224 – LinkedIn Tips for Introverts

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen talks about making connections on LinkedIn as an introvert.

Even if you’re an introvert, making connections doesn’t have to be hard.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Do you need help making LinkedIn connections as an introvert?

This episode is for you. I know your struggles because I too identify as an introvert. There is a myth that I’d like to debunk. Many people think introverts are not confident. The truth is, they are super confident, only that they are never the first people to raise their hands.

For introverts, one of the essential tools we need to have is a LinkedIn profile. People see your profile before they talk to you; in most cases, it makes your work easier. People already know who you are.

The digital world we live in today is about personal brands. If your brand doesn’t stand out, people rarely find you; even if they do, they hesitate to work with you. LinkedIn is an excellent tool for building your brand. The other thing about LinkedIn is that introverts get to make one-on-one connections that they are good at. As you go about making your strategy, ensure it includes making connections with people. Have a list of at least 20-50 people you’d love to connect with, and every week connect with at least five people.

Listen to this episode for more tips on building your brand and business using LinkedIn as an introvert.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/224
  • The essence of networking in business (02:24)
  • Using LinkedIn as a tool to build your brand (04:32)
  • Introverts thrive in one-on-one relationships (06:28)
  • The importance of recharge time (10:48)
  • The essence of managing your time and energy (13:08)

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

“Your LinkedIn profile is one of the most important pieces of real estate in your business is what comes up when people Google you, and people are googling you all the time.”

“Introverts tend to be good at one-on-one relationships.”

“The beautiful thing about LinkedIn is it allows us to connect to so many people.”

“Because you’re an introvert does not mean you’re not confident, it just means you’re not the first person to raise your hand.”

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 224.

Intro 0:05
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello there. I’m Karen Yankovich. I am the host of this show the good girls get rich podcast and today, I am diving into some great tips on LinkedIn for introverts. So if you’re an introvert, like I am most of the time, then you are going to not want to miss this show. If you’re an extrovert, you might want to listen to because you’re gonna get there’s some good stuff on the show. But here’s the thing, I talk to a lot of people, right, I go to a lot of people, I do what I teach, right, it’s talking to people go to a lot of people, and I’m gonna say that the vast majority of the people I speak to consider themselves introverts, even people like me that I’m probably more of an ambivert. Right, I can, but I can surely relate to being more introverted and having more introverted traits than extroverted. I mean, I do not look forward to walking into a room full of people that I don’t know, I’m not comfortable with it. I’m still not good at it at age 105, or whoever. However, all I have now, right? I’m still not good at walking into a room full of people. I don’t know, even though I teach networking, right? It’s still not something that comes naturally to me. And I have this conversation with a lot of people. And then I’m the one saying, Hey, you all y’all need LinkedIn, because LinkedIn is the place to do networking online. And I’m saying networking isn’t always comfortable for people. Right. So how does this measure out? Like, what do I mean? Why am I saying two different things? Well, here’s the thing. I think it’s important that we’re talking about this, because many people think of introversion as something that’s a detriment, that they don’t that they think extroverts do better in business, because they’re more comfortable, confident, and they’re out there speaking. Just because you’re an introvert does not mean you’re not confident, it just means you’re not the first person to raise your hand. Right? You’re not as comfortable walking into a group of people and talking to people that you don’t know. Right? So and I, you know, if you haven’t yet listened to Episode One of this show, you should, it’s kind of what brought me to this. I grew up in a world where women were seen and not heard. So this didn’t come naturally to me to walk around with a microphone, right? It’s natural to me now. And I hope that if you have an opportunity to give me a microphone, you give me a call, because I love being in front of audiences. And I love having a chance to to talk to people about the things that I that that I think bring them value, right. But it wasn’t how I was raised. And it maybe you feel the same way. Right? So now here you are, you’ve been raised to like, be seen and not heard. Right? Maybe you’re an introvert as well. And now I’m saying and you have to network in order to get business, nothing more important in your business and sales and networking. Right? Okay, well, that sounds scary. But think about this, think about this, when you walk into a networking event, you don’t have like a sticker on your forehead that says, hey, I’m Karen Yankovich. And I am a LinkedIn expert, and I have a podcast, like I have to introduce myself, I have to say, like you just say all these things have to get to plus, you can’t do that you can’t walk up to people stick your hand out and say, Hey, Karen Yankovich, buy from me, right, you’re not gonna do that. So it’s a very different skill than marketing, and networking, virtually, and marketing and networking through LinkedIn. So because that sticker that you don’t have on your forehead, you do have in LinkedIn, you have your profile, right, you have your profile. So your LinkedIn profile is what people are going to see before you even talk to them. So it does a lot of the heavy lifting in networking for you. So we’re still using this beautiful tool called LinkedIn that we have that allows us to meet the just the most cool people we could ever imagine. And, as an introvert, we can come to those conversations with more confidence, because hopefully, you’ve already got a great LinkedIn profile. I’m like, I don’t know, you’re probably going to hear me talk about this more this year. But I’m a little over talking about your LinkedIn profile. Because frankly, if you don’t know by now that you need to have a great LinkedIn profile, then you need to take a few steps back in your business. Your LinkedIn profile is one of the most important pieces of real estate in your business is what comes up when people Google you, and people are googling you all the time. Right? So that same profile done properly. And if you need some help you know how to find me, right? That same profile done properly, is that sticker that lets people know who you are before you get on the phone with them. So as an introvert, it makes it easier so so i That’s why I think this is such an important conversation to have. Because, you know, listen, there’s social media marketing, and I honestly don’t think social media marketing in general, I don’t really move LinkedIn into that same category. The reality is the digital world. We live in your LinkedIn profile, your LinkedIn marketing, your LinkedIn content, your LinkedIn posts are a great way to create a brand for yourself. Right? It’s the way for you to establish your personal brand, establish your authority, establish some credibility. That’s why PR is such a big part of everything I teach because the PR piece also establishes credibility. These are all things you can do online. These are all things that even introverts can do behind the scenes while you’re in your pajamas in your bed. spent whatever that whatever works for you, right? And create that brand for yourself and connect with others without the stress of having to meet face to face or in large settings or in settings that we’re not comfortable in. Right? I have to tell you one of the things that one of my favorite conferences, to go to our podcast conferences, because podcasters very often are introverts. So many podcasters are introverts. So when you go to a podcast conference, everyone is in the same boat, everyone feels the same way. And it’s so warm and comforting, as opposed to going to like a different kind of conference where there’s just different, just a different assortment of people. And it is same like same with that one on one. Networking can be a little awkward to walk into a room and not know anybody, right. But I love hanging out with other introverts because I think that it gives us a chance to really get to know each other. So the digital marketing that the strategy behind your LinkedIn marketing, the profile strategy, the content strategy, the outreach strategy, all of that is done without the stress of having to walk into a room and meet people face to face, you get the same benefits, probably even more benefits, because you have that profile doing a lot of the heavy lifting, right? Without the stress of having to introduce yourself to people, right. The second thing that makes LinkedIn the absolute perfect platform for introverts is the one on one networking opportunities. Right? Most introverts are very good listeners. Right? So most introverts are very good at one on one relationships. So what I teach on LinkedIn isn’t one to many, that’s why you hear me talk a lot about your high ticket offers, you can’t talk to people one on one and have these deep conversations and then sell them something for $5 and expect to make a living enough to pay your mortgage right? There has to be a high enough payoff on the other side to to make these one on one conversations you’re having fruitful, right? But introverts tend to be really good at one on one relationships, right. So as you’re going through LinkedIn, as you’re creating your strategy, I wouldn’t just keep looking for opportunities to interact with people from that basis from that one to one venue that one to one level, so that you’re more comfortable talking, you know, being heard, you’re more comfortable focusing in and talking about the things that you’re really good at when you’re talking one to one instead of one to many. And I gotta tell you, like introverts also sometimes like to have a microphone in their hand. So one to many, I don’t mean, like, from having a podcast, but but like walking into a room full of people and then having to sit down and talk to them. Right. So focusing on that focusing on the one to one who are the people, like five people that you’d love to get on your calendar this week. And then next week, five more people individual one to one calls, right? The beautiful thing about LinkedIn is it gives us the opportunity to connect to so many people. So I don’t want you to get overwhelmed by this, I want you to spend some time doing research, the strategies we teach typically have us batching, that let’s spend, let’s create a list of 20 or 50 people and then each week reach out to five of them, five of them, because as an introvert, it’s a great way to connect. And then you have a continual stream of conversations where you can share your opinions and your ideas and lead people to the work that you do. Okay, so you want to be regularly assessing this, you want to be looking at who’s on your calendar, how did they get there? How can you do more of that, right? How can you use LinkedIn to do that research. And then again, what we talked about on the first thing I talked about, have that profile that really speaks for you, right, so that when you do that outreach, whether you’re connecting or reconnecting or, you know, just building network, building relationships with journalists, or other people in your industry, be choosy, be choosy about who they are, and then just have these one on one conversations, just remember that that’s where the biggest opportunities lie, I

want to take a minute here and talk to you a little bit about her. She’s in depth program. We help you with all of this, we start by writing your profile for you, we then take you through this process to keep your calendar full of those people that were really picky about really choosy about so that you have a steady stream of phone calls, that you have a steady stream of opportunities. The whole program starts with a call with me where I get to spend some time with you brainstorming what that big ticket opportunity is because I wanted to be big enough for you to be able to weigh over deliver. And for you to be able to make it a huge win win for you and for the people that are investing in you. And then we go after it then we then we go after it and we help you land these clients. There’s a strong PR component to this. We want you to be featured in the news in the media interviewed on podcast because that is what gives you the credibility to help you feel and look worthy of those higher ticket opportunities. And all of this is done in this beautiful community of women. I just can’t even tell you how each really grateful I am for the women I get to hang out with in this program. So if you want some help with all of this, that’s what we do in our shoes in depth program, all you got to do is grab a spot on the calendar, Karen yankovich.com/call gets you to that calendar. These calls are absolutely complimentary. These are not hard sell calls, I only want people that are perfect fitness program. Either way, booked the call, we’ll help you whether we think you’re a fit for the program or not. But if we do think you’re a fit for the program, we’ll tell you what it looks like, Karen yankovich.com/call get you on our calendar, I would love to chat with you whether you’re an introvert or not, I would love to chat with you. All right, I want to move on to the third piece of why LinkedIn is such a beautiful tool for introverts. And that is it gives us the opportunity to manage our time and our energy. You know, speaking of conferences, when I go to conferences, I always, always always need my own room. But I do that mainly because I need recharge time, one of the main traits of introverts is being drained from social occasions, right, you come home from a social occasion, like I need to go to my hotel room and recharge, right. So you need to because I need to build up some reserve energy, I need to rest I need to take take breaks, and I need to you know, get my exercise in and I need to get my family in and I, you know, I all of those things help prepare me to have to be able to serve you better, right? Because I’ve recharged. So LinkedIn is just not as noisy as all the other platforms, I want you to talk to five people a week. I’m not I know, there’s people out there that say you need to connect with 100 people a week, there’s people out there selling this stuff leads blah, blah, blah. Frankly, I think that’s all Bs, and it’s going to swamp you. And I don’t have time for that. I don’t have time for that. What I want is for you to build a business, that you need a couple of new clients, and each client is enough. You know, I want you to be building a business that’s a quarter million dollars or more we want more wealthy women in the world. And that’s happens with higher ticket opportunities. You know, listen, there’s a lot of ways to do this. This is my way, right? So this happens in a much more peaceful way. There’s much less interaction that’s needed. There’s much less posting that’s needed. I mean, I don’t even want you to post more than a couple times, maybe five or six, maybe seven times a week on LinkedIn. That’s it. That’s it. You don’t need to post five times a day like you do on tick tock, you don’t need to post like you’d have to do any of that stuff. Post a few times a week? Yes. Do I want you to interact with people I do. I want you to continually do outreach. But this can be done while managing your energy, rest, take breaks, batch some of this stuff, and then work when you’ve got work on your schedule, right and get this stuff done. There is no other social platform, no other way that I know of, to do lead gen that is as simple and as peaceful and as with less stress and overwhelm, then this LinkedIn strategy, you know, I work on managing my energy, I can get hyper, a little hyper, you might have noticed that right, I can get a little hyper. So I work on managing my energy I’ve got sometimes I need to add, I need to ramp it up. Sometimes I need to turn it down. I’m always working on keeping the vibe high, though. And the LinkedIn strategy that I execute, which is what leads to almost all of the enrollments in my program comes from managing my time managing my energy. And it’s and it’s you know, it’s a very simple process. There’s no other platform that I know of that allows you to get the amount of results that you can get on LinkedIn, with the little amount of work, it’s got to be consistent, it’s more about consistency than it is about the amount of time you’re spending. So for us introverts the opportunity to manage your time and energy, and still have amazing success is awesome. You can automate your social posts, you can schedule directly into LinkedIn now. Right, you can schedule that most of you probably already have that. I don’t know if you’ve seen that. But now you can schedule directly into LinkedIn, I don’t even use a third party tool. For the most part, I do have a team and they use a third party tool to post for me on LinkedIn, if there they don’t actually, I don’t think anybody’s posting on LinkedIn for me right now about me. And that’s because I’m very picky about what goes in that feed. But you don’t want anybody but you logging in. So if you’re going to have a team posting for you, then you want them to use a third party tool. But otherwise, I go right into LinkedIn right into the app and posts you can automate it manages my time manages my energy. Right? So let me recap this a little bit. So for all of us introverts out there, remembering that LinkedIn is the premier social platform, if you want to call it that, that allows you to create the brand for yourself, connect with other people without the overwhelming stress and anxiety of having to meet face to face or in person but we still have these opportunities to have these one on one networking opportunities. Right? Don’t think about one too many. Just think about, I got a $5,000 $10,000 $50,000 $100,000 offer who’s the next person that’s going to join my world? Who’s the next person who do Want you to talk to you this week? That’s it. One to One doesn’t have to be stressful, you don’t have to dance. You don’t have to have any of that crazy stuff. And then remember to that you can manage your time and energy with the strategy. It’s much simpler, much less time consuming than any other strategy I’ve ever executed with much better results. So remember, if you want some help with this, I’m here for you. And she’s linked up, we create wealthy women of influence. All you got to do to get started to hang out with the beautiful, incredible women I told you about earlier, is to grab a spot on my calendar, Karen yankovich.com/call get you to that calendar. I would love to see you there. Again, whether you’re an introvert or not, if you’re an introvert or you’re in introvert communities or if you love what you hear today, you know, I love to hear from you. And I love for you to I’d love for you to share this episode wherever you hang out. If you’re feeling it, you know, you can follow us on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. I’d love reviews. If you loved this episode, tell me what you loved because then I could do more of that. And make sure when you share it that you tag me use the hashtag good girls get rich and then I can share it with my audience because I am all about helping you be more successful there. shownotes Karen yankovich.com/two to four has the shownotes you can see all the details everything I talked about here today. And just remember that a rising tide lifts all boats right I do this podcast to support you. I have got free, you know consultations to support you. My goal is to help you help me help you share this podcast, take a quick screenshot and share that on social and then I can share it with my audience. And let’s kick some booty together. Right I’m ready. I’m ready to make this a great year. I hope you are too. I can’t wait to see your name on my calendar and I will see you here next week.

