206 – Does Size Matter on LinkedIn?

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen answers the question, “Does size matter on LinkedIn?”

Does your number of connections on LinkedIn matter? Yes. And no.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

It’s often asked if the number of connections a person has on LinkedIn matters. And the answer is both “yes” and “no.”

Obviously, that’s a little confusing. So the short answer… you do want to have 500+ connections. After that, stop worrying about the size of your network. The only other thing you should pay attention to is the size of the networks of the people you’re connecting with.

To learn more about why size does and doesn’t matter, listen in to Episode 206!

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/206
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (2:00)
  • Do you want to have 500+ connections? (5:30)
  • Stop worrying about size after 500 (7:10)
  • Pay attention to other people’s networks (9:57)
  • Episode recap (11:56)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 206.

Intro 0:05
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
And low there. I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is episode 206 of the good girls get rich podcast. And this show and this episode is brought to you by she’s linked up where we teach simple relationship and heart based LinkedIn marketing to women, a system that simply gets you on the phone with people that are perfect for you people that can change your business, change your life, and increase your bank account for ever. Our goal is to create more wealthy women of influence. If you listen here before, if you love what you hear today, you know, we love to hear from you. Please make sure you’re subscribing to the show wherever you’re listening to. And I would love for you to leave a review. Again, your podcast platform of choice that helps me understand what episodes you’re relating to. And also, of course, we’d love for you to share this episode on social media, use the hashtag good girls get rich tag me, I’m at Karen Yankovich across all social media, and then I can share your posts with my audience. And we both get more visibility that way, right. So that is how we can grow. In the show notes below. There’s a link for SpeakPipe where you can leave us an audio message, maybe you’ve got a guest you think we should interview, maybe it’s a topic you’d love to hear me talk about, maybe you just want to leave a review there, whatever we would love that I love getting audio messages from you. So just go to Karen yankovich.com/ 206. You’ll see the blog for this page, you’ll see the link to SpeakPipe and all the other things I talked about on the show today. So check that out. So the topic today is the size matter on LinkedIn. And I want to tell you a little I don’t know if it’s a funny story. But it’s an interesting story I think about when I first got started teaching LinkedIn, you know, a tiny little bit of my background, I have been in sales and marketing my whole life, for the most part in the technology world and it but there was always there’s always been a sales component to it. And when I started to shift my career and my business to digital marketing, I just naturally started bringing people to LinkedIn, because what I was naturally good at my strength was relationship marketing. And I really saw the need for shining a light on your genius, right? If you you know, what I mentioned, I was in the IT world, I was often the only woman in the room in the in the IT world. And if I didn’t show up and confidently, you know, shining a light on what I knew about and how I could support the situation, I was gonna be ignored. Okay, so I, I just kind of grew up in that world, right? So. So when I moved into this world, and I really wasn’t doing just LinkedIn strategy, I was doing digital marketing, like marketing strategy in general, and digital marketing strategy, I was just naturally bringing people to LinkedIn, because that’s where relationship building, it happens. And that’s where it’s important that you shine a light on your genius. And I was kind of doing it naturally. And then, you know, I was a part of Marie Forleo xbi school back in the day, I took B school in 2012. And one of my, I had some a couple little one, one specific little mastermind that I was a part of, and I remember somebody saying to me, you know, you talk a lot about LinkedIn, maybe you should be focusing on that, because people are starting to ask me to speak on LinkedIn. Right? And I hadn’t really thought about niching down on LinkedIn yet. So I’m like, alright, well, if what would that look like if I did that? So first thing I did was look at my LinkedIn profile. I’m like, Well, this is where this starts, right? I’ve got to take a look, I’ve got to start with my profile. And really, and by the way, I remember having profile envy. I remember seeing other people’s LinkedIn profiles and going, Oh, my God, I wish my profile looked like that. Right. So I totally remember that. And I only had like, a couple 100 connections, because I wasn’t really using it to mark it as much. Because I just just the way that things had happened, right. So now that’s all changed. So what I did was I don’t know if any of you guys are listening that might remember back in the old 2012 B school days, I went into the B school group, and I offered LinkedIn profile reviews. And I was like, Who wants me to review your profile. And I did simply to grow my connections over 500 I needed to be over 500 so that people could see I at least had 500 Plus, if I was going to be teaching this stuff, I certainly had to look worthy of people’s investment of time or money, right? Even though I knew I knew what I was doing, I wouldn’t have been teaching it right. But I was like, I had to get over 500 I gotta start like, I start doing this work. So that’s how I started doing this. And at that time, that was really, that felt really important to me. So I did LinkedIn profile reviews, and I’m like, you have to connect with me if you want to review so you know, so that I can see your profile. And in those days, that was sometimes true. It wasn’t 100% True, but I was like we gotta let’s make sure we connect so I can make sure there’s nothing hidden from me. I think that’s what I said. So that was so I wasn’t making things up. But I was just saying that because I needed to build my connections, right?

