Social Media Quick Tip: LinkedIn Endorsements


This week’s tip is about LinkedIn Endorsements. You know what a LinkedIn endorsement is. It’s those emails you get that says somebody you knew 20 years ago endorsed you for something that you know they have no idea whether you do or not. But you know what? These endorsements can be powerful. I’m going to show you how I use them.

In LinkedIn, and you may have heard me say this before, we really want to pay attention to keywords. Everyone of these endorsements, every one of my top skills are also my top keywords. This is where this becomes important. Because if people are endorsing you over and over for things that are your keywords, it brings more search juice. That’s the first reason that these things can definitely be important.

The second thing I want you to remember is when people go to check out your profile, they want to hire you, whether it’s for a job or service. When they come here and they see that 99+ people have endorsed you for something, it’s social proof that you know what you’re doing. You really want to have an endorsement strategy. And the best way to get endorsements is to give endorsements.

If you’re getting endorsed for things that you don’t even do anymore, you can delete them. If there’s something that you don’t want to be endorsed for anymore you can remove those in the edit function. You can just click the X beside the skill and it no longer shows up in hte list. That’s the first thing.

The second thing I want you to see is you can re-order this stuff. Let’s say I want “LinkedIn Expert” to come up above “LinkedIn Marketing”, I can re-order that. Then the top ten skills don’t have to be the top ten things you are endorsed for. You have control of that.

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Social Media Quick Tip: Creating a Facebook Business Page


Today we’re going to talk about creating a business page. Now this is like Facebook 101, if you have a business at all, you really need to create a business page. You just come right down here to Pages and go to Create a Page, and here’s why this is important. A lot of people use their personal profile to post, but the reality is, Facebook can shut you down if you are posting only business things or a lot of business things on your personal page if you don’t have a business page.

So as long as you have a business page, it’s okay to post the occasional business thing on your personal page, but you don’t want to do that if you don’t have a business page, because you could get shut down.

The other thing is you can also do all kinds of great advertising strategies with a business page, so you really want to have a business page if you do any business at all on Facebook. It’s really easy, so you just click that “Create a Page”, you just pick what your category is, for me the category is “Public Figure”. You can just pick where you go from there, you can pick coach if you’re a business coach or actually business person. If you’re a local business you want to pick the category business name, you want to use a street address, this is really cool, so people can check in at your local business, very powerful. There’s all kinds of options here. Then once you click Get Started, Facebook takes you through the process of doing this. It’s really very simple.

You really want to create a business page for your business so that you’re not violating Facebook’s rules and so you can take advantage of Facebook advertising.

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Social Media Quick Tip: Periscope Channel


Periscope recently launched the ability to create your own Periscope channel. Now, I can direct people to which is so cool, right?

When you direct people to this page, you can see the most recent posts that are still live. This is a post that I did right after the Periscope summit talking about whether people that were broadcasting were egotistical or just confident, but it’s a great way to send people to your Periscope page and to your scopes within that 24 hour period that they’re still live.

If you are not Periscoping, I’m telling you, I am fresh off the Periscope summit, and it was so energizing and inspiring to me, and I really think we’re going to see Periscope explode in the next few years, so get in on this.

Create yourself a Periscope channel. All you need to do is connect to Periscope with your Twitter account, download the app on your phone or your iPad, and just start watching other people’s broadcasts, but create your channel now. Grab your name, create your channel so that you’re branded, so that when you’re ready to broadcast your own scopes, you’ve got this already set up.

Periscope: do it, guys. Follow me! I’ll see you there!

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Social Media Quick Tip: Your LinkedIn Headline


Today we are looking at your LinkedIn headline. This is one of the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile. It is what will show up if somebody Googles your name. If you put “Karen Yankovich” into a Google search, you will see my LinkedIn profile, and you’ll see my headline.

You want to make sure that your headline says more than just “I’m a CEO” or “I’m an accountant or a lawyer”. You want to tell people who you are, who you help, and how you help them, and you want to make it client-facing. You want to make sure people know what’s in it for them.