223 – You Don’t Have to Grow Your Business Alone with Jan Cavelle

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Jan Cavelle and Karen Yankovich talk about why you need community surrounding you as you grow your business.

Jan is an entrepreneur from the UK who has a few decades of running entrepreneurial businesses behind her. One she started from the kitchen table when her children were small and she was a single mother, to go on to build that into a multi-million turnover business. She has been involved in many campaigns to encourage others on their entrepreneurship journey and now does so through her writing. She writes articles on her own blog, a regular piece for Elite Business Magazine and others. She is also the author of two books.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Being an entrepreneur is intimidating. You have so many ideas in your head, and you don’t know which ones to do. Sometimes it can feel like you have lack of direction. To make it worse, a lot of people who are not entrepreneurs don’t understand where you’re coming from.

Thankfully, you’re not alone. On the Good Girls Get Rich podcast, we often talk about the importance of building the right community. In this episode, Jan Cavelle shares her experience with building the right community.

Build a community that will support you, help guide you, and cheer you on. You shouldn’t do this alone. No one should do this alone.

Listen in to learn why building community is so important!

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/223
  • Introducing this episode’s guest, Jan Cavelle (1:59)
  • Jan’s story (3:25)
  • What is a multi-million turnover business? (6:32)
  • How Jan educated herself (8:10)
  • How Jan encourages others on their entrepreneurial journeys (10:29)
  • Reminder: you don’t have to do this alone (12:29)
  • The challenges Jan had along the way (13:53)
  • It’s hard to see yourself as others see you (18:15)
  • Jan’s books (20:24)

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

“There’s nothing more valuable to my business than the entrepreneurial relationships I build.”

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

Help Us Spread the Word!

It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 223.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:24
Hello there. I’m Karen Yankovich. And we have a really interesting show for you this week. You know, I don’t know about you. But when I first started my business, I don’t know, I had all these ideas, right. I had a million ideas and no idea how to do it. And I googled and I took courses and you know, it all came together eventually. Right. But you know, sometimes I think that when I look at other people, or maybe when people look at me, or when you look at maybe other people that seemingly have a business that you aspire to, we think it kind of just happens, right? Like, it’s just like, they’re just lucky or they worked hard, or they’re so smart. They’re smarter than me. And you know what, none of that is typically true. And I really loved this conversation that we have this week coming up with Jan, because she talks about her journey as an entrepreneur and her journey. As a woman building really successful business is helping others do the same. And it’s a behind the scenes that maybe you can relate to right, maybe you can relate to you know, we’ve talked a lot here on the show in the last few weeks about the connection and conversations we have to have. Well she had a friggin Rolodex, right like other she started her business. So I’m excited for you to hear this interview today. If you enjoy it, you know we love for you to share this. I’d love for you to take a quick screenshot of this and share it on social media. and tag me tag Jan, use the hashtag good girls get rich. And of course, I love your reviews. Let me know how you react to this. And if this journey sounds at all, like your journey, and if it’s inspiring you to kind of keep on keepin on the way Jan did. Alright, check this episode out. Okay, I have Jan cavallier. With us today. And Jan is an entrepreneur from the UK. She’s got a few decades of running entrepreneurial businesses behind her when she started from the kitchen table when her children were small, and she was a single mother to go on to build that into a multi million turnover business. She has been involved in many campaigns to encourage others on their entrepreneurship journey. And now does so through her writing. She writes articles on her own blog, a regular piece for elite business magazine and others. Jan’s first book was scale for success. Bloomsbury publishing, aimed at helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses, during the big leaf of big leap of one to 10 million. And her second book is starved for success is to encourage aspiring and early stage entrepreneurs who want to build fast growing, but sustainable businesses. And that launches in January of 2023. So Jan, so excited to have you here today.

Jan Cavelle 2:48
I’m very excited to be chatting to you. It’s great. Thank you for asking me. Yeah, well,

Karen Yankovich 2:53
listen, I mean, it’s an exciting time for you, you’ve got a new book coming out soon. And yeah, so much good stuff. But I guess, you know, like, I kind of want to jump into your journey a little bit if that’s okay. Because many of our listeners are women, and some are, you know, trying to run their business while they’re single moms or moms, or their kids are small, some of them are in, you know, listen, we’re recording this, it’s, it’s the fall of 2022. And we’re just kind of what’s going on with the world. Right? Are we ready? Are we in a pandemic? Are we not in a pandemic? You know, are we oh, we, you know, but what’s happening to businesses, so many, many people are in a new chapter in their lives and rewriting what they think is the rest of their lives. So I think your story would be interesting, because you kind of started the business at your kitchen table. So tell us about that business?

Jan Cavelle 3:39
Well, I think it’s a case in point because just as you were saying, you know, we don’t know the future for any of this. And I’m very much and that started simply because I couldn’t see a future I didn’t expect and couldn’t see a way forward into the future. But I planned so because I find myself newly divorced and upset dependent LIS with children in a difficult ex who couldn’t pay any money. You know what, like,

Karen Yankovich 4:07
I know what that’s like. Wow.

Jan Cavelle 4:09
Yeah. Yeah, not much fun. So you know, you have to fight and you have to fight really hard. So so I didn’t want to be a single mom just on income support. So I went to them and I said, you know, I’ll tell you more instead of you putting up with me forever and paying out for all of us and keeping us How about much special investment for the government would bear to support me while I started business, which they did I don’t think any government’s actual export and and, of course, it’s a long time ago, but it’s worth a shot.

Karen Yankovich 4:44
I love that you asked. Absolutely. That’s the most important part of that. You know, if you don’t ask the answer is always no. Right. So, So Richard,

Jan Cavelle 4:51
good point. So yeah, I did ask him and I got it. Yes. And nobody was more amazed than me but it got got me a job. Old to sustain food on the table, I started and I actually I had a shelf under the stairs in this tiny cottage, and it was pre internet days. So I just had a fax phone and called index box. And I started phoning people to sell them goods that I didn’t have that I was going to buy in on to sell on, which is actually, you know, what I did over selling operation and tomorrow’s it was for many. Yeah.

Karen Yankovich 5:32
So wait, let me just let me repeat this. So you, you basically said I can if you were calling people to buy whatever, let’s just call it a pen, you were calling people to buy a pen. And then when they bought the pen, you would buy the pen, and then sell it to them for more money than you bought it for? Yeah. So you didn’t even have inventory that you had to pay for upfront? No, that’s brilliant.

Jan Cavelle 5:52
I mean, it’s, it’s a great way to start actually, yeah, if you find yourself in that situation. And there’s a limit to how much trouble you can get into because, you know, once you first pen, nobody’s gonna send you a second one. So it’s fairly safe, all the way around for everybody concerned. And yet, it does teach you. I mean, we’re talking basic fiscal controls, but it does teach you basic physical control, and a very sort of instant effect. If you’ve got a sale, you know, how clever you’ve been and what you know how exciting it is to get a sale.

Karen Yankovich 6:32
I love that. So then you talked about that you started doing, you know, well, what happened to that? What is a multi million turnover business? Tell me what that means is that I don’t I’m not actually even sure what that term means.

Jan Cavelle 6:42
Well, it means for literally, the turnover was into the multi millions, you know, as opposed to 1 million requests into between two and three.

Karen Yankovich 6:52
So turnover, meaning the amount of product that you were purchasing and selling. Exactly. It’s the word turnover that I was catching up. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I know, Wow, are you still running that business?

Jan Cavelle 7:04
No, I’m not. I mean, if it’s, I ran it for a long time. I mean, I went from from my kitchen table, same business. And you know, people just kept on buying and kept on asking, and it got got gradually impractical to buy stuff in and just made more sense to make it and supply it. And that’s exactly what happened. So, you know, I ended up with two factories and 50 odd people working for me at one stage. So, it was a substantial operation. And you know, gradually, what, of course, once the kids left home, you never, I was a bit lost, I’d quite see why I was doing it. And, you know, we’re talking over a long period of time. And, you know, I kept on thinking I’ll sell it, not, I won’t sell it, I’ll sell it, I won’t sell it. And that’s, that’s something you must never do always have a clear plan on what you’re going to do. Because eventually I’ve just been on target. I’ve been doing it for over 20 years. And you know, with the kids, I think single mom, which in itself is very testing and exciting. It’s worth it. But you know, it does take it out, you

Karen Yankovich 8:10
know, can we take a step back, though, I would love to know, how did you educate yourself on you know, I mean, listen, I feel like anytime you go from making $100 to $1,000, there’s a new education and then $1,000 to $100,000, there’s a new education and then, you know, 100,000 to a million. Like, there’s I think there’s no end, right? We’re every time we hit a new level, there’s new mindset challenges, there’s new identity challenges, and then there’s new business challenges that we’ve never had to experience before. Right? How did you manage all of that growth? What At what point did you start to get help?

Jan Cavelle 8:42
Yeah, that was really interesting. Because I mean, there couldn’t be anybody more ignorant of the start. And I was, you know, I really knew nothing about business. I didn’t know other entrepreneurs. You know, it’s I just kept my head down and kept selling where they are. And that’s good in some ways. And if you’ve got a very successful or sales operation, you know, that’s obviously going to be a great thing. But you can oversell and that can business problems, but I can come back to that. But yeah, I mean, I was incredibly ignorant. And it was only really when things began to sort of stabilize, I don’t know certainly sort of 1.5 up which I began to think I should learn something somewhere online. I don’t know what I’m doing. And so I better go and actually learn. So I joined high, high growth entrepreneurs club in London, and I loved learning it was the first opportunity I’d have to do it since school where I was a horrible pupil. And you know, I just fascinated with the whole thing and I just started soaking up always information and fun, the whole concept of entrepreneurship, everything I didn’t know, eye opening riveting other entrepreneurs fascinating me love to die,

Karen Yankovich 10:02
there’s nothing, there’s nothing, I think there’s nothing more valuable to my business than the entrepreneur relationships that I build. They’re the ones that get what I’m going through. They are the people that don’t get what I’m going through, don’t care about me, but they don’t get it right. So they don’t really know how to support me. It’s the entrepreneur friends that get it when you’re when you hit a milestone that nobody else would understand, like your email list or something. Right. Interesting.

Jan Cavelle 10:25
Not so Neilsen, I couldn’t agree more. So then

Karen Yankovich 10:29
you moved into encouraging others on their entrepreneurship journey. So what did that look like?

Jan Cavelle 10:35
Well, that’s at a time, you know, when you get fat start growing very fast. You know, even before I started learning, you know, people start to notice or bid on local or even we won the national award and things. And so in the course of that, there happened to be a campaign being run by the British government, to ask for volunteers, a few women to volunteer for any new campaign to encourage entrepreneurship, particularly female, because there were really hardly any female entrepreneurs around came back. And you people didn’t consider it as a career of particularly women. Right. And so somebody asked me if I’d be interested to cut long story short, I was one of the first 50 women to do it, which was fascinating. It was a you got to talk to other entrepreneurs from different countries in the EU, when we were in it. And, you know, find out how it worked in their countries and all sorts. So So yeah, that got me launched into supporting entrepreneurship, and it got me out of home, talking,

Karen Yankovich 11:38
what did that look like? Were you were you coaching? Or were you just run, you know, like, what?

Jan Cavelle 11:45
You know, we would go I mean, first day doesn’t say, really, I used to go to countries several weeks bank, build knowledge between us and share it share what was working and what wasn’t. But also, we were going into universities, schools, and giving talks on the advantages of Bitcoin, but it was available, sort of doing mini shark tanks, if you like, that sort of thing. And we were going into business groups so quickly, and seeing if we could open up an enterprise hub somewhere, which we’re trying to girlfriend did for a while locally, and got other entrepreneurs who knew to mentor for free, and anybody who was thinking of getting your business off burned, just anything we could do to feed that need.