So the idea of how many connections you have has been in my head since the very first day that I started focusing my business on LinkedIn. And I’m wondering if you wonder about this, like, Do you wonder if those numbers do matter on LinkedIn? Does size matter on LinkedIn? Well, in my opinion, it does. And it doesn’t, there are a couple of places that it does. And we’ll talk about that in the show. And then there’s one big massive reason that it doesn’t. And that’s what we’re gonna get into now. So the first thing is, let’s talk about, do you want to get over 500, let me just be clear, this is not as transparent as it used to be back 10 years ago, it just said 500 Plus, and it was really hard to find out what that real number is. Now it’s different because now next to the number of connections you have, you also have the number of followers and that’s public. So even though it might say 500 Plus connections, the number of followers is, is still published there. So it’s not as trans it is, it is more transparent now than it was then that being said, get over 500. Like, if you’re going to be using LinkedIn to market to build your network, you know, you’ve got to have a great profile, and you really do have to be over 500, like, let at least let it at least say 500 Plus, okay? I mean, it’s not that hard to do. And I don’t want you doing this randomly. But if you belong to a network, go into your chamber of commerce and connect with some people there, maybe you know, a lot of the a lot of groups on Facebook, like the women supporting women groups, they’re always looking for that every now and then they have a LinkedIn connection day, right? So go on that and connect with some of those people there. Don’t connect with everyone. Like don’t just connect with people, because because you’re saying Karen said get over 500 Try to be somewhat strategic about it. Because I don’t want you to have a random network full of crazy people, I’d like you to have a really valuable network. I mean, if you certainly can join our network, LinkedIn for women community.com. And, you know, put a message out that you’re looking to get over 500, based on this episode, maybe we’ll even do a post about that next, you know, when this episode goes live, and you know, so that if you need support of that, we’re here to support you with that. Okay. So the first thing is, it matters in that it matters a little bit in that one section. Okay. The second place that I want to talk about whether it matters or not, it absolutely does not matter. Once you get over 500, do not worry about the size of your network. Do not build your network with tons of random people do not hire somebody that’s going to spam your network and connect with 100 people a day, because somewhere somehow, some by some magic miracle leads you’re gonna fall out of the sky. Okay, don’t don’t do that. Because what your LinkedIn network, if you’re strategic about it can be the most valuable thing in your business. Right? It’s the who, you know, right? We’ve heard our whole lives it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, right? This is the who you know. So when it’s full of garbage, you’re not going to be able to vote leverage it as much, you’re just going to be like, Oh, my God, I get all this crazy pitching stuff, which again, PS, why you shouldn’t be connect with 100 people a day, you don’t want to be one of those people. That is pitching people all this crazy stuff, right? Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. Now, listen, in full disclosure, I have a ton of connections, but I have a ton of connections, mainly because a lot of people connect with me, right? Because I teach this stuff, I’m speaking at an event, I get a lot of connection requests, right? So so I have a lot of connections. So I’m not like I’m saying this to you. And you can if you look at my network, you’re like, Well, you can you have 15,000 people you’re connected to Well, that happened over time organically, okay, I there’s never been a time in my life that I’m like, I need 15,000 connections. If organically you get to that point, that’s fine. I’m not saying limited. I’m saying don’t, it doesn’t matter if it’s 501 or 15,000. What matters is how many people you got on the phone with that week from your network. And the more strategic and consistent you are with building your network, the more of those phone calls you’re gonna have, and the more valuable they’re going to be. These are all things we teach in our cheese linked up program, because I want women to be on the phone consistently with the most brilliant people in the world and the people that can change their business forever. So that doesn’t happen. When you spam your network. It happens when your strategic and consistent and it doesn’t take a lot of time. I’m telling you, this process doesn’t take a lot of time. So when it comes to building your actual LinkedIn network, I don’t really care how many people you have, I don’t want you to be connected with a ton of people. Frankly, I want you to be every person you connect with. I want your goal to be to get on the phone with them doesn’t happen, of course all the time. But that should be your goal. If you’re not if you don’t have a goal, to actually connect and build a relationship with somebody that you are out doing outreach to connect to Why are you connecting with them? Right? It’s about building your business, building your network, building your your, you know, we’ve heard like your network drives your net worth,

