084 – LinkedIn Keywords: The Best Way to Attract People to Your Profile

Did you know that LinkedIn keywords are the best way to attract people to your profile? Find out why and how to immediately start using them in this special episode of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast!



This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and founder and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen explains how LinkedIn keywords are the best way to attract people to your profile. Many time’s we think only paid promotion will get us new eyes on our profile’s, however LinkedIn keywords are the last secret strategy LinkedIn      


#GoodGirlsGetRich We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.  


About the Episode:


Grab a pen and paper… we’re diving into keywords! So many times our marketing strategies include everything from posting on social media, Facebook ad’s, etc. however, my entire perspective was changed when I heard this one quote from a friend…  


“Instead of putting all your money and efforts into pushing out your content, spend all your energy with NO money, placing your content in front of people you KNOW are interested in what you do… because they’re already searching for it!”  


That’s where LinkedIn keywords come in and in this episode. Keywords are ways to bring people to your page on LinkedIn.  


Here are the best ways to use Linkedin keywords to attract people to your profile:    


Know the Difference Between LinkedIn keywords and SEO keywords


The first step into starting to use LinkedIn keywords to attract people to your profile is to know that they are different than using keywords for SEO.  


To first start using LinkedIn keywords, ask yourself this question:  


What are people searching for on LinkedIn that I want to come up for under the search results?  


For example, if you’re selling a monthly weight loss plan, your keywords on google may be “weight loss plan, best weight loss plan, monthly weight loss plan for real results!” However, someone isn’t looking to buy your plan on LinkedIn, but they may be looking for a weight loss coach or expert. Therefore, your keywords on LinkedIn could be “weight loss expert, weight loss coach, motivational weight loss expert” etc.


Fun fact: your competitors are NOT doing this. Using keywords correctly will bring you up first in results for those keywords you wish to be found for.


Need more helping coming up with keywords or your profile? Check out my services here: karenyankovich.com/linkedin-services  


Use Keywords in EVERY section on LinkedIn


LinkedIn gives you x amount of characters to use in each section… therefore, USE THEM!  


Before our team at UpLevel Media even starts writing your profile, we make sure we have your solid list of LinkedIn keywords to know exactly when and where to use them.  


When filling in your about section, headline, even in articles you share and posts, make sure to include various keywords from your list of 40-50. Beware of “keyword stuffing” though as you want to make sure your sections and posts are readable as well.  


Remember, you’re attracting people to your profile, so you want to give them something that sounds natural and organic to who you really are.  


See what LinkedIn is using to bring your profile up in search results


Once you’ve completed all this leg work, now you can check how well your keywords are working on LinkedIn! If you didn’t know, LinkedIn actually tell’s you how many times you’ve come up in search results within the past week and what they are using to bring up your profile.  


Make sure to monitor this section maybe once a week. From there, you can see if your results are on-par or off target. If they’re consistently off target, then you need that you may need to invest more time into your LinkedIn keywords or hiring someone (like myself) to help you out with your profile.  


I want you to do this right from the start, that’s why I included this free, bonus video for you to check out to see exactly how to do this.


How to see what keywords you're currently coming up for on LinkedIn.


Episode Spotlights:


  • Intro to today’s episode (4:23)
  • What it means to be “magnetic” (4:43)
  • What keywords, SEO and SMO mean for your business and marketing (7:24)
  • How to start marketing with keywords on LinkedIn (8:30)
  • The differences between keywords for LinkedIn and keywords for SEO (8:47)
  • Coming up with your keyword list (9:06)
  • Where to be using keywords on LinkedIn (12:10)
  • Leveraging your content on LinkedIn (14:44)
  • What free LinkedIn tool you can use to find the best keywords (15:31)
  • The free bonus resource I have for you today (17:21)
  • Episode recap (17:58)


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:



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6 Things You Never Want to Do on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very different social media site than most and there are plenty of practices used on Facebook and Twitter that don’t come across so well on a professional site like LinkedIn. Here’s six tips on what not to do on LinkedIn and how you can take the extra step to stand out on the site:

1. Don’t send the standard connection request, always personalize. When you’re on LinkedIn on your desktop, you’re given the option to send a personalized connection request when you add  a connection. Utilize that feature! If you’re connecting to someone that you maybe saw speak at a conference or even someone you went to highschool with, let them know how you know who they are.