Karen Yankovich 12:30
Hey, there, I just wanted to jump in real quick and remind you that you do not have to do all the things that Janet and I did by yourself, because you’ve got me, I am here to support you, not only with this podcast, but our she’s linked up program has the most incredible women in IT community of women. It’s just I mean, it’s something I’m grateful for every single day when I wake up. And it’s a program that teaches you how to build the kinds of relationships that can change your business, change your life, change your bank balance for ever, you don’t need to do the Rolodex thing that Jan did, we’re gonna do the 21st century version of that, use LinkedIn to do it. And that system that we teach is very simple, and so effective, and so easy to implement, or I should say simple, maybe not always easy, but it’s simple to implement. I’m here to support you, it all starts with a quick phone call, just go to Karen yankovich.com/call, grab a spot on our calendar. And we’ll tap chat. And we’ll see if getting you some support that you can build your business to multiple six, seven figures and beyond, you know, pretty quickly is a reality. And I’d love to brainstorm with you and see if I can help you see a path to make that happen. And if so, I will tell you what that looks like. Karen yankovich.com/call is the first step to learning more about our she’s linked up program. So check it out. And then remember that you’ve got me, you’ve got Jan, you’ve got lots of resources to support you. You are not in this alone, we are in this with you. So let me ask you this, you’re coaching entrepreneurs now and you’re reflecting back on your journey as you’re coaching them, and you’re bringing that experience to you. Were there any, I’m gonna maybe say mistakes or challenges or when you look back at your journey, and then you were bringing that experience to other entrepreneurs. Were there anything? Was there anything that stood out that you experienced, that you didn’t want them to have to experience? Or that you? You know, what I mean? Like, what, how? What, you know, when you look back at your entrepreneurial journey, what kind of advice are you giving to these people that were just starting out?

Jan Cavelle 14:23
So, I mean, I think, you know, at the time when I was taking that first campaign, it was very much have you heard of entrepreneurship? You could do it if you want to? It’s more a question, but sort of thing. You know, now when I talk to entrepreneurs, you know, I learned so much from my mistakes, you know, better late than never. And it was one of the reasons I wrote the first book, because I hadn’t ever realized really, that it was so hard to do that big leap. You now I mean every time but that one here sandwich about startups getting hard, but not much about Is that next leap popping hard? And in actual fact, it is. It’s really hard. And it’s where even more businesses go. And I could see a moment I was aware of that. But it wasn’t just me, which was this what we think, isn’t it? I’m no good at this.

Karen Yankovich 15:15
Yeah, that whole imposter syndrome, right? You experienced that?

Jan Cavelle 15:20
Gosh, yes. Absolutely. From the start, and I still do not. But yeah, I mean, you know, business wise, I experienced it tremendously. I remember if we’ve got time, I’ll tell you this story.

Karen Yankovich 15:31
Please tell us I want to know, I want to know how you go. You know what you did about it? Well,

Jan Cavelle 15:35
first of all, I mean, I’ve had impostor syndrome either. But the very first award I was up for, I can’t remember how I got nominated. But we went for a nice free dinner, me and my son, again, didn’t expect to live during the summer. But you notice, all the cosplays quite exciting. And we were placed behind a pillar set that can clearly be work. Anywhere the there was another company I was up against, from Cambridge University, and they were bio chemists and investigating something I’d never heard of, and clearly really, you know, up there. So I sort of relaxed and started having a glass of wine. And then I heard my name. I mean, I just I was on the floor with this, this can’t be me. I shouldn’t be beat yet leave alone be called out. And I remember going up to the stage, you know, blue tape, it was get up. And I went up the steps. And that nice lady at the top, big, you know, bouquet of flowers. And I tripped on the steps because I went flying sort of kaboom in nearly into her straight pasture. Because it was the only way I could actually stand up again, in and stagger to the lectern, and then sort of grab that whatever it was in a statue or whatever. And straight on the other side. I mean, I just, you know, the whole thing was absolutely. I think I made such a fool of myself. But yeah, I mean, I didn’t think I belonged.

Karen Yankovich 17:08
Yeah. So So, I mean, did that just go away gradually? Or did you know, was there anything in particular that you did to combat that? That came and

Jan Cavelle 17:17
went, you know, and like I said, it still does, I mean, even with writing is, which in some ways is worse, because it’s even more personal. Now I get I get, you have to ask for reviews and doing some, particularly pre pre launch of a book. Right, and I sit there, you know, most times, I can’t believe it happens again, this time. And I think I’ve sent off this copy of the book to people, I was gonna write back to me and say, you can’t write and I’m not weighing some matter with me. I can’t believe I’m back here. But yeah, just, I think, mostly, you have to recognize it for what it is. And so this is in my head, it’s not based. In fact, this is just watching, too, and how your brain goes, and, you know, the moment you start to actually see a fair for states, which is fair, it’s fair, completely out of your depth. You know, so well really worth helping me and,

Karen Yankovich 18:15
and, you know, I’ve been known to say it’s, nobody should write their own LinkedIn profile, because it’s really hard to see yourself as others see you it’s really hard to women, particularly to shine a light on their genius. We say, I got this, don’t worry about it. You know, but we need more than that. People want to work with the best in the industry. Right? And yeah, and we’ve got to show up looking like and behaving like and, and shining a light. I did an episode a couple of episodes before this, I think it’s episode 210. For I will link it in the show notes. And I talked about the fact that if you are not, if you are not standing out from the crowd, you’re invisible. And I and I think that that’s true, and if but but we it’s on us, there’s nobody but us that can take us out of that invisibility state and into this visible state. And it is, you know, it is scary. And I often think to him, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Sometimes I think it’s the people we know, that we’re most worried about. And people we don’t know, right? Like if you know somebody and you reach out to them and say, Can you give me a you know, can you or whatever, it’s not the people we don’t know that we’re worried about, it’s the people we do know, right? And then honestly, who cares? Right? But

Jan Cavelle 19:25
I think you’re absolutely right. It is those people who who you care about and one or two you really respect and you’d actually ask me all to be nice to you. Again, okay, but scale, I optimistically said said some rather big name over here. And, you know, he’d quickly written back and surprised by my slight fall of time, and then I got an email from him saying, Have you got five minutes on the phone? It’s gonna be nice to me and told me as I got through, and he said, I absolutely loved it. I couldn’t stop. You know, I’m really you know, so stomp, you know, but But why did we work ourselves up into this expectation of rejection? It’s very odd.

Karen Yankovich 20:07
I don’t know. But I will say that’s another reason why I my entrepreneur friends or my lifeline? Yeah, because they’re the ones that get that because other people will say to me, Well, maybe you should just go get a job. And if you’re not worried if, you know, like, Yeah, that’s probably not gonna happen. I just need to be talked off the ledge, you know? And then, you know, then it’s all good, right? But let’s talk about the the place that you’re in right now. Right? So you are, you’ve had your When did your first book come out?

Jan Cavelle 20:31
Just as for pandemic restarting, which is your time frame book launch, actually, because, of course, with a publishing company, like Bloomsbury, you know, they sell a lot of books at the stores and the stores closed, which was unfortunate timing, but I’d still done it, I’d still got a contract with Bloomsbury. So I was still very happy. But it wasn’t very good timing. And of course, business was changing. So fast join those following today. Yeah. You know, I was aware a lot of the good principles in scale, are still worse absorbing, you know, there really are I look back and think well, yeah, I remember I learned a lot from that. But equally, there’s bits, I think, the more I sought budget over time, the more I talk, which I put out in that’s relevant. You know, and that’s another reason why I wrote another one.

Karen Yankovich 21:20
Change it is and I think, you know, I love that. It’s interesting, because when I first looked at your, at your bio, I was like, interesting that she wrote scale for success, before start for success, because just my logical brain goes start comes before scale, right. But I think that that’s actually brilliant, because I feel like post pandemic or again, wherever the hell we are in the pandemic world. So many people are in a new chapter. And so many women, particularly those that are men, men, they don’t want to go back to the office, they may be, you know, they’re looking at what other options they have. And it was so funny, I come from a family of teachers, so everybody had job security and pensions and all this stuff. And, and I did not right now. Now, I feel like now of teachers are not a good example of this, because at least around here, they’re in high demand. So they’ve got a lot job security. But really, what ended up happening was, the entrepreneurs were the ones that made out really well during the pandemic, generally, because they knew how to pivot. They knew how to do this. But people that had paychecks that were getting laid off their company was following people and they didn’t know what to do. So I do think that there’s what I’m seeing is many, many people that have never been entrepreneurs are starting to open their minds that possibility. So I think that I think it’s brilliant to have start for success coming out now. So

Jan Cavelle 22:37
it’s textbook publisher, if you wanted to do scale, it’s next to Bloomsbury, who felt that scale was more relevant. But But yeah, the result, I’d say, I’m gonna assume 2023 is going to be a year where we see so many people start businesses. So I hope it comes in a real service book, as well as I mean, it was a joy to ride. I love doing it, because apart from getting reviews, but yeah, no, it was it was fabulous, right? I wanted to do something, as I said, that filled the gaps. I wanted to do something that talked about and gave a really real picture of entrepreneurship, because there’s a lot of highly imaginative stuff written about entrepreneurship to to sort of built up an image to create a guru, you know, and it doesn’t really answer the day to day life of the ups and downs, the moment you can find the moment you take your hair, I bet you incredible highs, but you know, it’s totally challenging. You know, and people do get very isolated, and I wanted to link people up with with that reality and make them think that’s not just me, like I always did, you know, fat escape, but it’s what entrepreneurships by. So I think that that’s a big thing of budget, you know, but it is very relatable and very real. And there are also quite a lot of anecdotes in it from other entrepreneurs, which which give examples. So try and use, I mean storytelling, really. It’s nicking stories, you know, lots of entrepreneurs to give points of anything from conversational selling to finance, you know, and but it’s a good way to learn, I think. And I think it’s also nice to learn from other entrepreneurs because it goes back to your point of a get it,

Karen Yankovich 24:32
right. Well, your book is scheduled to be released January 25 2023. So that’s exciting. We can link to your website where people can get information about when it when it’s released, is that

Jan Cavelle 24:45
that’s why we’re doing a pre release beforehand. I’m not absolutely sure when that starts, whether it’s just for just after Christmas, but there’s also you know, that’ll be on the website, you can sign up for latest news. We’re having a bit of a launch party with special discounts. Have some things up for go. So you can sign up for that. So, so yeah, go to the website and China launched launched launch tribe.

Karen Yankovich 25:10
And that would be great. I’m going to be part of your launch tribe. And I recommend everybody as a part of their of her launch tribe, because why not be right, this is how we build relationships. And you know, I’m just gonna put a little thing in a little plug in here, right? Like I you guys, I know that I know that our listeners really do connect with the guests that we have on the show, I hear from our guests all the time. But Jan will remember, if you purchase her book, talk about her book, tag her on social media, with you know that you just read this book, Jim will remember this. So just connect with Jim just buy the book, write the book, and then read the book. And then if you feel if you’re feeling it, you know, of course, write a review, because Jan will remember that. And then, of course, tag her in social media posts, if you’re talking about the book, you know, connect with her in places on social media, Jim will remember that, and this is how we start to build those relationships. And you know, we don’t know where that’s going, right? Like, you just don’t know where that’s gonna go. But you never know. And you want to have a network full of these brilliant people like Jan, that can, you know, you never know where those relationships will go. So So yes, of course, buy the book. But take it a step further be of value, evaluate

Jan Cavelle 26:17
any field, send it, whatever.

Karen Yankovich 26:20
And that’s at the heart of what we teach here. Like it’s really about building the relationships, of course, we want people to get on our stuff and watch our stuff. But it’s that next step, that is where the real power is in relationship building, is that taking it to an actual conversation? By providing value, right, by providing value and saying, you know, I love this book, because you all need to read chapter four, because in here, she talks about this, this or that, right? Whatever that is, it’s, it’s when we’re providing value to the people in our network. That’s where networks become really, really powerful. And so there’s my little teaching moment in this podcast. Hope you didn’t mind that, Jan. No,

Jan Cavelle 26:56
that’s a great choice. Yeah,

Karen Yankovich 26:59
yeah. Well, thank you so much for being here. today. I look forward to getting that book, I want to make sure I get scale for success, too, because it looks really interesting. And I noticed on your website, you get the first chapter. So if anybody

Jan Cavelle 27:10
falls, because that’s just the process, we’re just updating your website.

Karen Yankovich 27:15
won’t be there when you listen to this. So so let’s get the first chapter of the new book.

Jan Cavelle 27:22
Yeah, but we will do something like that. And as I said, if you sign up for, you know, being part of the tribe, you’ll get lots and lots of good use and hopefully,

Karen Yankovich 27:32
perfect. Well, I would, that would be great. All right. So everybody, go to the links below in the show notes and get the link to the website, get on the list so that you get notified when the book comes out. And then be a part of Jan’s launch tribe. And let’s let’s let’s lift each other up here. Thanks for being here.

Jan Cavelle 27:48
My pleasure. Thank you for inviting me.

Karen Yankovich 27:50
I hope you are as inspired by Jan, as I was, I you know, it’s always interesting for me to hear the backstories of some of the people that are seemingly running very successful businesses and to see how they got there, right. So you know, if you can relate to that, then know that you don’t have to do this by yourself. There is so much more support out there now for you than when I started when Jan started. There’s me for example, I’m happy to help you just go on over to Karen yankovich.com/call. If you want to grab a spot on our calendar and talk about how you can build a business, my my goal is for there to be more wealthy women of influence in the world. And that starts with more money in the bank, right? Always, always, always, money is what can affect change the fastest and give us the kind of influence that can make the kind of impact that is there for you to make. So our shoe synced up program is the best program on the market to help you build the kinds of relationships that can build your business to a quarter million dollars and beyond all starts with a quick phone call Karen yankovich.com/call get you on the calendar. I would love to see your name on our calendar. And if you love this right if you love this episode today, then you know I love to hear from you. So I’d love to get a review from you. Tell me what you thought of this episode. Go on over to Karen yankovich.com/two to three you’ll see the notes for all the things we talked about on the show and share it with your social media audience tag me tag Jan will share with our audience and this is how we all lift each other up. I’m here for you. I’m here for you this week. I’m here for you next week. I’m here for you beyond and I look forward to hearing to seeing you next week with another episode of The Good girls get rich podcast

222 – The Subtle Art of Having Conversations on LinkedIn

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen discusses why you should be having conversations on LinkedIn.

Need a framework of how to have conversations on LinkedIn? This episode is for you.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Linda Lambert said one good conversation can shift the direction of change forever.

In this episode, I share the third part of our framework, conversations. I know the introverts in the house are already developing cold feet, but don’t you fret. I have simple action plans that will help you gain the courage to start having conversations with your LinkedIn connections and, in turn, help you build your business wealth.

