Social Media Quick Tip: How to save your LinkedIn profile as a PDF


Today’s social media quick tip is about how to save your LinkedIn profile as a PDF.

There are many uses for this feature. As an example I look at my friend Christina Dave’s profile. Let’s say Christina and I don’t know each other and I’m about to go and meet her or go to a workshop and she’s going to be there, and I want to know more about Christina. I’m going to review her profile, but would like to print it and bring it with me so that I can review it before I get out of my car. Maybe I want to keep a file of PDFs of different connections for different purposes.

In the video I show you where you can do this. There’s a drop down list where you can click save to PDF. Another box will pop up, and you’ll be able to save. You may just want to keep a file for referral partners, or potential employees, or on your competitors.

It’s a good way to help you organize this information. You can organize it within LinkedIn, but if for whatever reason you’re going to be somewhere that you want a hard copy, or you want to keep a hard copy on a computer file somewhere, it’s really, really easy to save your contact’s information as a PDF.

You don’t even have to actually be connected to people for this to work.
Give it a try and see if you find it helpful to have these PDFs handy for your reference.

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Social Media Quick Tip: Your LinkedIn Headline


Today we are looking at your LinkedIn headline. This is one of the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile. It is what will show up if somebody Googles your name. If you put “Karen Yankovich” into a Google search, you will see my LinkedIn profile, and you’ll see my headline.

You want to make sure that your headline says more than just “I’m a CEO” or “I’m an accountant or a lawyer”. You want to tell people who you are, who you help, and how you help them, and you want to make it client-facing. You want to make sure people know what’s in it for them.

My headline is “Helping Entrepreneurs Profit w/Social Selling | LinkedIn Expert & Speaker | Successful Social Media Strategist”. This tells you who I help and how I help them. Also notice that I am very confident in this headline. I don’t say I’m pretty good at this stuff; I say I’m an expert. I say I’m successful. That’s important when people are looking to do business with you. They want to feel like they’re doing business with somebody who is successful, so you need to be the first one to establish that authority, to establish that expertise and let people know that you’re an expert.

Take a look at your headline. See if it tells people who you are, who you help, and how you help them. Make it client-facing. Of course, if I can help, come on over to my LinkedIn group Profitable Social Media Tips. I will see you there.

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Weekly Social Media Quick Tip: Other Stuff in LinkedIn


Today we are looking at all the other sections in LinkedIn. LinkedIn will make some recommendations for you on what sections they think you might want to add to your profile. This is the stuff that might make your LinkedIn profile stand out from someone else’s.

Things like honors and awards. If you’re in sales and you’ve got some great sales awards or you’re a realtor of the year or accountant of the year. You want to add those awards because it impresses when they see your profile. And that’s what we want for you, right?

Often, when people create their LinkedIn profiles they forget this stuff or leave it out. You’ll find that people will connect to you and relate to you better when you’ve got some of that information in there. And that’s exactly what you want with LinkedIn.

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Weekly Social Media Quick Tip: LinkedIn URL


Today we’re on LinkedIn and we’re going to customize your public profile URL.

You click on your profile, under your pictures. It says your public profile URL. LinkedIn assigns you one when you sign up. It’s full of crazy letters and numbers, but if you look at mine, it’s

Click on the pencil icon and go to the top to your public profile URL. Click on the pencil icon there and type in your name. That’s it. So easy. Then hit ‘Save.’

If your name’s not available, use a middle initial, use some variation of your name. Remember, this is your personal LinkedIn profile, so we want it to be about you, not about your business. Don’t use your business name.

Now you can share this public profile URL, this nice clean link, on your business cards, on your email signature, to let people know you’d love for them to connect with you.

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3 Steps to a Very Un-Boring LinkedIn Profile Page


Do you think LinkedIn is boring?

For years I’ve heard over and over:

  • LinkedIn is boring
  • LinkedIn looks too corporate
  • LinkedIn doesn’t serve creatives

But last year that all changed and LinkedIn really stepped up their game! There are many ways we can visually improve our profiles, one such way is spending a little bit of time on your header image.

[Tweet “A fantastic LinkedIn profile will speak to your clients and tell a story about your brand.”]

Steps to Create a Fantastic LinkedIn Header Image

A fantastic header image will speak to your clients and tell a story about your brand.

First step: Get the layout and size right.
Your header image must be 1400 x 425 pixels and a file no larger than 4mb or LinkedIn will not let you upload it. Make sure it is a high resolution image because if not it will upload blurry. Be aware of the “blocked section”. The top of your profile page will cover almost half of the image you upload. This creates a nice headboard effect, but can also be a little tricky in figuring out what and how to create your image.

A few ideas to get around this:

  • Use one recognizable background image that speaks to your brand or business clientele. One client of mine used a panoramic of New York, she was a journalist and this spoke to her base of operations and showcased very well known ‘of the moment’ city.
  • Place specific text that will show up in the top 1/3- 1/2 of your photo. Maybe it’s a product that is evergreen or one that is your most popular. It could also simply be your web page address or contact info. You could even do a call to action that points viewers to an opt-in for email capture.
  • Use a second profile picture that was taken in a powerful way to add more trust and connection with your viewers. The photo displayed might just show your eyes, or another pose of you off to the side that tells a story about a different part of your personality.

Here is a shot of my header. I chose to use a mixture of the ideas above.

LinkedIn Header


Second step: Update your header image every so often.
You may want to keep the same image for awhile once you have your heart set on one but here are a few ideas why you might want to create a few header images at once and rotate them as your move through your business year.

  • You are launching a new product or service, why not point to it and bring attention to it by adding some new text to your header or possibly a small image that describes it.
  • You decide to have a sale or host an event and your LinkedIn header would be a great place to promote that is a soft easy way to get some eyes on it.
  • Add more value by writing a few quick “tips”, one for each header image, you can rotate through that will speak to your customer base and help them out. For example I could write a tip about how many times to post on Twitter to be most effective, or I could write a short tip on creating a great header image from this blog post.

Third step: Send people to your LinkedIn profile!
This may seem obvious but many people work hard to set up their profile page and never direct people to it. One quick tip – put your LInkedIn URL on your business card and show it everywhere you can. Not sure how to do that? Join me in my LinkedIn challenge it’s going on now! 30 days to clean up your profile and get it ready to shine. We even have a Facebook group to help with all the little extra questions along the way.

Finally, if the layout, pixels, adding text and images to your header all seems too much you must check out Cheryl at or Jackie at Custom Fan Page Designs. Tell them Karen sent ya!