right like it is true, it is true. It doesn’t matter about the size, though. It’s not about the size. It’s about who’s in that network, right. That’s why I want you to be strategic. And this third thing is gonna be a short episode today. Then the third thing is, there is a value and paying attention to the size of the people you’re connecting to, to their networks, because it is valuable to have a large second degree network. Okay, so hear me out, let me tell you a little bit about what first, second and third degree networks are in case you’re in just in case you don’t know, first degree networks are you and I are connected. Your second degree network is you and I are connected. And maybe I have my you know, let’s say you have 1000 connections and in your 1000 connections, I’m connected also, to 50 of those people, the other 950 in your network becomes second degree connections to me. And where that’s valuable is, as you are doing that research, and being strategic and consistent about how you’re building out your network, it’s much more valuable if they’re second degree connections versus first degree connections. Because you’re only one it just like, psychologically, you’re only one step away. And there might be an opportunity to say, Hey, I see you’re connected to Karen. And we’re both connected to Karen, I’d love to connect with you as well. Right? So it is important, not important, but there’s a value to looking at the size of your second degree network. And as you’re building connections, for example, connect with me, because I have 15,000 connections, right. And I, I think that they’re mostly valuable connections, right? Because I’m not really picky about saying yes, I’m sort of picky about saying yes, I say yes, because many people might just want to connect with me or follow me because they listen to my show, or, or you know, but maybe they want to work with me, right? So I’m always willing to say, Yes, I’m happy to be connected, unless they pitch me on that initial connection request, in which case, that’s where it, that’s where I’m picky. I’m like, I’m not doing that. So don’t spend a lot of time worrying about this. But there’s a value if we’re talking about numbers, does size matter on LinkedIn, size could matter in the size of your second degree network, because it helps you build your first degree network. Hopefully that makes sense. Let me recap that, the first thing you need to do is make sure you’re over 500, just get over 500. It’s not hard to do. Do it as strategically as you can by like, again, connecting with people in organizations you belong to go to their member directory and connect with people be strategic, because listen, you might be able to say, hey, maybe there’s a collaboration opportunity, right? But like get that make that your first priority. Once you hit that, that’s it five people a week, that’s my goal is to do outreach to five people a week, because if you aren’t just reactive to your network, then your network is not useful to you. It’s just it’s just a bunch of crazy people, right? Maybe they may not be crazy, but they’re random and not strategic. If you are strategic about adding, you know, high value people to your network every week, not 100, but five a week, right? In a year, it gives you another couple 100 really valuable people in your network. And that’s what we want for you, we want you to have really valuable people in your network. So it doesn’t matter how many there are, be strategic, be consistent, do be connecting, but make it small. The third thing is if you’re going to focus on large networks focus on the large networks of your of your connections, do they have a large network, because a large network of second degree people is valuable as you’re building your network. Okay, so hopefully that matters. So the answer to the question, Does size matter? Generally, no. There are a couple of things for the vast majority of the work you’re doing on LinkedIn generally know it with those two exceptions that I mentioned. And those, again, are not the important things. The important things on LinkedIn are being strategic consistently connecting with people and consistently getting on the phone with people. That is where my students are having quarter million half a million dollar years from doing that. Okay. So I really do believe that this is where the people that you connect in your world is makes all the difference in the success of your business. And it happens here on LinkedIn. Right. So if you’re serious about building your network on LinkedIn, whether you’re a job seeker, business owner, salesperson, whatever, I’m here for you, I’m here for you, I, you know, if you’ve heard listen to some of my podcasts recently, or some of my episodes recently, I am really passionate this year, about helping women have more money, the more wealthy women in the world, the more women can make an impact in the world. So I am here for that if

you want that to be you. Let’s talk right there’s a link in the show notes or go to Karen yankovich.com/call. You can get on my calendar that way. I am here to lift you up. A rising tide lifts all boats, right I do this podcast to support you. I’m happy to do this free consultation with you to help you see if this is a fit for you to get some support. Help me help you share this podcast, take a quick screenshot of this episode on your phone share that on social media, right and then I’ll see it and share it with my audience. And this is how we start supporting each other. And it’s never been more important for women to support each other to more growth, more wealth, more influence and more impact and I’m here for you for that. The bottom line is it can Be easy, it can be simple. I’m here with you to do it together and I will see you back here again next week.

190 – How to Make High-Vibe Collaborations with Brooke Emery

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Brooke Emery shares with Karen Yankovich how to make high-vibe collaborations.

Recognized by Forbes magazine as a connector, Brooke Emery is a creative business strategist with roots in advertising, publicity and film. She is the Co-Founders of Link Lab LLC with Tammy Lawman, a Joint Venture and Affiliate Management Agency, where they highlight clients’ unique gifts and get their message out to the masses.  And they are the Co-Creators of their Self Love & Self Care community, where they teach you how to love and care for yourself more consciously so you can shine brighter in the world.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

When you’re connecting with people, are you making high-vibe collaborations? What even are high-vibe collaborations?

As the joint-venture world is changing, Brooke Emery believes in the power of making high-vibe collaborations. In this episode, she explains what that is and how to make those collaborations.

Ready to get going and start collaborating? Listen in to Episode 190!