One of the things I love about conversations is the fact that they could change your lives forever. One conversation can open doors that you never knew existed. Imagine getting on a call with someone who connects with amazing people who could use your services. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Before you jump on a call with any of your connections, I’d like you to appreciate that you need to have the right mindset and be as genuine as possible. It will not be easy in the beginning, but with time, you gain the muscle to do it effortlessly.

The other thing you can do to have more conversations is to recognize reconnections. Take time and look at your connections list; identify the people who have been there but haven’t made any connection with them. Book calls with them. You may never know what will come from that.

Listen in. I share how to have conversations with your LinkedIn connections.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/222
  • Introduction [00:00]
  • The willingness to have conversations around what you do [02:25]
  • Developing the right mindset to having conversations [04:38]
  • Don’t overlook reconnections. [07:15]
  • A recap of the episode [13:40]
  • Let’s connect [16:27]

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

“The wealth in your business comes from conversations.”

“The best way to get good at this is just keep doing it. Just keep doing it.”

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 222. Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich.

Intro 0:10
This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello, and welcome. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is episode 222 of the good girls get rich podcast. And if you’ve been listening for the past few weeks, you know, this is part three of a three part series that I did talking about the simple three part framework that’s behind all of the strategy that I work on all of the strategy in our choosing program, all of the strategy that I work on with my private clients. And it’s not something that we that’s front facing, right, like the front facing strategy is a little bit different. But behind it is this three part framework credibility, which we dove deep into in Episode 220 connection, which we dove deep into last week in Episode 221. And this, we’re going to be talking about conversation, because at the end of the day, I’m not looking for you to just have a big network, I want you to actually get on the phone with these people. Right. So having, you know, the credibility is going to help with the connection, because people will want to connect with people that have that seem like they’re worthy of their time, right. And that’s on us to create that credibility. And then of course, we need to start to build out our network. But it’s more than just having, you know, a lot of people in your network, it’s more than just having a lot of eyes on your content. It’s more than just who can see how many people saw on my posts, right? To me the wealth in your business comes from the conversations, and this is the most important piece of this framework. And this is often mindset work, right? This is why this conversation piece is why we incorporate mindset into everything we do in our she’s linked up program, because you know, especially as women, we’re really good at our to do lists, right? We can post we can create our content calendar. And you know, maybe there’s a part of us that things that we post, we can go sit on the beach, and then let the business come to us. Right? Like we can do all the things, all the things on our to do list, checking off all the things on your to do list accomplishing things. But the money is in the actual conversations that and that’s why the mindset piece is so important. Because it’s you know, I’m not looking for you to just be connecting with people is that next step, that step that says, Hey, are you open to having a quick 15 minute conversation about this? That little phrase, right, there is the difference between people that are making, you know, seven figures and people that maybe not even making six figures? Is that piece right there. The willingness to actually have conversation with people about the work you’re doing? And remember, the work that I do is not about the low ticket products that you have. I don’t I’m not I mean, it’s just not my expertise, right. My expertise is what are the things that you have? What are the highest value services that you offer? And I’m pretty sure that for the most part, everybody that’s ever engaged with you on that higher ticket service you had a conversation with, before they’ve done the very few people buy a 5000 or 10,000 or $25,000, you know, coaching package or consulting package or, you know, whatever it is that you offer, without having a conversation first, right? So I get that this could be a little wiggy, even though like you might be thinking, it’s, you know, I can do this, I can do this. But when it comes to it, I’m just I’m telling you I’m not. It’s this is the part where I’ve got to like push a little bit and say, How many people did you actually have calls with this week? Right? I’ve got you here. I promise you this works. And this is not just for extroverts. Because remember all you introverts and we’re gonna do a whole episode on this coming up. But you’ve done the work already. They already know you don’t have to go and say, Hey, and I’m a big deal, because they’ve already seen your profile. Right? They’ve already seen your profile, they’ve already agreed to connect with you. Now it’s just a matter of, you know, converting that to a phone call. Right. And I know you’ve heard me say this before, but I don’t honestly even care about the algorithm. I don’t honestly care how many people see your posts, those posts are important. But they’re there to support this piece. They’re there to support this piece. So people know a little bit more about you that you’re staying top of mind with them. You know, I don’t care if one if 25 people or 25,000 people saw your posts. What I care about is how many of these calls you have on your calendar and the algorithm. The regardless of what LinkedIn does with the algorithm. It doesn’t affect this piece, right? We have no procrastination excuses to do this. Because there’s no algorithm there’s nothing in our way but ourselves. Okay, we are our own procrastination tool in this. So I’m here to help you get over that. So the first thing I want you to think about when you think about the connect the conversation pieces in this is that I want you to shift your mindset a little bit around building your LinkedIn network, because I believe that every one that you are connecting with is worthy of one of these conversations. Right. So it’s not like Twitter where you want to have a million Twitter followers, right? I want every connection you make. In your mind, your goal is to drive that to a conversation. And that does, it doesn’t always happen, right? It’s not like we connect with 50 people and 50 people say, yes, let’s get on the phone. I’m not saying it’s gonna happen. But the mindset is, every connection on LinkedIn should lead to a conversation. If not, why are you connecting with them? What are you doing with people on LinkedIn, that you’re not looking to get on the phone with them. Now, let me just say this, I’m talking about who you outbound connect to, I’m not talking about who connects to you. Right, as your visibility grows, more and more people are gonna want to connect with you. Right. So you know, when somebody wants to connect with you, it could be that they just saw your posts, they heard your podcast, they, they saw you somewhere, they just want to be connected to you, if they drive that if they know what they’re doing. Or if they listen to my podcast, and they, you know, they reach out to you and say, Hey, are you up for a quick call, then it’s up to you to decide if you want to do that. But I’m talking about who you connect with. Right on that connecting piece we talked about last week, when you are building these connections, every single person you connect with, I want you to actually have in your mind that it’s gonna that your goal is to get on the phone with them. Alright, so that’s a little bit of shifting your mindset here. Okay, every week, you’re sending out, let’s say, five connection requests every week. The goal is, every one of those your work is to send out a thanks for kind of accepting my connection request, and then maybe commenting on a post that they did or something that you see that’s happening in their industry or whatever. And not with like, Bs, fake interest. I’m talking about real interest, right? real, authentic interest. And then, you know, say legitimately say, Hey, are you open to a quick call? Because I think there’s opportunities for us to collaborate. And I’d love to explore that. When you get on those calls, these conversations, when you get on these calls, the calls then are not, here’s what I do, give me your credit card. There. Here’s what I do. Who do you know? Okay, so these conversations are just genuine networking calls. And by the way, you’re doing the same for them, right? You’re doing the same for them. So you’re looking to see who you can connect them with? Or is there somebody that you, you know, somebody that you can send their way, whatever it is, maybe you can just send them a resource that you have, right? So thinking about, you’re thinking about your mindset on everybody that you do an outbound connection request to. And the second thing I want you to think about when it comes to the conversations piece of his framework is don’t overlook reconnecting, right? Unless you started your LinkedIn network today, there’s probably dozens, if not hundreds, maybe 1000s of people you’re already connected to. And I gotta tell you, this is the part that so many people push back and say, Oh, no, no, I know everybody on my network. If there was somebody in my network, I would I’ve already I would have already done that. I’m telling you, that’s not true. Because one of the things that we force people to do for us, one of the things I force people to do in our she’s linked up program is go back and look at that network. And so often, they’re like, Wow, I didn’t know Mary change jobs. This is really interesting. I want to reach out to her about that. So don’t overlook the reconnecting, when it comes to conversation. This should be able to at least, if not triple, but least double if not triple the number of calls you have on your calendar. And these are people that you don’t listen, we I know that there’s probably a lot of people in your network that you don’t know, right? I know, like, I’ve got 1000s of people that I’ve connected to on LinkedIn, I don’t know all those people. But even if, if I’m going through my network, and I see somebody that I’m already connected to, that is doing something I think is really interesting. And I want to have a conversation with them, then maybe my message to them is, you know, hey, Mary, while we’ve been connected on LinkedIn for a couple years, I’m not actually sure how we originally connected but I don’t think we’ve ever really had a conversation. But I see that you’re doing this, this and this. That’s really interesting to me. I’d love to hear more about that. Are you up for a quick call, right? So even if it’s somebody that you’re connected to on LinkedIn, but you have no idea who they are, while you’re connected to them, the fact that you’re already connected, it still makes this a reconnection. And it gives you the ability to kind of approach it in a more warm fashion, then I don’t know you you don’t know me, I just came across your thing. We’re not connected anywhere. But let’s talk right? That doesn’t really work as well. But this reconnection piece is where it can happen. Sometimes it’s Hey, can you believe that conference, which was five years ago, or wow, I was thinking about you the other day, when I was thinking about that pizza place, we used to go for lunch, and we both worked at AT and T like, Whatever, whatever that conversation starter could be. Start looking through your network and reconnect to have more conversations with people that you’re already connected to. Now, I want to take a second here to tell you guys this is the kind of thing that we help you with and our she’s linked up program, or she’s linked up program is designed to help women learn this exact process, right? How do you show up as an influencer? How do you build your network? How do you get on the phone with people and our goal is for you to be building connections on all levels, and having calls on your calendar at all levels so that you’re routinely connecting and selling your highest ticket opportunities. Okay, that is everything that’s behind everything that we do in our shoes linked up program. My goal is that there’s more wealthy were men of influence in this world. And we created she’s linked up just to do that. So if you want to learn more about our she’s linked up program, just go to Karen yankovich.com/call. And let’s have a call and talk about it. Okay, no obligation. I love talking to our podcast listeners, and learning a little bit about you and your program. And if we think it’s a fit, we’ll tell you what it looks like to be a member of our choosing dot program. But either way, you’ll get a ton of value from these calls. So Karen yankovich.com/call, the link is in the show notes as well. Alright, so change up your mindset, don’t overlook reconnecting. The third part of this. And this is often the hard part. And this is like, I guess there’s a lot of hard parts in this, right? Cuz I also talked about the fact that, you know, it’s easy to do all the busy work, right, and not always as easy to ask for the phone call. But this third piece is when you have these calls. The reality here is, is we don’t really know what we’re going to talk about, or where the calls got going, or why we’re having this conversation. And this takes practice, right? This takes practice, you have to work, you have to continue to work on this, right, like build that muscle. So the conversations, you know, go something like this, like, tell me a little bit about what you’ve been up to, or again, if it’s brand new, you know, somebody that you just connected with, or somebody that you reconnected with that will be different, but you know, it just kind of a little bit of a schmoozing. Intro, establishing rapport. And then, you know, tell me a little bit about what you’re doing and what how I can support you. And then the goal would be for them to ask you that same question. If not, you’re gonna have to insert it in there. Right? And here’s what I’m looking for. Now, if you do your research, right, hopefully, a lot of the times some of the person that you’re talking to is gonna say, Well, wait, maybe me, I want to know more about this. But if the worst case scenario is, is there, like, you know what, let me think about this, because I think there might be people I can refer you to, now you’re getting warm referrals, do you see where this could be so powerful, and there are definitely going to be times where you’re gonna get on the call, and the person is gonna say, What do you want? Like, what do you want? Like, what are we on this call for? That’s not your person, just let them go. Just let it go. Right, just let it go. Because it’s, again, it’s this muscle that you have to build on having these connection conversations, without knowing exactly why you’re on the phone, or where the conversation is gonna go. You know, it’s kind of like when you meet somebody a networking event, you don’t really know them, but you’re both at the networking event, you don’t really know where that conversation is gonna go. And that’s why this can’t really be scripted. Even if you have a, you know, something that you that you offer over and over and over again, you can’t really script these convert these connection conversations. Because we’re not really sure what the person is going to say, they might say, Oh, my gosh, you need to meet my next door neighbor, I bet that, you know, she’s been looking for somebody exactly like you, right? You don’t know when that’s gonna happen, right. So there’s no way to, there’s no way to script this. So you have, the best way to get good at this is just keep doing it. Just keep doing it. And know that it is not easy to have these conversations in the beginning, when you’re not sure why you’re having the conversation or where they’re going. So you’re not alone, if that feels a little scary. But the more you do, the better you get at it. And it’s literally just a conversation. It’s just a conversation. And this is what leads to the biggest wealth opportunities in your business. Because if let’s you know if Mary says, You know what, I really love what I’m hearing here. Can I bring you into my Facebook group? As an expert? Can I interview you on my podcast, let me introduce you to my friend, Sue, because Sue is absolutely looking for something like this. These are where these conversations happen. But you don’t know Mary has a Facebook group going in. And I surely don’t want you to be doing that much research on every person. Before you get on the phone with them, you’re gonna want to do a little bit of research, right? But it’s just about going in and exploring opportunities. Does that make sense? So let me recap this a little bit for the conversation piece of this framework. The first thing we want to do is remember that as we do the connection piece, which we talked about last week, we want to remember that every one of those connections, our goal is to have a call with them is to have a conversation with them. We’re not looking to just build more connections in our LinkedIn network, we’re looking to build more calls on our calendar. That’s where the monetary success comes into your business. Okay, so shift your mindset a little bit and understand that every time you connect with somebody on LinkedIn, when you’re initiating the connection request, you should be you should have a process in place to take that connection to a conversation. Second piece of this is don’t overlook reconnecting the reconnecting piece of this is low hanging fruit. You can start this to day to day. In fact, that’s my homework for you go into your LinkedIn network and find five people to message on a reconnect type outreach. Okay. And then the last piece is remember that even if you look at their profile, like all I really care about is that they look like they look smart, and they look worthy of your time. Beyond that, like, you know, you don’t always know you can always look at their profile and know it’s going to be your best customer. So you’ve got to do this hard part, which is get on these conversations without knowing if they’re going to be valuable, where they’re going or why even talking to these people in the first place, this is the hard part. And by the way, if you do this and call after call after call, it’s a waste of your time, then you’re doing then we’ve got to tweak this. And that’s why we teach this in our she’s linked up program, I am not looking for you to waste a lot of time talking to people that are not valuable. There’s a strategy behind finding these people. And as part of that connection we did last week, so I’m not looking for you to have a lot of calls that are a waste of your time, I certainly don’t want that. And I certainly don’t want that for you. But know that that is going to happen sometimes. Because we just have to do that outreach. And look for this, these calls without knowing 100% where they’re gonna go. Okay. So here we are, we’re wrapping up part three of our three part framework, right? Credibility, connecting and conversation. It’s simple, it sounds too simple, but it is this simple. This is the framework behind everything we do. There’s nuances within all of this, right. And those are the these are the things we teach in our she’s linked up program. But remember, our goal and she’s linked up is to have there be more wealthy women of influence in the world, right. And what that means is we have the best people in this program, I wake up every morning, so grateful for the amazing brilliant women that are in this program. And if you want to hang out with these incredible women that are changing the world, well, you got to start it starts with a call every one of these women that are in our program now the first thing they did was booked this call. So there’s a link in the show notes or go to a Karen yankovich.com/call to grab a spot. So I hope this was really valuable to you. If so, you know, we love your reviews. I hope you’re subscribed to the show so that you don’t miss next week. And of course, I’d love for you to share this episode on social media. Use the hashtag good girls get rich tag me I’m at Karen Yankovich. And I’ll be sure to share your posts with my audience. So we can all get more visibility Right? in the show notes. There’s a link for SpeakPipe you can leave us an audio message there. I love those messages. I personally respond to every single one of them. Tell me what you thought of this episode, tell me what you thought of this framework. Maybe there’s a guest that you’d like to recommend to me maybe there’s a topic you’d love for me to hear or you’d love to hear me talk about. I would love your I love getting SpeakPipe messages. So just go to Karen yankovich.com/ 222 You’ll see the blog for this page, you’ll see the link to speak pipe and all of the resources we talked about here today and know that I’m here continually and continuously to support you a rising tide lifts all boats right I do this show to support you and I hope that you’re getting a lot of value out of it. I would love for you to help me help you by sharing the show with your audience. Take a quick screenshot, share it on social media, and make sure you tag me so that I don’t miss it and I can share it with my audience and then I can help you get more visibility right I am here to kick Psalm 2023 Booty with you. I will see you back here next week with another episode of The Good girls get rich podcast

