Don’t Let Perfect be the Enemy of Good! 3 Steps to Overcome “I’m Stuck”


Done is better than perfect.

Let me repeat: Done is better than perfect.

  • Do you have a blog post sitting there waiting to be published that you want to “re-work” again?
  • Are you waiting for the perfect social media brainstorm?
  • Have you been working on your LinkedIn summary trying over and over to get it “just right” to fit the character count “just so”?

If the answer is yes to the above questions, or to any question that remotely resembles those then it’s time to stop my dear business owner. It’s time to stop, hit publish, click promote, and move on to the next step.

I give you full permission to say “done”!

Listen, we will always be tweaking and re-writing, and re-formatting our business ideas, goals, to-do’s and systems structure. This is an endless yet exciting process and one we get better at as we go. But the key here is: we only get better as we keep moving forward.

Getting stuck trying to write the perfect post, or craft the perfect connect request, or share the perfect viral video only keeps us spinning and delays the gold mine that is called: learning. We must try and make mistakes, try again and have successes in order to thrive in our businesses today.

[Tweet “3 steps to help you overcome perfectionism as you face a task you just can’t complete, today.”]

3 steps to help you overcome perfectionism as you face a task you just can’t complete, today

1. Take it one step at a time.
Have you done all the steps in the program? Have you filled in all the major points in your post? Do you have a link and an image and given credit where credit is due? Whatever you are working on you know the steps to complete it. Write those down and then check them off. Know that once you have done all the “steps” you are golden and ready to hit print or post or publish so you can move on to the next best thing on your list.

2. Get a 2nd opinion.
Not 3 opinions, not 10, just one other opinion from someone you trust. Take their edits, incorporate the ones you like, and leave the rest. Trust that this person did not steer you wrong (of course because you picked the right one to ask) and forge ahead with their blessing. If you need some extra oomph ask they give you a deadline or an “it’s done day” and a pep talk to see you through to making it happen.

3. Set a date.
Set a date in the future when you can re-visit your work and edit/review/revise or revamp with new information after a bit of space. Do not hold your work captive until this time, but set it free to get comments, inspire others, and create market research of its own. Know and trust that when that future date comes you have permission to edit one more time, but then promise yourself it goes right back out to the real world! Setting a date can give you relief knowing that although it feels ‘not perfect’ you have a chance to make it so again in the future, but for now you save time and money by moving on.

So I’m calling everyone out: to all my fellow business owners and entrepreneurs who read my blogs: “Take the plunge and move on!”

What has you stuck today? What little piece of the puzzle keeps gnawing at you feeling incomplete? Need some inspiration or a pep talk to get you over it and ready to take the plunge to move forward? Join my LinkedIn group where all of us, myself included, will be there to cheer you on to the next step. ‘Cuz we all know there are many more exciting steps ahead!

A Secret Game for Blog Content Strategy


One of the hardest actions to take is sitting down to work on social media for your business and sometimes hardest of all: taking the time to write a blog post. Yet writing these posts consistently for your website, your followers, and prospect clients is crucial to establishing your voice, your expert status, and foundational content that remains on the web for years, just waiting to be found.

Yep, that’s the best part, blog posts never go away.

[Tweet “Nothing is as constant and as reliable as your blog posts.”]

Nothing else stays as constant and as reliable as those posts.

Not Twitter – the ultra fast Twitter stream – blink and you might miss it.

Not Facebook – the picky Facebook algorithm – you never reaaaallly know what they will allow in your followers feeds.

But with your blog posts, three years from now another prospect client will google your keywords and that post will pop up. I guarantee it.

Read my friend’s (and ultra smart business woman) guest post about the importance of blogs – click here.

Now that I have totally overwhelmed you with the importance of this piece in your marketing game plan, I’m going to help you make it into exactly that: a game!


My game has been secret until now, but I wanted to share it with you.

I have a special box, and in that box I keep little pieces of paper with all my favorite words on them.

One word per piece of paper.

I also make sure lots of my business words are in the box, words like:

  • Social Media
  • LinkedIn
  • Networking
  • Branding

All that good business stuff.

Then I close my eyes, mix them all up and pull three pieces of paper out of the box.

Three words.


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Then I brainstorm and write a blog using those three words as the theme. Make sure you relate the post to something relevant to your business.


You would be surprised at what kind of great stuff can come from this!

My secret game helps me think out of the box and be creative with my ideas, and it can help you too. I also love that it involves a bit of woo: I pick the words I am meant to talk about.

And that way the followers that need to hear these words, will.

Are you willing to give it a try?

If a task is FUN it is so much easier to do. Your brain is willing and your mind is flexible and ready to come up with all sorts of valuable information for your followers, prospects and fans.

I’m so curious to know how it goes! What three words did you pick?

Join my LinkedIn group and tell me today!