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: https://karenyankovich.com/190
  • Introducing this episode’s guest, Brooke Emery (2:03)
  • Collaboration opportunities (4:11)
  • High-vibe collaborations (7:54)
  • Projects Brooke has worked on (11:37)
  • Is the joint-venture world changing? (12:47)
  • What to do now to attract these opportunities (14:16)
  • How to build self-care into your business (20:54)
  • What’s next for Brooke (23:38)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 190.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello, I’m your host, Karen Yankovich. And this is episode 190 of the good girls get rich podcast. And this show is brought to you by she’s linked up where we teach simple relationship and heart based LinkedIn marketing to women, a system that gets them on the phone consistently with your perfect people. We want you to fill your cup up with people that can change your business, your life and your bank account forever. And then watch that overflow so that you can create more income and influence an impact in the world. We want more wealthy women of influence on this planet. And we’re here to do our part. This is just digital marketing with the human touch human to human marketing, nothing spammy, nothing that’s exhausting, just simple relationship marketing strategies. So if you’ve listened to this show before, if you love what you hear today, you know we love when you share this. So please take a quick screenshot on your phone or wherever you’re watching this, and share it on your social media. and tag me I’m at Karen Yankovich, and tag Brooke, who’s our guest today, you’ll see all of her information in the show notes. And then we will get to share it with our social media. And we all get more visibility that way, right? That’s how we create virality in my business and your business and Brookes business, right and we’re all lifting each other up, use the hashtag good girls get rich, we will look for we’ll share it as well. And we love when we get to do those kinds of things. In the show notes, there’s a link for SpeakPipe where you can leave an audio message that audio message can be about a guest you think I should interview or a topic you’d love to hear me talk about or just say hello tell me how your days go and I would love that. Just go to Karen Yankovich COMM slash 190 You’ll see the blog for this episode, you’ll see the link to speak pipe and we can communicate that way as well. I cannot wait for you to meet Brooke today Brooke and I have been connected for a while. But as you’ll hear in this episode, Brooke worked with us in our seizing program. And now we’re working with her you know to really bring more Joint Venture Marketing to our world and to your world. And I can’t wait for you to hear just the high vibe way that Brooke operates and it is my absolute honor to have her on the show with us this week. So here she is. I am here today with Brooke Emery and Brooke is recognized by Forbes magazine as a connector. Brooke is a creative business strategist with roots in advertising publicity and film. She brings in a big vision and mixes it with intuition to connect her clients to keep people and resources and she uses her wide network to create business development strategies, partnerships, and Win Win Win joint ventures. She’s equally passionate about elevating profits, creating social impact, and bringing consciousness to the planet. They’re on a mission to change the traditional joint venture and affiliate marketing game, shifting the focus to creating aligned and strategic high frequency conscious collaborations that are heart centered versus transactional. Brooke is a co founders of the link lab LLC with Tammy llaman, a joint venture and affiliate management agency. They highlight client’s unique gifts and get their message out to the masses. And they’re the CO creators of their self love and self care community where they teach you how to love and care for yourself more consciously. So you can shine brighter in the world. Brooke, I’m so happy to have you here. And Brooke had and I have worked together Brooke was a student in my shooting depth program, which is how we know each other so well. So Brooke, it’s so fun to be doing this with you today.

Brooke Emery 3:37
I’m so excited. And yeah, your program is amazing. We can talk about that later.

Karen Yankovich 3:42
Well, yeah. Well, you know what, as I read through your bio, like, obviously, I know you well. But as I read through your bio, I’m like, This is why we get along so well. Because it’s it is so important. I think that you bringing in your strategy with your intuition, and that you are building relationships and that you’re also focusing on the profit as well, right? And the social impact, not just where you make a difference in the world, you can make a bigger difference in the world if you focus on the profits, right. So I think that that’s so interesting, that there’s so much alignment there. So what I one of the reasons I wanted to have you on here today, among the hundreds of reasons, though, is because you know, when I talk to people, obviously, I usually do marketing, when they talk to me about LinkedIn marketing, my you know, I always feel like there’s three categories of relationships I want people to build. Obviously, we don’t want to overlook people that might just want to be interested in investing in you. But let’s get real. Nobody wants those messages, right? Hey, I’ve got this 401k that you might want. Right? So let’s not overlook that. But let’s not focus on that. You know, one of the two that are important. One of them is PR relationships. And we’re not really here to talk about that today. But what I think is the most valuable one is the, you know, is the, like collaboration opportunities, right? It’s like the joint venture opportunities, I must say 10 times a day like I should get it tattooed on my forehead. The concept is, here’s what I do, who do you know? Right, those kinds of comments. is where the magic is on LinkedIn. That’s completely what you focus on.