2. Don’t spam your groups. Make sure you’re providing value, commenting on other people’s posts, engaging in discussions. It’s a great way to share the different blogs and sales you have but you’ll get way more of a response from people if you have also been commenting on their posts. Then, when you post about your business or the different things that you do, people will see your name, remember it, and be way more interested in what you have to say. About 70% of the time you spend in those groups should be adding value to others’ posts, not just about you!

3. Don’t selfie. Your LinkedIn profile picture has such a different standard than any other social media site holds. Set aside your selfies, pictures of your cat or your kids, and nature photos for Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. LinkedIn is about your business and you as a professional, so you really want to come across that way. Maybe it’s time to get together with a group of your friends and have a headshot party! They can be SO much fun and you will acquire a photo much more suitable for your LinkedIn! This is your personal brand that you’re selling, make it count 🙂

[Tweet “There are plenty of practices used on Facebook and Twitter that don’t come across so well on a professional site like LinkedIn”]

4. Don’t skip over the summary! This is where you can tell your story, where you can intrigue your followers, where you can share a call to action. All these words you use in your summary are searchable by google. Make sure you are throwing in some keywords that really summarize you and your business so that when people search it, you’re the first to come up! This is a way for your LinkedIn to work for you while you’re sleeping, it’s way too simple to skip over it. Keep it clean, relatively short, and feel free to keep a lot of white space in your summary so it’s easily read and skimmed.

5. Don’t forget to check your privacy settings! This is such a simple fix that can easily slip by you. If your profile is private, that is not helping you be seen by the masses. Make sure you set your profile to public. Go right now and just double check, this is another incredibly simple way to increase the traffic on your page!

6. Don’t ignore recommendations! Of course it’s great to write a review for your hairdresser or your personal trainer, but don’t be afraid to write recommendations for people who can write one back for you! So if you collaborated with someone and you think that partnership went really well, write them a LinkedIn recommendation and more than likely they will write one back for you. Recommendations are gold on LinkedIn and they really make you stand out from your competition. Customers are much more likely to trust a professional that has been recommended by plenty of people that they have worked for or with. If I speak at an event and someone running it comes up and says “Hey, thank you so much you really did a great job and everyone seemed to love it!” I’ll come right back and say “Of course! Thank you and would you mind writing me a recommendation on LinkedIn?” and 9 out of 10 times it I come out with not only another speaking gig under my belt but a glowing LinkedIn recommendation as well.

And that’s about it! Six easy tips that I swear by that can totally turn around your LinkedIn game. Do you have any other LinkedIn tips you swear by? Let us know! I’d love to hear your thoughts!!

Want more tips? Join my LinkedIn group!

The DOs and DON’Ts of Growing Your Business on LinkedIn


You keep hearing me say that LinkedIn is the go-to place for growing your business. Whether you are trying to expand your reach, discover new talent, or stay up-to-date on industry happenings, LinkedIn is your one stop shop for all of it.

But, is there a right and a wrong way to go about growing your business on LinkedIn? There most definitely is! Below, you will find 20 DOs and DON’Ts to keep in mind when creating your LinkedIn growth strategy.

DO share your LinkedIn URL everywhere to encourage connecting with your current customers and business associates. This includes adding your URL to business cards, email signature, live stream broadcast profiles, etc. Authentic connecting is key.

DON’T send connection requests to perfect strangers only because you want to grow your number of connections. Doing so can lead to complaints, and with enough complaints you’ll be banned from LinkedIn.

DO send messages to people thanking them for connecting with you. Find something in their profile you can mention so they know it’s not a copied and pasted message (even though it likely is, just personalized!) It’s a great way to engage quickly with new connections.

DON’T immediately message new connections about YOUR products and services.

DO make sure your profile is “client facing.” Let people know what you can do for THEM.

DON’T list your accomplishments just to impress or brag. List them to position yourself as someone worthy of your followers’ time.

DO tell your new connections where you first came across them! Build upon that common link.

DON’T use the default connection request when reaching out to someone. Be sure to personalize the message to better catch the attention of the recipient.

DO get written recommendations from past clients or business partners.

DON’T forget to write an engaging summary to include in your profile.

DO post a professional photo of yourself in your profile.