218 – My Push-Pull Relationship with AI on LinkedIn

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen discusses her perspective on using AI on LinkedIn.

AI means automation, but is automation always good?


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Have you ever searched for something online, then before you know it, your socials are flooded with the item you were looking for? That’s the power of AI! Unfortunately, it gets irritating because it fills up your feed. On LinkedIn, have you realized how sometimes people want to connect with you, and they send you endless messages once you connect and even if you ignore them, they keep sending? Those people are using AI on LinkedIn!


AI is automation. It saves us a tone of time, but unfortunately, sometimes, it can burn our brands to ashes. People have reached out to me for help rebuilding their LinkedIn profiles after the site blocked them. At times I’m tempted to ask them whom they have been spamming. One of the things that LinkedIn dislikes is AI tools that spam its users. 


I love AI and how easy it makes my life, but I’m learning that it can make our lives quite unbearable if not well utilized. Imagine using AI for lead generation. You get 40 leads, but none of them converts into a sale. You will have wasted 40 hours on calls only to find out none of them is ready to work with you. How would you feel?


My goal with this podcast is to help you have your fully booked calendar with productive leads. As we go through 2023, you need to do one thing. Define how you want to be seen. Do you want to be seen like the spammers that like message after message after message, even if you don’t respond? Or do you want to be the person who does outreach in this warm and personable way?


 One of the LinkedIn AI tools I highly recommend is Crystal Knows. This tool helps you understand your prospects, what they like, how to talk to them and what to avoid. It saves you a load of time and makes you look good in the eyes of your prospects.


Listen to learn more.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/218
  • My love-hate relationship with LinkedIn AI [03:52]
  • How to draw the line with AI tools [06:06]
  • Avoid spamming [11:54]

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

“Your brand gets hurt when people get all the spam from you.”


“With the strategies and a system that I’ve created, you never, ever have to do cold outreach on LinkedIn.”


“I don’t care how creative you are with your messaging. We know when it’s canned.”

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 218.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello there. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is episode 218. Of the good girls get rich podcast. And this episode is brought to you by she’s linked up where we teach women simple relationship. Heart based marketing is a LinkedIn and PR marketing system that gets your calendar filled your phone busy, and makes you consistently having conversations with perfect people, people who can change your business, change your life, change your bank balance for ever. My goal is for there to be more wealthy women of influence in the world. And this is digital marketing. But it’s the human it’s a human to human marketing, right, we’ve got that human touch with this is relationship based. The biggest opportunities come when you talk to people. And that’s what we teach people in our shoes linked up program. So if you’ve listened before, if you’re loving what you hear today, I love hearing from you. So make sure that you’re subscribed to the show, wherever you’re listening. If you’re feeling it, leave a review, especially if you’re feeling and if you’re loving it and give us a great review. I love hearing this, it gives me a sense of what you want to hear more of right. And so I can guide what we talked about here on the show. To do more of that right. I’d love for you to share this episode on social media, use the hashtag good girls get rich. Take a quick screenshot tag me I’m at Karen Yankovich. And I will be sure to share your post with my audience. Because I want to help you get more visibility. If you’re helping me get more visibility, right, we’ve got show notes. Of course, if you go to Karen yankovich.com/ 218, you’ll see all the the notes for this episode. And then there there’s a link for SpeakPipe, where you can leave an audio message, whether it’s a review or a suggestion for a guest or a topic you’d love to hear me talk about, I love getting your messages and I respond personally to every single one of them. Just go to Karen yankovich.com/ 218, you’ll see the blog for this episode, you’ll see the link to speak pipe and all the things I talked about here today on this show. So this episode, if you’re listening live, or if you’re not either way, it says hey, right, is the last episode going live in 2022. Which, as I record, this seems kind of crazy. To me, we’ve had such a crazy roller coaster of a few years. Right? And you know, I just think about what I want to project into the new year, right? And I get that January versus just another day. Right? It’s not like it’s, you know, a special day because it’s the first of the year, but there’s energy, right? There’s energy as we move into a new year. And I want and as you’re thinking about that I like to think about how do I want to show up, and I don’t want this to be like a New Year’s resolution, right? I want this to be baked into everything I do as I move through not just into 2023, but through 2023. And, you know, the topic at hand today is AI is automation. And, you know, when I recorded this as as I’m recording this, that AI I think is lens or something is out all over the place at all these people are, there’s like controversy, right? There’s a whole bunch of people using it, creating these gorgeous, beautiful, incredible AI generated pictures of themselves. But also there’s like, oh my gosh, what about your privacy? Who owns these pictures? I actually I did not dive into Lanza. And that, that whole thing for a lot of reasons. I have a lot of stuff going on. But because I have a little bit of a push pull relationship with AI, and I’m gonna talk about that here today. Because as you’re thinking about your brand, as you’re thinking about how you want to show up in 2023, it’s important to understand how we’re perceived by other people. Right? So let me let me tell you what I’m talking about here. First of all, let me just say this at the heart of everything, I am a geek at heart. I love technology. You know, Listen, I I love automation. I you know when when I can use things like Zapier to make this talk to that I don’t have to do anything. It’s like nothing makes me happier when you press that and all the things talk to each other. Right? And I don’t have to get involved. I love technology. I love automation. I’m the person that gets into I use Ontraport here for our CRM. And you know, I love getting in there and creating all these crazy things that talk to things that talk to things right. And technically I love AI right from one perspective at the same time. I also recognize I have a little this is a push pull right? I have a little what let me give you an example. Let’s talk about like aI from the perspective of like ads right? Do you ever I remember a time a couple years ago where I’ve a spin bike in my house was before peloton so I didn’t have a vote on it was an actual spinner bike spin bike in my house. And I hadn’t had it for years. So it was not buying a spin bike but I was moving it because it was in the room where I was putting my Christmas tree and I saw I was moving it so I must have been talking about spin bike and then all over social media for the next few days were all these ads for me to buy a spin bike and I was like This is creepy. I know you’ve experienced this, right? Like, this is creepy. I don’t like this. What’s going on? I’m in my living room. somebody’s listening to me blah, blah, blah. But the marketer in me is going Holy crow. This is cool. How do I do this? Right? How do I get in? How do I listen to other people’s conversations? So this is what I mean by like this little push, pull or love hate relationship with technology and AI from a marketers perspective. So cool. So cool. I don’t know how to do that. And then from a consumer perspective, I’m like, I don’t know what’s going on here. I don’t like I don’t love that, you know, every conversation I have. And as I’m sitting here, there’s a, an elite XA. And Alexa rate literally, like 10 inches from my microphone, listening to every word that I’m saying. So if I didn’t find it, when people listen, I guess I could get rid of them. Right. But I tell you this, because it’s not like I am this person that says, throw all the technology way, we don’t need AI, this is all crazy. I love it. At the same time, I really want to understand, you know, how my brand is perceived. Okay, so where do I land on this? So you know that, you know, LinkedIn is something that I spent a lot of time talking about, and teaching and creating strategy for.