Brooke Emery 5:05
Right? Yeah, yeah. So Tammy and I have a joint venture Management Agency. And what we do all day long is we look for leveraging people’s audiences where it’s an aligned match. And what I most love about what you teach is, I mean, you hit it on the head, when you said, Oh, you get those messages all day long. I think a lot of the mistakes that people are making is when they just go ahead and make an assumption, you know, they want to get married before you even go on a date. Right? So they sent a message to you, yeah, be like, Oh, do you want to join my Facebook group, or join my webinar? And I’m like, Hey, you didn’t even say hi, or right, say anything. So I think taking that time, which I think you do so brilliantly, in link, you know, she’s linked up, is taking the time to really do your research and get to know people and then really see, you know, trust your intuition to see if this might be a fit and, and not be attached to moving along your own agenda, but to create relationship first, and then you never know where it where it could lead, you know, you follow the yellow brick road, as they like to say,

Karen Yankovich 6:16
Yeah, you know, I mean, I’m old enough to remember cold calling, you know, and so many people still think that that’s a thing, and it really doesn’t ever have to be, you know, when you get a referral from if if somebody, like if somebody brings me in to speak to their audience, right, like a JV type opportunity, I get to borrow their credibility, right? Like if I meet somebody in an Uber, and I’m like, Yeah, I teach LinkedIn marketing, like, yeah, okay, you teach LinkedIn marketing like that, I have no credibility. But if that same person is sitting in on a workshop that I’m doing, because somebody else that they trust did hosted this workshop and said, y’all need to hear from Karen, that gives me the credibility. You know, it’s the same person, it’s this, I’m the same person, they’re the same person. But the way the interaction happened much more quickly leads to everybody that win win win that you’re talking about.

Brooke Emery 7:03
Absolutely. And I think what makes it higher frequency or high vibe with what Tammy and I like to say is when you know that person who invited you on truly knows their audience could really use LinkedIn strategy from a place of authenticity and being heart centered versus selling someone just trying to sell somebody into a course. And then they do the Hula, hula dance, and then they don’t actually serve the person, which, which is why I said yes to you is because I really felt that, you know, I’ve been around a long time and really felt that you were gonna, you know, follow through and take care of me, but you absolutely did. So I think that when you’re in an aligned match on a joint venture, you know, the sky’s the limit, because each person is bringing their magic, and they are also bringing an answered prayer to somebody else’s audience.

Karen Yankovich 7:54
Yeah, yeah. So cool. I love that. So what are high vibe collaborations? Tell me about that, like you talk about high vibe collaborations. What are high vibe collaborations?

Brooke Emery 8:04
Well, it’s basically like what you said in the bio, we’re moving away from more of a transactional joint venture, we’ve all been part of it, where we receive the same email from 10 Different people because they’re looking to win some sort of leaderboard contest. That’s not what a high vibe collaboration is. A high vibe collaboration is when someone is, you know, truly and aligned match for their offer to somebody else’s audience. And we also look for creative ways. It doesn’t always have to look like oh, you mail for me. Now I’m going to mail for you. It could be like, Oh, why don’t you come on my podcast, and I’m going to send out an email about your offer and more of a light way, it still creates that joint venture or come on my Facebook group. And live it doesn’t have to be this transactional. I sent you 10,000 clicks. So you need to send me 10,000 clicks. Like how can we creatively create a win win, and it feels good, that is the key to being high vibe, it has to feel good to both parties versus just, you know, trying to get specific numbers. Yes, we want to create profit, but we also want it to feel good too

Karen Yankovich 9:18
I you know what, that’s such an important message, Brooke because sometimes there might be somebody that you, you know, your message would be so great for their audience, but yet, their message isn’t necessarily a good fit for your audience. So there’s a disconnect if that has to be like a, you know, one for one type, reciprocal type thing versus you know, if somebody you know if person A brings their message to person B, and you know, there’s a $25,000 revenue generated from that sharing some revenue with Person A for bringing you to their audience. To me that’s more high vibe than than having person be trying to have like, kind of fit a round peg in a square hole. because they had you on their audience, you have to have them in yours. Right? So yeah, I love that. You’re saying that because it’s, I mean, listen, I have four kids. So I like I tell them all like it will, even when I die, you know, like we’re not keeping track every day, you know. And I think that from my business, it’s got to be the same thing if I’m just continually putting out there, and then, you know, showing up where I can show up. And then, you know, it will come back to me in ways that maybe I didn’t even think about.

Brooke Emery 10:30
Yeah, I’m so happy. You said that. Because the one of the very first launches that I worked on, it was one of these high pressured launches. And they had an high expectation to get over a million people in their inbox. But they were like, we’re not. We’re me. We’re very, very limited on what we could do on reciprocals. And it was my very first launch. And I was like, Oh, how am I going to do this? So I, what I did is I just got creative I was when I would get on conversations with people and be like, Okay, this is a great offer. I think it would be great for your list, and they can’t reciprocate. But I know Susie over here who would be a great person for you. So how about we you know, I introduce you to Susie and Todd and I love three other people. And they felt so good because I gave them more online matches. And then they’ve you know, and they were able to mail and I ended up getting a hit that number of getting over a million people how to receive this email, and it built up their list and and then I had all these new friends. So it was really a win, win win.