DON’T just list facts and figures about your positions. Describe the work that you did, paint a clear picture of your responsibilities and accomplishments.

DO write an eye-catching headline and insert emojis to standout in the crowd.

DON’T neglect your privacy settings. Make sure you’re aware of the settings and change them as necessary.

DO take the time to nurture the connections you make, build upon your commonalities, and grow your network the smart way.

DON’T forget to save all those business cards you collect at conferences and meetups and connect with these people when you get back to the office.

DO join groups and engage with fellow members by posting new discussions or commenting on previous posts.

DON’T miss a chance to communicate with your connections. Comment on updates they make, congratulate them on promotions, and stay in the know on what’s happening with your connections.

DO regularly post status updates on your page. Engage your connections, talk about your business, ask questions and encourage interaction.

DON’T forget to add keywords to your profile. Think of the words that people will search for when looking for the service or product you provide. Incorporate these words and phrases into your profile.

Growing a business can take time. But, with the proper LinkedIn growth strategy and tactics in place, your network will grow, opportunities will arise, and you and your business will reap the benefits.

Have any other dos and don’ts to share? Jump on over and join my LinkedIn Group and let us know!

Social Media Quick Tip: LinkedIn Publications


Today we’re going to be talking about the publications section on your LinkedIn profile. Now, this is a section I often see overlooked, so I don’t want you to overlook it. You do not need to be a published author to use this section. If you look through my publication sections, I’ve included my most popular blog posts. These posts are strategically chosen because I want people to know that I’m asked to blog in other influential places like the Huffington post, and DailyWorth, and Social Media Today. With this, you get double the benefit. For one, it positions you influentially on your LinkedIn profile, so people know that you do write and they can also check out your blogs.

You’re likely sharing your posts in other places on your profile but this is one place where you can accumulate the things you want most to get out to your audience, but it also lets people know that you’re influential in a way that other people ask you to blog for them.

If you’re not guest blogging you could find other things that you’re doing to share here. And if you are guest blogging I absolutely want you to share some of those guest posts on the publication tab. It’s really easy, you just click ‘add the publication’ you put the title, blog name, and URL. This drives more traffic to that post, drives more traffic to your guest post, so that’s a win-win for everyone.

That’s it for today, a quick social media quick tip, add some publications and I’ll see you again next week.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see more videos!

Symbols in Your LinkedIn Profile


⚜Have you ever come across someone’s LinkedIn profile that catches your eye?⚜

What grabs your attention? Sometimes it is something so simple and fun we almost forget that a profile is not all about what you say or the words you use. While words and SEO is of great importance, there is more to this story of what caught your eye. LinkedIn gives us a chance to add some creativity due to a little secret – that is rapidly becoming not a secret anymore.

LinkedIn profiles use a simple formatting style, meaning basically they don’t. Your profile is an unformatted document on LinkedIn which while some may say this might be boring, actually allows the user to get creative and add whatever formatting they like! (*almost)

And the formatting that we want to add to instantly upgrade your profile in order to give it some “pop”, and catch a readers eye, not to mention making it more organized and reading friendly is …some interesting symbols!

I often get asked about this from my group members because adding symbols is one of the easiest things you can do tor your profile yourself that has the most bang for your buck.

Symbols can be used:

  • To separate ideas or skills in your headline ▣
  • To add character and personality ⛅
  • To create a more creative bullet list that matches throughout your profile ☀
  • To separate long text sections for ease of reading ☑
  • To emphasize important sentences or skills without missing the ability to underline or bold ★

⚡For one of my favorite sites that has all the symbols you could want: go here

Or create your own word document filled with symbols from wingdings and weddings font or others you copy and paste onto the page for future reference. (scroll to the bottom of this post to get you started)

So let’s get started shall we? It takes 3 easy steps:

  1. Login to your profile and go to Edit Profile
  2. Pull up the symbols, website or page of symbols, highlight the symbol by clicking over it (right click or double click) then copy (control or command + V) the symbol.
  3. Go back to your LinkedIn profile and paste it exactly where you want it to go. (control or command + P)

Here’s an example of my headline with two different symbols in it to separate the main ideas:


And here is a fun list of characters and symbols to try:



So which one will you pick to try first?

Need some advice? Want my eyes on your profile? Join me for a Free LinkedIn Workshop this week!