And I also know that probably, you’re getting a lot of spam on LinkedIn, I’m getting a lot of spam on LinkedIn. And it’s all these people that are using these AI tools to send messages by the hundreds to people can make connections by the hundreds to people. Now, I have tried many of these tools. It’s not like I’m like, tools are bad, right? I’ve tried them. I draw a line in the sand when I would. And I’ve made this decision, I guess a couple of years ago. So it’s not like this has always been the case. But when LinkedIn started coming down hard on the people that were using these AI tools, I drew a line in the sand and said, You know what? I have to draw a line in the sand. I teach this stuff, I am not willing to be responsible for somebody getting their LinkedIn account shut down because of a strategy I gave them. Because I said don’t worry about this AI tool, you’re not going to get shut down like No, you aren’t going to get shut down. Right. So or you might get shut down. So so I do not recommend any of these tools that are not LinkedIn sanctioned, I do not use them personally, nobody logs into my LinkedIn profile. But me, I am not the LinkedIn police. You can have any wherever you want, log into your LinkedIn profile. But when you get strategy from me, if I’m working with you on strategy, we’re creating a strategy that still allows there to be a lot of support. But and I don’t want to spend a lot of time doing this. But nobody logs into your LinkedIn profile. But you Why am I saying this? Because your brand gets hurt when you’re getting all this spam when you’re when people are getting all the spam from you. Right? This this episode really is dedicated to how can we leverage our time? What tools can we use? What AI kind of tools can we use, so that we are leveraging our time, but we’re also not spamming our network, and we’re not crossing that line in the sand that I said, I drew that that puts us against LinkedIn Terms of Service. Listen, it’s their playground, they get to tell us how to use their ball, right? Like, I don’t care. It’s I mean, I can care all I want, but it’s their playground. So we got to do, we got to play by their rules, or risk getting kicked off the playground. And I’m not willing to get to risk getting kicked off the playground because LinkedIn is, and the work that I do on LinkedIn is without a doubt, the most profitable piece of my marketing. So I’m going to play by their rules. And what they will say is these AI tools are against their terms of service, the ones that scrape your information, right, the ones that and the ones that send out a bunch of connection requests, and then send out these, these canned messages. So that’s kind of where I land on it. I’m kind of in this middle space. But again, line in the sand is against LinkedIn. LinkedIn is Terms of Service, I don’t do it. And here’s the thing with the strategies, and with a system that I’ve created, you never, ever have to do cold outreach on LinkedIn. Never, ever. The people that I work with the people in our in my shoes linked up program, the people that I work with privately, are never doing cold outreach, and they are having massive success on LinkedIn. Okay, so, so you don’t need these tools. Yeah, it’s kind of sexy to say, I’m just gonna hit a button, all the stuffs gonna happen for me, or I’m gonna hire this person, and they’re gonna hit a button, and all this is gonna happen for me. I get it. It’s not quite as sexy when I say yeah, no, you got to talk to people, you know, but it’s not. It’s a very simple system. It’s just that we gotta somehow we got away from it, right? So. So there’s a way that you can use LinkedIn authentically meet the most amazing people. And there’s like, and I will link to an episode I did a couple months ago about the different types of people, I want you to be building relationships on LinkedIn. And there’s a way to do it. When you never do in cold outreach. You’re never doing cold calls, and you’re never spamming your network. So what does that look like? So the first thing I want you to think about is who do you want to be and I’m going to talk about as you’re moving into 2023, but if you’re listening when I’m whenever you’re listening to this, you know, who do you want to be in the next six months? Right? How do you want to be seen? I have gotten messages like there’s somebody in particular I’m thinking about that sent me a message on LinkedIn, and was, you know, like a regular connection message. I looked at her profile. I’m like, wow, I totally want to connect with this person i, this she looks like exactly the kind of person I want to connect with. I want to learn more about what she’s doing. I think there’s probably opportunities for us to collaborate. So I was really impressed with her. And it was cold outreach on her part, but I wasn’t she got she hooked me I was impressed. And then I got the same exact message again, a second time from her. And I was like, oh, right, here we go. And then I started getting and I saw I stepped back. I didn’t respond right away. And I didn’t say anything. And I started getting the barrage of the follow up messages. Did you get this? I want to reach it, have it like I started? And I was like, No way I don’t I have no interest in talking to this person now. Right. So these are, and maybe you’ve experienced that, right? This is somebody that had a beautiful profile, a great brand, a probably a really good opportunity for me to collaborate. And I just she was a complete and utter turnoff. And her brand was very like high end and high touch and, you know, relationship based and she’s sending me these freakin spam, canned messages. So you know, you could say there’s people that say to me, why don’t you just teach her you teach this up? I thought my job to teach her how to do this, if she wants to, you know, damage her brand. And that way, I’m not, you know, I’m not the brand police or the LinkedIn police where I’m gonna go out and say, Oh, no, you shouldn’t be doing this this way. Like, I don’t care enough. I just deleted her from my network. Because I don’t I just don’t I don’t have the energy or the time to be dealing with people like that. And I feel kind of bad. Because I know that it probably wasn’t her idea. Right? Somebody probably sold her on this strategy. Because I they must be out there selling the strategy, because there’s a million people doing it. So think about how you want to be seen. Do you want to be seen like this woman that was messaging me? Is that how you want your brand to be perceived? Because we know I don’t care how creative you are with your messaging. We know when it’s canned. When I get that second message that’s like, you know, whatever, like, Hey, I haven’t heard from you yet. But I immediately know it’s canned. And I’m annoyed. And I don’t want any part of you. Here’s the thing, the most important thing about this, it doesn’t work. And let me tell you, let me tell you my perspective on this. And that’s not just my perspective, it’s my experience, when you are using a service that’s sending out 100 messages and connections a day, 100 messages a day, blah, blah, blah, it’s possible, it’s probable that you’re gonna have a calendar full. And I said in the very beginning of the show, my goal is for you to have a calendar full of calls. But more importantly, my goal is for you to have a calendar full of qualified calls, because who has time to be talking to people over and over and over, they’re not qualified to work with you. This is what that spam outreach does. I cannot tell you the number of times that people have reached out to me and said, My Profile got shut down. My immediate reaction is, well, like I don’t call them out on it. But I want to call about it and say, why? Well, who did you who’s working on your profile? Like, who’s what who’s doing who you spamming? Like, it’s my immediate reaction is that they’re, they’re using these AI tools? And then they come to me to say, how do I get it back? What do I do and frequency? Often, they then hire me to teach them my process, my process. But here’s the thing, too, like I talked to somebody recently, I might have talked about this on the show before, but I talked to somebody recently who is using a company that does this. And they said to me, you know, and she said to me, we are getting so many great leads so many great leads. We got 40 Great leads last month, and we didn’t close any of them. So something’s like how help us close these leads. I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t talk to me. That’s 40 hours worth of calls, by the way, right? So for those people that are telling me, I don’t have time to do it your way, even though I’m telling you it’s not a lot of time, I want to hit a button and let the AI take care of it. They’re sending you 40 hours worth of work. That’s going nowhere, right? So even though it seems like it works like oh my gosh, is getting so many I got so many leads from this, this is awesome. And even if you closed one of those leads, I don’t want to have to have 40 calls to close one lead. Right? Like so even if it’s like if you pay somebody $1,000 to do this a month, right? Let’s just say. And let’s say that one lead, close, $10,000 worth of work. Like that seems amazing. I got a 10 times return on my investment in that $1,000. But you had to talk to 40 people to do that. I’m not I’m not building. I don’t want to build a business like that, right? So this AI stuff that’s out there right now. It’s not working. So when this when this person came to me and said this, I said to her, you got to be kidding me. You don’t need to learn how to close calls better you need better leads, because I know I’m talking to you. I happen to know a little bit about this company. And I was like, There’s no way that you’re those are 40 qualified leads, if you’re not closing any, you’re getting crap from the system, you’re getting crap from these from these leads, they’re not good leads, and maybe they don’t know. And maybe they even if they weren’t good leads, they don’t know enough about you yet. Right? They’re not ready to buy. So it just doesn’t work these AI tools that you’re seeing out there, no matter how sexy it seems for somebody to say I’m gonna take care of I’m gonna send you leads you’re gonna have all these calls on your calendar, like and you know, how would you feel if I had if I put five qualified He’s on your calendar every week, like, I’m sorry, they’re not qualified. And I, it’s been proven to me over and over and over again by the people that come to me and say, Help me, right. So it doesn’t work. But here’s the other thing. Here’s the here’s the good news. So first of all, like, I want you to know, think about who you want to be, do you want to be the person that is showing up and reaching out to warm contacts to build a beautiful, profitable business to build wealth? Right? Or do you want to be the person spamming people, right? And people spamming the companies that AI tools that are spamming people do not work? That’s the all the that’s all the kind of bad news. The good news is, there are some ways you can leverage your time with some AI with some text. Remember that I’m always looking for the good stuff, right? I always I love a good tech, right? Like there’s, there’s a difference between the this the tools out there that scrape your information, right, and the tools out there that can truly leverage your information, right. So so for example, there’s a debt, if you go to Karen yankovich.com/tools, there’s a page on my website that that links to some of these, and also put them in the show notes. But there’s a tool by the name of crystal nose, Crystal nose, and again, the links are in the show notes, show notes. And what crystal knows does is it crawls the internet. And it pulls information together to give you the DISC profile of the person whose LinkedIn profile you’re looking at. So think about this for a second. Still AI. So I’m not saying I don’t like AI, I don’t like the I don’t like the AI that that spams people, there’s some good AI out there, there’s some good artificial intelligence tools out there. So crystal nose goes out. It’s a little creepy, but I’m not gonna lie. The first time I saw it, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is weird. But now that I saw it again, the marketer in me is like, Ooh, this is cool. Because now, if you’ve got five calls on your calendar, and you’ve got a tool like crystal knows, and there’s another one that somebody just introduced me to recently, and I don’t know it well enough to recommend it. I haven’t even looked at it yet. But it’s similar to Crystal goes down, I’ve got this plugin, right, it’s plugged into my LinkedIn. And it tells me if I pull up Mary Smith’s profile, it tells me Mary Smith wants to be approached like this, her, you know, this is the best way to talk to her, talk to her like you’re her friend, or don’t talk to her like you’re her friend talk to keep it all business, ask her about her, you know, personal life, don’t ask her about it. Like it literally guide you on how to have a successful call with these people. So there are some AI tools out there that I do love. Right, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, for example. It’s built in to LinkedIn, of course, LinkedIn loves LinkedIn Sales Navigator, it’s probably the most valuable investment I make in my business every month, it’s 100 bucks a month ish, right? And so it’s not, you know, a $10 or $5 month tool. So it’s, you know, you have to think about it. But if it saves me if it leverages my time, right, if it’s a service, a tool that leverages my time, then I am happy to use it, because I want to leverage my time, right? So Sales Navigator will tell me things like, hey, of these 1000 people in the search you created, these 400 have been active in the last 30 days. I’m like, Alright, cool. I’m going to look at those 600 Cuz I don’t even know if they’re alive or dead. Nevermind, gotta see my message, right? I’m going to focus on these 400 leverages my time. So it’s not, I’m not here to tell you that I think that technology and AI is a bad thing. There are some really great tools that you can use to leverage your time and to have a successful and profitable LinkedIn strategy. Without spamming your network. Let me just recap this really quickly. First of all, you wanna think about who do you want to be in the next six months? Who do you want to be in 2023? How do you want to be seen? Do you want to be seen like the spammers that like message after message after message, even if you don’t respond? Or do you want to be the person that does outreach, that from this warm, personable, customized way, without like, you can still create templates, but you got to customize them to be really custom to each person. It sounds like it takes longer, but it’s a whole lot less time than 40 sales calls that didn’t land a customer, right? So and it doesn’t take all that long. I promise you, I’m not looking to take a lot of your time up. The second part of this is those things don’t work anyway, they don’t work. They seem like they work because they’re like, Hey, I paid $1,000 And they made $10,000. But what they don’t take into consideration is how much of your time is wasted by feeding you crap leads. And then the turning around piece of this is the good news is there are tools like crystal nose like Sales Navigator, like LinkedIn, right like LinkedIn, that gives us the blend of this good old fashioned relationship marketing, talking to actual people, human to human marketing, with the beauty of the technology that we have in 2023 Using tools like LinkedIn itself, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Crystal nose, right. These are the kinds of tools that are available to us to leverage our time to make this simpler and to have better relationship marketing strategies that lead to less conversations, more conversions to contracts, more money in the bank. Now I hope that as you move into the new year, you think about what that strategy might look like for you. If you’re looking for some help with this, you know, I’m here to support you. And she’s linked up. My goal is for there to be more wealthy women of influence, we blend, a beautiful mix of strategy to build your to get clients with a PR strategy, right? Because I want you to have that influence that credibility, so you can land those 1020 $30,000 contracts. We have amazing, amazing women in this program. I am grateful every single morning for the women that I get to hang out with if you want to get to hang out with some of these incredible women, grab some spot on my calendar, just go to Karen yankovich.com/call. We will chat for a little bit we’ll see if it’s a fit. What I do know is that this is what’s working right now in marketing. It’s the more intimate human marketing, less AI use the tools we have right to make the intimate human marketing even more effective. LinkedIn is going to is where it’s at. And if you want a strong LinkedIn strategy as you move into the new year, or into the next six months, grab a spot on my calendar, Karen yankovich.com/call get you to the calendar. A rising tide lifts all boats right I do this podcast to support you. I’d love for you to support me by sharing this, share this episode on social media. Take a screenshot tag me, I’ll make sure you get some more visibility and let’s move in to 2023 with a strong, powerful, confident SEO energy and make it the best year ever. Happy New Year, and I’ll see you on the other side.

213 – How the Online Marketing World is Evolving with Lynn Rivest

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Lynn Rivest and Karen Yankovich discuss how the online marketing world is evolving.

Lynn Rivest is an Online Business Strategist helping solo entrepreneurs focus on what matters most in their business to make it flourish.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Today, Lynn Rivest joins me on the show for an eye-opening episode on how the online marketing world is evolving. She is an Online Business Strategist helping solo entrepreneurs focus on what matters most in their business to make it flourish. Lynn is a tough lover. She will tell you the truth and let you decide what you want to do with it. I have Lynn on my team, and I can tell you she is such a gem.

The online marketing world is evolving with every dawning day. What worked a few years back might no longer work today. The Covid Pandemic has allowed us to see how much we have lost the human touch in how we do business. AI is taking over, and people are tired of automation.

For instance, some years back, people created a course once, and they would sell it over and over with live sessions. Today, people want to have live sessions with the course creators. They want to feel the human connection between them. You need to offer a human-to-human relationship to avoid running out of business soon. Old tricks are foundations, but we must embrace new ways of doing things.

In marketing, we see a lot of changes. People only want quality. Quantity has no place in the current marketplace. As an entrepreneur, you must look at your marketing strategies to see if quality is winning over quantity and if your messaging has a human touch. According to Lynn. Unlike some years back, the noise in the marketing world is so loud that you must find a way to communicate with your audience away from the noise.

In this episode, Lynn shares some mistakes to avoid if we want to succeed in online marketing. She also shares some gems to help us transition to the next level of our business. Listen in and learn.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/213
  • Getting to know Lynn and how she discovered her sweet spot [04:33]
  • How finding clients has evolved since 2019 [07:29]
  • The power of knowing where your audience hangout [12:38]
  • Doing the things that bring money first [13:33]
  • Put in time for exploring new things [14:20]
  • The shift in the online marketing world [16:17]
  • Quality over quantity: Getting back to delivering quality [21:52]
  • Sticking to methods that do not work [28:52]

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

“Even when, you’re good at helping somebody do one thing, you’ll fall back on doing those things yourself. It’s just natural.”


“Finding the people right for you, is that you need to be even more clear and specific, then you ever had to before.”


“There’s always going to be something pulling us away in some way. That seems like a good idea for our business.”


“It is practically impossible to have a launch that is a six-figure launch when you don’t have an audience to support it.”


“If you’re doing something that is higher quality, meaning you’re not selling, you know, the $27 product, you’re not, you’re not among many on the shelf, like you’re not a commodity in that way. You want to connect with certain people over the masses.”

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 213.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello there. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is episode 213 of the good girls get rich podcast. And this show is brought to you by she’s linked up where we teach simple relationship heart based LinkedIn marketing to women, the kinds of marketing that gets you on the phone with the people that can change your business, change your life, change your bank balance forever, I know that it’s the people in our lives, that change our lives. And that does not that’s the same when it comes to your business. It’s the same when it comes to your business. When I ask people where they get most of their biggest opportunities from they almost always say referrals. So we know that the process we teach is creating more wealthy women of influence. And I believe that the world needs more wealthy women of influence. So at the end of the day, it’s digital marketing. But with that human touch the human to human marketing, that is really where the biggest opportunities happen. So if you’ve listened before, or if you love what you’re hearing today, you know, we’d love to hear from you, right, please subscribe to the show on whatever podcast player you’re using. leave a review that helps us understand what is valuable to you the shows that that resonate most with our audience, so we can do more of that, right. So we love that. You can also take a quick screenshot of this, share it on social media, use the hashtag good girls get rich tag me I’m at Karen Yankovich tag, our guests will drop her links in the show notes so that you can tag her as well. And then we’ll be sure to share your posts with our audiences. We all get more visibility that way. There’s also a link in the show notes for SpeakPipe, where you can leave me an audio message. I love what your message is, I respond to every one of them personally, and I’d love to hear what you thought of this show. Or maybe there’s a topic you want me to talk about our guest you’d love for me to interview, I would love to hear from you. And the link is in Karen yankovich.com/ 213. You’ll see the blog for this page, you’ll see the link for SpeakPipe. And that’s where all the goodies are for this episode. I am so excited about the show today. Lynn Rivest, who’s on our show today is somebody that’s on my team and Lynn Lynn, I think might be the very first person I ever hired in my business way back in like 2012, at least in this variation of my business. So my online business. So, you know, we did different things over the years. But we’ve come back together recently. And it’s been a lot of fun to work with her. And you know, I’m really I really want you to see I like I like sharing with you, some of the people on my team and the things that are going on behind the scenes in my business because maybe that’ll help you right, maybe it’ll help you do that. And honestly, Lynn’s amazing, y’all need to know her. So check it out. I am really excited for today’s guest we have Lynn Rivest with us today. And Lynn is an online business strategist. Helping solo entrepreneurs focus on what matters most in their business to make it flourish. And Lynne is on my team, I think you may remember that I told you earlier this year that I wanted to bring more of the people that I work with to you, just to give you a little more behind the scenes of what goes on around here and in hopes that it helps you as well. And Lynne and I worked together years ago and then, you know, circumstances came back around to us working together for the last few months. And it’s been a lot of fun working with you again, Lynn, how are you? Good. How are you? Karen? Good, good. So I wrote Lynne on because, you know, listen, I knew I knew her work because we weren’t together years ago. And I knew that I just needed somebody to kind of kick me in the butt. I knew that she would do that. Because as much as I, I can talk the talk and I try really hard to walk the walk with be really focused, you know, like, start like, you don’t need to be all things to all people. You don’t need to be all over the place. I can very easily you know, get distracted have shiny object syndrome, so I needed somebody on my team that can be like, Nah, I don’t think you should do that. So that’s why I brought you back on Lin. So what are you sending? What do you call yourself in your LinkedIn bio? Because I loved how you say it.