Karen Yankovich 11:36
So tell me, that sounds like that sounds like a lot of fun. Tell me some other projects that you’re that you’ve worked on in this high vibe collaboration world.

Brooke Emery 11:44
One of my last year we got to work on the film, the fantastic fungi. And they did Louie Schwartzberg. And it was one of the number one downloaded films last year on Netflix. And they did a whole summit. And that was a ton of fun. Because everybody, I don’t know, I guess a lot of people are really into fungi. And I didn’t know until I got involved with the project, people were knocking down our door to Malphur it. So what a project like that is like butter for me. And it was fun. And it’s all kinds of interesting people. We got to work with Michael Beckwith last year for his birthday bash. And that was also a fun project. Because you know, he’s just a lovely human being. And people really want you know, he’s has a lot of goodwill out there. And people wanted to support him. And it was a great event. We worked with Janet Attwood and several other people. So those are some of the few that come to mind at the moment. But we work that we worked on about eight launches last year.

Karen Yankovich 12:45
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So do you think that the joint venture world is shifting, like as a result of the pandemic, or maybe not maybe just in general, or, like what’s changing,

Brooke Emery 12:56
I think what’s changing is, or it just might be that Tammy and I are changing in terms of what we’re willing,

Karen Yankovich 13:03
but I’m gonna just jump in there and say, I think it is changing, because I’m not seeing as much of the 50 people all emailing for the same person in the same week, as I was seeing five years ago. Like, that’s not happening as much anymore. So I do think it is changing,

Brooke Emery 13:18
I think the market has gotten more sophisticated in terms of, you know, no one wants to be bombarded with the same what they call those that aren’t in the business, they call it swipe, copy, and people aren’t really taking the time to customize it. And I think that is really going to be the key, if you are going to participate in a launch is really taking the time to make it your own or interview the person or really, you know, test the product before you you know, I think that people will really want to trust you. And not just feel like you’re just sending them an email to make cash people can feel it. And I think that’s where it’s changing is that the the people have become more sophisticated and and can feel the energy of if something is authentic or not, in terms of when people now

Karen Yankovich 14:12
yeah, that’s, that’s really important. That’s really important. So, you know, if you as the people that if somebody’s listening, and they’re, you know, they’re interested in kind of really focusing a little bit on maybe some jayvees or some high vibe partnerships, as they move into this year, next year, what would you tell them? What are the what should they be doing now so that they can be attracting these kinds of opportunities?

Brooke Emery 14:37
Okay, well, in terms of the first step, always, I think is really taking the time to write down who would be an ideal partner for you like from an inside out approach, like who are these people like what kinds of products do they have? How are they going to, you know, feel to you like down to every specific it’s kind of like an it’s an attractive Plan and I’m certified to teach John stringer strategic attraction plans and you just get really, really nitty gritty in terms of the kinds of people that you want to be playing with. And then in terms of the tactical, I mean, I mean, Karen, you have the strategy with people with your LinkedIn course. I mean, I think that that’s an incredible Avenue, if you’re already following Karen, and you want to learn how to get into people’s inboxes in a warm way. But you could also reach out to people you’re early in connection with. And I think you also gave that example when we interviewed you, like when you know, you have relationships that are already in your world. But I think the first step is, is to do the energy management and really letting go of any beliefs around that it would be hard or somebody wouldn’t want to play with you. And this is really what Tammy and I go deeper into the inside out approach to jayvees. We give you the tactical, but I think starting with an attraction plan of who your ideal JV partner is, is the first step.

Karen Yankovich 16:06
So cool. That’s very cool. You know, it really is a big part of how my business grows at, you know, when, you know, I mentioned earlier, like the three different categories that I like people to build relationships with. That’s, you know, I want to just even just like, you know, when we have, we have weekly q&a calls in our, in our she’s linked up programming this week on our call, somebody was talking about, you know, speaking and wanting to get paid to speak and, and I was like, well hang on a second, I said, I want you to look around this zoom. And at the time, the people that were every single person on that Zoom call that had joined my program had come from a talk that I did somewhere. And I said, so you’re none of them, it just happened to be that none of them were paid talks, they were like more JV type opportunities. So I hear you, when you say, I’m not giving my stuff away for free, I want to get paid to speak blah, blah, blah, but look around this room, because every single person here came from that, that’s my strategy to build my business, I want to get in front of, you know, I have a goal for how many audiences I want to get in front of every month. And I know that if and that comes and I know that if I talk to a certain number of people that will help me achieve that number of audiences I want to be in front of and if I get in front of that number of audiences, I hit my revenue goals. Right? So it’s kind of like what makes success inevitable, right, knowing who you want to be in front of, and then just building actual relationships with those people, instead of being, you know, like, like you said, sending out a million messages to a million people hoping that some of them will resonate, and you know, and join your program. So it is such, it sounds so simple when we say it, right? But people aren’t doing it. Like I wasn’t doing it. I remember doing a launch for this program a couple years ago, the last launch I’m ever doing in my life, because I was exhausted, I was exhausted. I cost me a fortune. I had a launch team that cost me a fortune. And now I’m like, No, I just want to do these, the program continues to run, I do these collaborations on a regular basis, instead of this roller coaster of up and down and up and down and work 20, you know, an extra 20 hours a week and then take, I don’t know, it’s just to me, this feels like it feels better to me to be running a business that just consistently on a high vibe basis attracts partners and attracts clients.

