us
  • Her awards and honors section is full and again establishes herself as an expert in social media, recruiting and connecting, with links to appropriate articles to back it up
  • As a speaker she lists her 2013 schedule – we can ALL list classes and conferences attended to pack in credibility in our own way
  • Her endorsements are plentiful – endorse 5 people a day each time you are working in LinkedIn and you will be surprised how fast your own list grows
  • Advice for Contact section is very clear – she wears multiple hats – which most of us do – and the well thought out, as well as personal, contact section shows anyone easily: how and where and why to get a hold of her
  • She shows interest in volunteering and causes which helps us know she is a real person
  • She is a member of multiple groups (37 or more) and while we don’t need to be as prolific even a handful of groups rounds out the profile picture of who you are and why you are here

You CAN be influential with a small number of connections, but the most influential of all have large networks and one of the easiest places to build yours is LinkedIn. Think of it as a virtual trade show or conference where you make real live connections.

Having a larger network enables you to show up in searches of people you might otherwise never have met! So claim your power, spruce up your profile, and let your genius shine! Then slowly build the network you deserve.

Here are some tips to get you started.

Don’t forget to connect with me, www.linkedin.com/in/karenyankovich.

So rock it ladies! What one action will you take today to shine your genius on LinkedIn?

Any questions you can find me here. I’m with you every step of the way!

Photo Credit: Dell’s Official Flickr Page