My headline is “Helping Entrepreneurs Profit w/Social Selling | LinkedIn Expert & Speaker | Successful Social Media Strategist”. This tells you who I help and how I help them. Also notice that I am very confident in this headline. I don’t say I’m pretty good at this stuff; I say I’m an expert. I say I’m successful. That’s important when people are looking to do business with you. They want to feel like they’re doing business with somebody who is successful, so you need to be the first one to establish that authority, to establish that expertise and let people know that you’re an expert.

Take a look at your headline. See if it tells people who you are, who you help, and how you help them. Make it client-facing. Of course, if I can help, come on over to my LinkedIn group Profitable Social Media Tips. I will see you there.

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Your Social Media Campaign: Who Are You Talking To?


I have a very important question to ask you. It’s a question I ask all of my clients, and it’s usually the first question I ask when I take them on.

I ask: Within your social media, exactly who are you talking to?

You might think I’m referring to: clients, customers, business partners etc.

But I’m not.

I’m referring to the personification of your ideal client.

Often I ask my clients: “So show me the profile of your ideal client.” And they might stammer a little, or pause for a long time, and then launch into some basic ideas about age and gender and buying habits.

And while that is a start, that’s not really what I mean.

Worse, they might say “Well I hate to narrow myself down, I can really help so many kinds of people”

When you talk to everyone, you talk to no one.

In order to have a solid, profitable social media campaign you need to first do some homework.

[Tweet “In order to have a solid, profitable social media campaign you need to first do some homework.”]

So…who are you talking to?

Five questions to answer in order to build a solid profile of your ideal client.

1. How would you talk to your ideal client in a conversation?
Would you:

  • keep it short and sweet? (think Twitter)
  • be fun and chatty? (think Facebook)
  • stay professional and helpful? (think LinkedIn)

This helps because now you know a) where to find them and where to focus your energies and b) how to communicate, even who to hire to help you communicate if your personal communication style is vastly different.

2. What does your ideal client take time to read online and off?
Do they spend their time on:

  • Healthcare blogs or inspirational blogs or follow news blogs every day?
  • Creating Pinterest boards of ideas for recipes, travel plans, or exercise ideas?
  • Reading what people post in group discussion boards or the latest trending youtube videos and their comments?

This is important to you because now you know a) where to guest post to reach this audience, b) what to create (videos, memes etc) next in your social media campaign and c) what to follow and comment on.

3. What does your ideal client think about everyday?

Do they:

  • agonize over decisions about health and wellness?
  • wish they had help with finances and budgets?
  • hope and dream about becoming their own boss someday?

This is helpful to know because now you can pinpoint your ideal clients anxieties and stressors and address these specifically in valuable web content, blog posts, newsletters and the like.

4. How does your ideal client define success?

Do they define it by:

  • money and profit margins?
  • happiness and freedom?
  • ability to be at the top of their game?

This is helpful because you can now tell your prospect client exactly what they will achieve that speaks directly to their definition of success. You are speaking their language in your web copy, social media advertising, email marketing and defining your products and services in terms they understand and more importantly defining your offerings in specific ways that show them it fulfills what they need.

5. You found your ideal client’s journal, what does it say?

Yes this is a tricky one, but well worth the effort if you take the time to dive deep here. You can use this information to craft tweets, posts, LinkedIn updates or even the best connection letter you could ever create that hits home each and every time.

Does the journal detail entries about:

  • their family and friends?
  • deep dark fears and anxieties?
  • past traumas and events they overcame?
  • fantasy solution to a problem they are deal with?

This is helpful to you because now you can address their exact pain points and fears. You can craft products and services that solve these problems and really start to be a valuable expert in helping people create better lives.

And that’s ultimately why we are all in business isn’t it?

When you have crafted this profile of your ideal client, along with the basics of age, gender, hangouts and salary your social media campaign can really expand, dive deep and get results.

Which is ultimately what we want in business isn’t it?

Do you have questions about how to craft your social media campaign or create your ideal client profile? Join me in my LinkedIn group where you can get answers to these questions and more!