Brooke Emery 18:22
Yeah, and I think the key and in the high vibe for high frequency relationship marketing is self care is is huge. And I think that’s what I’m hearing you it’s you know, that’s how Tammy and I became business partners is that we both individually, you know, got very sick from doing launches from Adrenal Fatigue. And, and we’re like, No, we are only going to be working on projects that do good, have fun, make money, but it’s from a place of balance and joy. And that’s what I’m hearing you say, and that’s why we are attracted to each other. And, you know, there’s other things that people can put on there attractive and like for me, people following up. There’s nothing that bothers I mean, if you’re going to be doing joint ventures with each other, following up, follow up, it sounds like a simple thing, but Right back, right. You don’t ghost.

Karen Yankovich 19:18
I know. Right? Exactly, exactly. And it’s okay. We’re all grownups you can say, you know, no, it’s not a good. You can say, you know, thank you, but no whatever, that whatever that is, but you’re I love that you’re, you’re so right, because again, it comes back down to building that relationship. If you follow up, and even if you’re following up in a way that it’s like, you know what, I’m not really I’m doing this and I’m doing that. But you know what, let’s talk again in a couple months. Talk again in a couple months, you know, because that’s what people do when they build relationships with other people. They, they actually get to know them and, you know, it sounds like a lot of work but it’s so much more fun. I think getting to know people and you know, really building a community of people that know each other and support each other And lift each other up. And you know what the the self care piece is important because as entrepreneurs, I remember like when I was in corporate when I left my corporate job to do this full time, I had this vision of like doing yoga every day and doing long stuff. I went from working like eight hours a day to 12 hours a day, you know what I mean? Like still being in my pajamas, not showered at eight o’clock at night, you know? So, it’s so hard because it’s always there, especially with like lockdowns and things that we’ve experienced in the last few years. Like, you know, I remember at one point in like, one of the lockdown periods, like thinking, I can’t work past six o’clock, this is crazy. I work too much. And then I’m like, Okay, well, what do people do at seven o’clock, if they’re not working? Don’t go anywhere, you know, so like, I’m just gonna keep working. But you, but you do have to build. So as an entrepreneur, you have to be conscious of that. Because it’s so easy to just work 12 hour days, when you love what you do. Right? So do you have tips for that, like, what kind of tips you have for anybody listening about how to build self care into your business?

Brooke Emery 21:00
I mean, for me, at my morning, rituals, everything, you know, just I create my day, I start my day by, you know, listing what I’m grateful for how I want the day to go, and just, you know, saying how I want to feel it doesn’t take a lot of time. I mean, obviously getting, you know, walking and getting exercise, and but it really is, what can I do to nourish myself and asking that question of what is your customized, what would make you feel good, because when you feel good, and you feel joy, that’s when you manifest. And that’s when you get into that frequency of attracting more high vibe, relationships, things start to flow with your work, and following your highest excitement, which is, you know, part of the flow principles that I’ve learned from Jackie Natal and Justin Fairman. And it’s really, to me, it’s like, how can I how can I have more fun, and adding fun? You know, I think self care for me, is just making sure that I put joy into my day every day. And I like to, I really do I meditate. And I write and meditating doesn’t have to take a long time. And you can even meditating can be when you walk or you’re on a spin bike. But it’s really just checking in, like what would feel good to me and nourish me today. That’s my tip.

Karen Yankovich 22:24
I like that. One of the things I incorporated recently, like probably in the last six months is midday like pattern interrupt, like I need to, because sometimes I agree with you, my morning routine is is so important to me. And my brain is most on fire in the morning. So sometimes I’m sitting there and I’m trying to do these things. But all these ideas are coming into my head. So I’m kind of going with that. And now I’m like, Alright, so now what I do is like I literally put it on my calendar like a half hour at some point like midday Pattern Interrupt taken half hour to quiet my mind again, because it makes the rest of the day then feel like how the morning felt, as opposed to by the end of the day, my adrenals are on overdrive, because that’s just kind of who I am, right? So you want to I feel like I need to work a little bit with that. And know that I need to take you know, I can work work work but take a step back midday to is something that I’ve been trying to do more of.