Lynn Rivest 4:17
Oh, yeah, toss lover. I’m a tough lover.

Karen Yankovich 4:21
And that’s so true. It’s so true. So tell everybody a little bit about you and your journey and what brought you to because I think this is absolutely your sweet spot. So how did you come to realize that and start to build your business around that?

Lynn Rivest 4:33
Yeah, well as you know, we do we’ve go back quite a while I think it was like 2015 When we first I

Karen Yankovich 4:39
think there might have been 2030 Yeah, even earlier crazy.

Lynn Rivest 4:43
Yes. So in all this time, my My whole background of course, even from like 1998 forward has been you know, in digital strategy and different ways. And then when I went off on my own in 2013 It kind of just fell in To more online business management, and I got to be behind the scenes of a ton of different online businesses, which was great learning. Because while I had the digital background, online businesses, solo entrepreneurs, that kind of thing is a different beast, right? So yeah, I got to work with a lot of great people, including yourself. And then in the last while I was pretty much just working with one client in particular. And it was really us growing this business. And what I learned from that, and from all the other businesses I’ve worked on is that yes, we overcomplicate

Karen Yankovich 5:36
who continue to overcomplicate things, even though say I don’t and you and I have you to help me not do it. I continue to overcomplicate things.

Lynn Rivest 5:45
And it’s normal, right? It’s totally normal. That’s the thing is like, even when, you know you’re you’re good at helping somebody do one thing, you’ll fall back on doing those things yourself. It’s just natural. But the complexity is unnecessary. This is what I’ve, you know, I definitely believe and I know to be true with the clients I’ve worked with, where we’re basically like, let’s prune, let’s cut out some of the stuff you don’t need to be doing. It just leaves more space to do the things that do matter. But yeah, we we overcomplicate, like you said, shiny object syndrome is a big thing. And because the internet, you’re working on the internet, and then you see what’s available, like you can’t just easily remove yourself from the land of plenty, which is, you know, all these amazing courses, programs, new solutions, you can’t because you’re working on it.

Karen Yankovich 6:34
Right. Right. And you know, and there’s some good stuff there. Right. But it’s, it’s like deciding what makes the most sense, and, and what doesn’t. So when last week’s show, I talked about the fact that I was talking to somebody on my team, and we realize that the vast majority of the women that join our programs are in some kind of transition. Well, Lin is that person, Lynne is the person that we were looking at, you know, the what people had in common that joined our program, and 2022. And this is really good information for me, and it gives you ammunition now to say to me, your person is like, is the work you doing on this platform? I’m going to help you find this woman in transition, right? Because? Because it seems like that’s the women, those are the people that I’m able to help the most. Right? So have you found that the world is different, like in 2022, than it was in 2019? When it comes to finding your ideal clients? And how you portray yourself and how you show up?

Lynn Rivest 7:29
Um, yes, and no, I mean, there are timeless things. And I know you understand this too, because of course, your your whole program is based on many timeless fundamentals, right? we’re big believers in there are things that kind of stick out no matter what happens, right, but because the world changes so much, there are things that shift. So I would say that one of the things that’s changed from 2019, to 2022, for finding the people right for you, is that you need to be even more clear and specific, then you ever had to before there was more of an appetite. You know, before the pandemic, before we all got on Zoom, before all of this, there was more of an appetite to kind of find things out for yourself, maybe explore, there’s less of that now we want to we want to get to a thing, like browse the window of the shop and find that thing and go, that’s the exact thing that I want. So you have to be even more specific than you used to be so specific was always a good idea. And again, by that, I mean, not just saying, hey, client, I can help you with a headache, for example, but saying something like, Hey, I can help you with those afternoon headaches that last two hours that are throbbing over your head that keep you from spending time with your children, you know, you add these layers, that’s more needed. Also, not just because we’re we were overwhelmed. And we there’s so many messages and information coming at us. But more than ever, we want to feel like humans. We want to feel like you personally reached out you person you understand me? While I know there are many of me who have this kind of headache or whatever the issue I have. It’s just knowing like, wow, you you really understand that makes me feel less like another, you know, number or thing and that’s more important than ever. So, yeah.

Karen Yankovich 9:23
Yeah, I would agree with that. I would agree with that. You know, one of the I think kind of funny things. That was one of the first things that we worked on together in this new world that we’re working on, was, you know, so every week I do LinkedIn profile reviews, typically because I feel like that is a little bit more of a humanizing thing. Right? It’s, it’s, it speaks to what you just said, how to how do we show up more human to human, and I’m happy to do it. I love doing it. So I was doing it in my private Facebook group, which you can all join at LinkedIn for women community.com And it was good. It was good. And you know, it was good, but we were it was a lot of keeping track and a A lot of organizing and things like that. And we weren’t getting a lot of engagement when I was live. And that’s what makes it kind of fun, right is when you have engagement. And Lynn says to me, like, I almost like you want to bang your head against the wall when I heard this, but she was, well, why aren’t you doing this live on LinkedIn? I was like, I don’t know, why am I not doing this live on LinkedIn, and I moved it to being live on LinkedIn. And we have so much engagement, we actually, you know, we do it. So it’s Thursdays at 1230. Eastern, you know, you can certainly message me anywhere on DM me on LinkedIn if you want your profile review. But I show up every week to do that. And it’s a way to show up live, but sometimes we can’t see, like, we’re in the can, right, we can see the label. And, and it has made that one that it like just little shift, like shifts, like that makes such a big difference. And again, I brought that on, because I really do want to be like, I really hate this word and marketing, but I’m gonna say it like vulnerable and a little transparent here. But like one of the things that at least once a week Lin says to me is LinkedIn, Karen, you teach LinkedIn, where are you doing this on this platform? You know, I’m like, I don’t know, because I get pulled by these other platforms too. And then I never I don’t think I’ve actually told you this. But the other day, I just kind of said, I need to do more, I need to do more Instagram Stories. Okay, so I decide to do more Instagram stories. And I pull it up. And it was we had been running for like a couple of and it was a pretty good was a couple of moments, I spend some time on them. I call them up like 567 or eight hours later. So like almost halfway through their lifetime, right? Because I live for a day. And I look at who viewed them. And I literally did a screen record for you. Then I was like, I can’t bother with this stuff. It was like my sister, my neighbor, my college roommate, my kids, my daughter in law, like there was not one single person that could have possibly been that could have considered I could have considered that I was marketing to on that entire list of people. And I started laughing I’m like, why don’t I listen to her more? Or more?

Lynn Rivest 11:52
While you do listen quite a bit. I will say obviously, we still have to do our own thing, right? While I tough love. Like I will dish it out fully knowing you know, much like with anything else. Obviously, it’s up to you to decide whether or not that makes sense. But I will say you’re very good at like, no, okay, yeah, you’re right, like very often. And it’s not even just about being right. It’s because I’m, you know, we know each other and I understand your business. But yeah, you’re you’re not as bad as you think there’s always going to be something pulling us away in some way. That seems like a good idea for our business. But really what it is, is a way to avoid something else. And you have to find that out sometimes that’s all. Yeah,

Karen Yankovich 12:38
I know what I was sure, I don’t know, there’s a lot of people that do really well. So you know, marketing themselves on Instagram. And for me, I really don’t look at Instagram as a place that I know my business comes from LinkedIn. Like I 100% know that. But I also know that maybe the podcast to get more visibility like that, to me was more of a brand building exercise than it was like a marketing exercise, which I guess hand goes hand in hand. But it was really like it was almost like the universe, like threw that in my lap, like you just wasted a half hour of your day, creating this content, so that your kids, your daughter in law on your college friends could see what you’re up to this week. You know, like, it was really funny. It was like there was not a single person in there not why. And it was just so funny. And you know what I mean? Listen, I’m still posting stories on occasion. And, you know, and I will probably continue to, but I’m going to be really conscious of the fact that that is just my, you know, there’s a part of me that just can’t say no to doing some of that stuff. But I’m not going to do that. Here’s what I tell my students like I tell my students, this is why it’s interesting. And for those of you that listen that are in our choosing to programs, I just want you to know like, Lynn is to me what I hope I am to you, right? Like I say to them, hold him. I don’t care if you do all that stuff. But let’s make you some money. First, let’s do all this stuff. First, do the LinkedIn stuff. First, do the did you do any outreach this week? Did you do any connections? Who did you get on the phone with this week? Do that first. And if there’s still time to do the other stuff you want to do or hopefully you’re making enough money that you can pay people to do the other stuff that you think you should be doing? Then go ahead and do that. I’m not saying don’t do those things. I’m saying do the money making things first? And I do? I absolutely do do do that. I mean, I would not be leaving, you know, letting somebody hang that’s waiting to hear from me before I decide to post an Instagram story.

Lynn Rivest 14:20
Right? Right. No, of course not. And I even would go a step further to say I think it’s important to put in time for exploring for the things that aren’t immediately impacting the bottom line because that’s entrepreneurs have very much that that wanting to figure things out and look at new things and you know, that’s not something you should really like Not do that’s why even though you spend half the day, I think even you know that’s fine. It’s something you you explored, you saw what it took to do it. Did you enjoy it, you’re still learning things from that. But it’s really just still about being intentional, like you say about okay, well what What has the most impact? What’s the one thing I need to get done today? That matters most in the business right now? And and then if Yeah, if you can add in some time to play, I think that’s super important. And I do call it play even though it’s a business thing. It’s fun to

Karen Yankovich 15:13
write. Yeah, it is it is. Well, you know, one of the things, one of the other things that I think is really interesting, that changed for me since we first met, and that’s a decade, right, a decade ago, a decade ago, I was taught like an AI I loved. So I think we might have even met and Marie Forleo is B School program that might actually be very much. And I loved B school at the time. For me, it was, it was it was a great foundation, I knew nothing about all my marketing, like nothing if Marissa like I literally built my website by like, pausing the videos and doing exactly what she said. And that’s how I built my first website by myself. Right? So I learned so much from her and I, and I don’t regret any of that. But it’s interesting now that so much has changed. Right? Like, I do think the value, like one of the things that I think was a huge value, obviously was building your email list. And I’m still always doing that. But a lot of the things that I was taught back then I’m just not even doing anymore. You know, and and I think that a lot has shifted, in the online marketing world. Mm hmm.

Lynn Rivest 16:17
Yeah. Yes. Because, you know, just like anything, as people we change individually, like, through our lifetime, as much as we feel like there’s a common thread there, we’re different people, you know, than we were five years ago, like, I’ve changed a ton. And then as a whole, in the environments we’re in or whatever, we shift so much. And we changed, we changed a lot. So yes, things and especially when it comes to something like huge volume at scale, like the internet, like online business, things are going to shift a ton. The funny thing is, is we hang on to things longer, I think then they’re, you know, valuable, or that they’re actually working. So long, can

Karen Yankovich 16:55
you give us an example of

Lynn Rivest 16:57
the launch model, right. So if I think about PLF, Product Launch Formula by Jeff Walker, and that was around right in the beginning of all of this, like he was the the original kind of proponent of this framework, people are still hanging on to this pretty like quite a bit, right? You see it quite a bit, a three video series. And it was probably time to switch that up to change things there two or three years ago, especially through the pandemic. And then I think some people saw the lock downs as kind of like, okay, we’re going to do things a bit differently now. But when we get back to business, as usual, we can jump back into these models that worked for us before. But as you know, that’s not happening, these things don’t work anymore, you know, and I do think they went past their due date personally. But it’s because that everything was done to on this idea of passive income as well, you know, there was also that undercurrent of you build this program, and then you can just sell it and you don’t have to worry about it, that’s also changed quite a bit. Cohort Based Learning has become much more of a thing you know, so now people are doing programs live, yours is like that, too, right? You’re not just setting and forgetting, like people join and it’s live and, and that’s what people expect more now than ever. But yeah, that is one thing that I think it doesn’t work now as well either, because we’ve talked about this Karen doing the unscalable, which comes back to making people feel important in and of themselves, like you are a human and I’m a human and we’re interacting in this way. We want more and more of that as AI comes in. As more bots are talking to us as we’re feeling kind of like the machine really heavily coming upon us, we want more of the human touch. So those those formulas don’t fit as well in there anymore.

Karen Yankovich 18:49
Well, you know what I think I think too, as you’re saying all of this, and I’m kind of reflecting back on what I’ve seen over the years as well. I feel like back in 2012 and 2013, when I was learning this stuff, there wasn’t as much noise so it was easier to get in front of your audience. Now I see these people investing in these programs. And and I’m not knocking Jeff Walker’s program, I’ve never taken it. So I you know, I have no judgment on it. But I do know that there’s other people out there that have these courses that you know, they sell by the billions and and what they’re not really taking into consideration is that it’s it’s so much harder for the person coming in new to online business to build an audience and without a sizable audience without a sizable email list, it is practically impossible. Like I’m not even going to say it’s doable, it’s hardly even doable, to to have a launch. That is, you know, a six figure launch when you don’t have an audience to support it. You know, so, so and it takes some time to build that audience. Right. And the audience needs to be built on trust and not just bought or you know, like, you can use ads and things like that, but that’s a lot of cash you need You have a sizable investment, if you want to do it that way. So so all of the stuff that I was taught, right, it’s harder to do now, because it’s so much noisier. And now like flipping back to the good old, like, you mentioned it earlier, the timeless ways, which is, you know, when I ask people, where do they get the vast majority of their biggest opportunities from they always say referrals? Very rarely? Do they say something that’s not referrals? So are you spending the vast majority of your marketing dollars and your marketing time on on LinkedIn where referrals happen? Or are you still trying to make Twitter be your lead generation place? Right? Like, it’s a lot harder. I used to get clients directly from Twitter, I absolutely did when we were working together, I was getting clients from Twitter, I do not get clients from Twitter anymore. I mean, I can’t even remember the last time it happened. And I have a lot of Twitter followers. But it is a different environment. Now, you know, it’s a different environment now. And it doesn’t mean that I don’t get visibility from there I do when people, you know, read the stuff and watch the things. But it’s more, it’s more about, again, brand building than it is customer, but then the customers are all coming from LinkedIn. And I love that you have really created entire business around helping people like me stay focused on where the money is, and they focus on those things. Because, you know, Listen, I I certainly I was half an hour or not a half a day that I was spending on Instagram stories, but I will say that’s a half hour, I can’t get back. Right. I could have been, you know, I could have been walking on the beach, I could have been playing with my grandkids, I could have been a lot of things I could have been doing in that half hour. Right. And, and that’s how I look at it. Now. I look at it now like is what I’m doing right now moving me measurably closer to my goal. You know, and if that’s not happening, and why am I doing it? But why am I doing it? Why I get that? I might have thought I needed to do it. Right. But, you know, I think it’s becoming more and more important. I think your business is the right place at the right time.

Lynn Rivest 21:52
Right? Yeah. Because again, this the information overload, and all of that has always been a problem. Like it’s been a problem even before the internet people were we just can’t take in all the information that we’ve had for a really long time. And it’s getting more and more. But yes, we hear often, you know, our attention spans are decreasing, which by the way is not true. That’s that’s BS. It’s not true that yeah, so that was in Microsoft studying by Microsoft. And first of all, you cannot quantify like the the whole headline was like shorter than a goldfish attention span shorter than a goldfish. And it’s like, nobody knows how to measure a goldfish, a goldfish is.

Karen Yankovich 22:30
Or there’s that probably should have known that, but we didn’t write.

Lynn Rivest 22:34
But even people who study fish goldfish are like they have a quite a good attention span, from what we can tell based on whatever they were doing. So that’s not really the issue. The issue is yes, there are more, there are a lot of distractions, but it does come down to meaning like it comes down to what does this all mean to you. And it’s harder to find. Now, just because I don’t know if it’s harder, but it’s somehow getting more acute. You know, there’s like, there’s more and more people feeling like they have problems of attention. But it is really more because you can pay attention. When you’re interested generally, right, you can still watch, like that’s been said before, you can still watch a movie mode. For the most part, some people still have a phone with them when they’re watching the movie. But I know I can read long form articles, if I’m really interested in them, I can listen to a podcast, that’s half an hour, no problem. Now mind you, usually you can be doing something else at the same time. So it’s a bit of a cheater, but we do have attention. But the thing is, is we crave quality. Now more than ever, we just don’t also know where to find it. So in this sense, with business owners, I that’s what I’m kind of doing. Let’s get back to quality. And so while your audience does to me, the audience doesn’t have to be hundreds of 1000s of people, you just want a really good quality audience. And by that means the people you can help the most. And so the focus is focus on what’s going to bring you the most quality in your business, your life, all of that. So yeah, I think it’s needed now more than ever.

Karen Yankovich 24:05
Well, I think that’s one of the reasons why I like having a podcast because I think it can it people can decide if they resonate with me or not. So I have there was somebody recently that, you know, was interested in working with me and had to partner and said, Well, what can I What can I do to prep her for our call? And I said, Well, he for some episodes of my podcast to listen to, you know, and she’ll see if she resonates or not, because it’s just as important to find out if they don’t resonate, and we’re not wasting each other’s time to even get on a call. But I do think too, you know, I did like one of those like summit type things recently. And there was some such good information in them. But there was also some people that I could tell we’re not comfortable speaking and we’re not used to speaking. And I was like, this is really interesting, because because I forget, you know what I mean? Sometimes I forget that this is something that you have to practice and you have to learn and because I’m always listening to podcasts to general, in fact, if there’s somebody that I’m interested in working with, and they don’t have a podcast, I’m like, oh wait, how am I going to know If it’s a good fit or not, right, so, so for me, that’s one of the reasons why I love doing the show, because I feel like it helps people resonate with me. And actually, this is I think, Episode 213. So, I’ve got 212 Children 13 episodes now that I, if somebody asked me a question, I can say, here’s what I think. But you know what, like, go back to this episode, you know, like, people asked me a lot about LinkedIn creator mode, and I’m, like, go to Episode 202 of my podcast, I go deeper into it there. And I don’t have to go deep into it in every conversation I have, right. So. So it’s a way to build authority and, and to get some legit credibility, and to hopefully, show up like somebody who knows what they’re talking about, in if that’s, if what I talked about is what you’re looking to what you think can help your business. Right. So yeah, I think that that, I think it becomes more important to go. I like I say, in my programs, like going deep, not wide. You know, not, you know, there’s gonna be an upcoming show probably soon. around why I don’t think AI tools are a good idea on LinkedIn. And that’s just spray and pray. Right. And, you know, it’s, there’s people that I talked to, I have a current client, who, you know, came to me, because they got their, their LinkedIn profile shut down, because they were using one of these tools. And I’m like, Okay, what I wanted to say is, maybe you should have hired me and not whoever did that tool. But they, you know, but they, but there were still we it succeeded to have somebody say, let’s connect with a billion people all in one day, and see what happens and get you a bunch of leads. But what happens is, you get a bunch of crap leads, you know, and I’d rather use take the time that you’re spending, weeding through all those crap leads, and do some research, and take a quarter of that time and do some research and find the right people that you want to talk to, and then build relationships with them. And that goes back to that timeless marketing, right? We know this works, doesn’t matter. What happens with the LinkedIn algorithm doesn’t matter what happens with the Instagram algorithm. We know this works. It’s been working since the time since sales began, you know, right.

Lynn Rivest 26:57
Yeah. And if you’re doing you know, like you’re doing if you’re doing something that is higher quality, meaning you’re not selling, you know, the $27 product, you’re not, you’re not among many on the shelf, like you’re not a commodity in that way. You definitely want to connect with certain people over the masses, like overall these quote unquote, crap leads, right, they’re crap leads, because that kind of lead generation is for the more kind of, you know, appeals to the masses kind of products, and those tend to have very little differentiators, they will solve some kind of problem, but they are not specific. Yeah, they’re not focused on a problem that really would serve you to start like that is really meaningful to solve, right? It’s just one of these little it’s a little itch versus an actual big problem. So there’s a there’s a place for that. But those tactics don’t work. When you’re talking about, like you said, going in deep, right and not so wide. I call it the skinny funnel, like it doesn’t have this huge like bowl at the top, it’s a much smaller funnel, because and again, even funnel, I don’t love saying because it sounds like I’m throwing numbers in there. But not really, it’s just the visual of it. So I think that’s the problem is also that we we take things that are you know, used in other ways, like for for products or different things. And we think we can just apply them to something as high touch as a program, like the one you’re creating, or the kind of consulting that I’m doing, it doesn’t work. So you don’t want that. And you don’t want to deal with the volume of those people that you really can’t serve. You don’t want that kind of attention in the end, and really distracted from doing the important stuff.

Karen Yankovich 28:39
Yeah, yeah. So okay, so give us another thing that you see a lot of that another mistake, you feel like you’re seeing a lot of entrepreneurs making that, you know, a shift around that mistake can make a big impact on their business.

Lynn Rivest 28:52
Yeah, well, one of the other big Well, we kind of talked about it, but is sticking to methods that don’t work, right. So the launch method, for example, or I’ve done it this way for like five, you know, however many years, a few years, or I’ve done it five times, and it worked really well the first few times, and now I’ve been struggling. But it’s that whole your experience in it you you know how it works. So you want to replicate it, and you want to see if you can improve it. But there’s a point where it’s best to let that go and to try a different strategy or tactic. So I see people hanging on too long to something that worked because like you just said things shift right so quickly, but hanging on too long. And then I think we’ve talked about this before, there’s often a point where it will work short term, and because it stops working, you know, some people then start to teach that method that worked for them short term so that others can use it and it’s like no, right now nurses stopped working. So really the best thing to do would be to take the time to figure out how you need to do it and honestly it does come down to sometimes it feels like you take some steps backwards. cuz you’re like, oh my gosh, I have to go back to square one where I was before trying to figure things out. Not necessarily, though. But yeah, you want to be open to, to figuring out new ways. There’s always a timeless foundation. But you got to be willing to experiment continuously. So yeah, I think people really stick it out too long for some of the things that worked. And unfortunately, that’s the name of the game. Most things won’t work past two years, not without some big kind of switch or change to them. Yeah,

Karen Yankovich 30:30
yeah. Such good advice, such good advice, we can just get into, like, just you just keep doing it. Because that’s the product, we have SOPs and put a standard operating procedures in place that say to do it, so we just keep doing it. Right. And we think we’re cool because we have these SOPs in place, and we’re real business owners, but we have to shift, we have to shift as things shift. And listen, we’re talking about digital marketing, I mean, come on, that algorithms change almost daily. So and things change almost daily. So we have got to understand that, that we have to shift and that, you know, I mean, listen, I have to go on and on about that. But that doesn’t mean you know, so it doesn’t mean we go out of business. It just means okay, we got to work. How do we how do we replace what we used to do here with what’s working now, right to replace that? So it doesn’t mean okay, it’s it’s broke? We’re out of business, it just means, hey, that doesn’t work anymore. What are we gonna be doing instead? You know, and I think that’s an important thing for entrepreneurs to understand as well,

Lynn Rivest 31:20
of course, and I mean, ultimately, you know, your brand, even as it evolves. And again, it’s even more than shifting. It’s just evolution, even as it evolves. When you’re showing up like your brand still exists as an asset, right? So whatever you do with that, like, on top of that strategy wise, you still have this solid, you know, foundation holding you up. But yeah, it’s not Yeah, it’s more evolution, I would say. And even like what you’re doing, you know, you’ve got your SOPs and your program, like your stuff in place for your program. But now you’re going like, let’s take a look and see where where we can improve, where we may need to shift some stuff. That’s, that’s great. That’s just that kind of continuous improvement. So when we say shift, it doesn’t necessarily mean, you’re throwing out everything, right? If this system worked for you, you could say, well, I really want to keep this part of it. Because you know, this, this works. And then let’s see what else we can do. But that’s all it is, is constantly wanting to improve and see what you can do. And some of us don’t have the capacity. That’s why too, if you were to get a bunch of leads, that’s going to distract you from continuing to do these improvements as well, because now you’ll be overwhelmed with people who aren’t the right fit.

Karen Yankovich 32:31
True. That’s so absolutely true. And and it really is important, and especially if you’re looking to have a business, and many of the women that listen to the show are that doesn’t take isn’t a 40 to 60 hour a week business, you know, you’re looking to do your business, there is a way to do it in 20 hours a week, there absolutely is. And, you know, it is this strategy is, I think the simplest and less time consuming. But it’s about more of a matter of being consistent with it than it is about the amount of time you put into it. At least the strategies that we teach Lynn, I am. So first of all, I’m so glad that you’re back in my business life. So thank you for that. Thank you for being on the show and sharing this with us. How can people find and connect with you? And you all need to connect with Lynn? And do you offer consultations? Like how do they can I do

Lynn Rivest 33:15
I have free calls, if you go to my website, it’s minimalist biz.com. There’s a big button there that you can book a call. And also, you know, you can subscribe to my newsletter, which is focused to flourish. And I just share things on what helps you focus more on your business every week. So yeah, and I’m happy to be back in your world to this was for you. And

Karen Yankovich 33:37
it actually does a really good job on LinkedIn also. So I that’s how we reconnected I saw your posts on LinkedIn. I was like, Huh, I wonder what she’s up to? talk again. Yeah. But she doesn’t really good job on LinkedIn. So you should connect with Elaine on LinkedIn as well. All right, well, thank you so much for being here. We’ll put links to all of that in the show notes. And I think that, you know, for anybody that is seeing this up, these podcasts come out consistently now, and see the marketing consistently. It’s not just me, it’s people like Lynn that are on my team that helped me up. Thank you for being here. I am so grateful to have Lynn back in my life and in my business. And when I talk about using LinkedIn, so that you can attract and find and reach out to the best people in the world so that you have a world class business. Lynne is an example of that. So y’all need to take her up on her offer. If you’re looking to get some solid kick butt strategy in your business, you need Lynn. So take her up on her offer of a consultation. And know that I don’t do this alone. You shouldn’t do this alone. None of us should do this alone, right? When we lift each other up, that’s where that’s where the magic happens. So let’s lift each other up. Help me help you share this podcast on social media. Just take a quick screenshot and share it wherever you wherever you like to hang out on social media. Tag me tag Lin, and then we’ll be sure to share it with our audiences so that we can all get more visibility that way and Are you No, no that if you want to know what it looks like to get some support, so that you can bring amazing people into your life like Lynn like the incredible women that are in my shoes linked up programs, then let’s talk just go to Karen yankovich.com/call. We can get on the phone for a little while we’ll chat, we will, you know, talk a lot about your business and and if I think that your business is ready for strategies like this, and and if so we’ll talk about, you know what that could look like for you. The end of the day, if it’s something I think I can help you with, I’ll tell you that. But mostly, the call is about just getting some clarity on you and what your goals are and how you can step into the next chapter, the transition that might be happening in your life and in your business, with the most success and the most power possibly. So let’s do this together. Right. I want this to be simple for you. Everything I teach is as simple as I can possibly make it simple and powerful. Let’s create our simple empires to gather. I’ll see you back here next week.