Brooke Emery 23:16
I love that I also have little reminders in my phone to send, say nice things to me all day long. Like, of course you deserve this at 1111. I’ll get that remorse, reminder like little, you know, little things just to remind me to, you know, check back in and be present. You know, that legs.

Karen Yankovich 23:38
So let’s talk about what’s next for you. And Tommy, what do you what do you guys have coming up for the rest of this year next year.

Brooke Emery 23:43
So Tammy and I have our high vibe business collaboration coaching program. And we’re also working with high conscious leaders one on one creating joint ventures. And we have a free free gift where you can have an ebook on the five best tips to creating high vibe relationships. And we will give Karen the link for you to click below.

Karen Yankovich 24:05
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Well, I look forward to I think we have a lot Brooke and I have a lot of fun things on our agenda to work together this upcoming year. I am very excited to be stepping up my JV game and I am so honored to have Brooke in my world to help me do that in a way that I can feel good about. Right like I can feel good about I can trust that my business is in good hands and I can trust her recommendations on who she thinks that would be a good partner for me because as a business owner, I think it is important that you are very picky about who you share your message with. Right and who the who you collaborate with. So I can tell you Brooke it feels good to me to know that I can trust your judgment on that. And obviously still do a little homework myself but that I can you know, I don’t have to worry about it. You know, we’re all on the same. We’re all on that same high vibe book. I will put links to everything below. I can’t wait to jump in Do some of the stuff. And I think for those of you that are listening, you know, again, everything I do with my shooting program, and all of the work that I do comes back to building those collaborative relationships. And you know, I’m here to support you definitely connect with broken follow broken, Tammy, they’re here to support you. If you just take that one tip for this upcoming year and say, I’m going to be building more collaborative collaboration opportunities. In the next year, I think you’re going to see a massive shift in the growth in your business. Do you agree, Brooke,

Brooke Emery 25:32
I completely agree. And I think that the other point is that working with people who really care, and I can, I can say, I know you care. So it’s going to be a pleasure for me to create those collaborations for you, for you, because I’ve experienced your work. It’s not just me being like, you hired me to do this, like I can, I can vouch for you, I can legitimately say, Oh, her program is going to be incredible for your audience. So to me, I’m, I’m so excited for you and for anyone else who decides to build collaborations, but I also will say, LinkedIn, and the way that Karen teaches LinkedIn is an amazing strategy. If you are looking for a way to build collaborations

Karen Yankovich 26:16
I saw awesome, you were just reading my mind because I just realized that like, we really didn’t, we didn’t really tie that all together. But so thank you for doing that. Because, you know, when, you know, when you talked earlier, even about that first JV that you did, and you met all these people, and you, you know, part of it was meeting all those people, it really is about continuing those relationships, right? Because there’s continue opportunities, so and it’s just so much more fun to build out your business, just meeting cool people, and you know, looking for opportunities, not even knowing exactly what that opportunity is. Looks like, but just me, you know, just having those conversations and seeing where they go. So thank you so much for being here. BROOKE I thank you so much for doing what you do. And yeah, I can’t wait to see what what kind of magic we can create together.

Brooke Emery 26:59
Me too. And thank you so much for having me I had a blast.

Karen Yankovich 27:02
Yeah, you’re gonna hear a lot from Brooke and I this year, I hope that you love her as much as I do. She’s just got such a way about it isn’t she she’s just got such a way to of expressing herself. And she’s just so brilliant. And the work that she’s doing is so brilliant that I am really honored to be a part of it. So you know, if you want to learn more about that, or if you want to learn more about what it looks like to have some of the successes in your business that Brooks having from the work that we did together and our she’s linked up program, I would love to talk to you we would love to talk to you just grab a spot on the calendar at Karen Yankovich COMM slash call. And that gets you on our calendar. And you know, we just talked to you for a little while. We just learn a little bit about what you’re looking to do, what’s working, what’s not working, most importantly, though, where you’re looking to go and what’s holding you back from that. And you know if we think that’s something we can help you with, we’ll tell you what that looks like. If not, we’ve got no end of ideas and no end of ways that we can support you. So but it all starts with that phone call right without that phone call. We can’t we don’t know whether it’s a fit or not. So grab a spot on the calendar Karen Yankovich COMM slash call I can’t wait to see your name on the calendar. And remember, take a quick screen share of this and share it on your social media. That rising tide lifts all boats right. I do this podcast to support you. I’m happy to have you know free calls with people that book calls on our calendar. If you can help us by sharing this podcast, I would greatly appreciate it. Make sure you tag me or use the hashtag good girls get rich so we don’t miss it and can share it with our audience helped me help you right. I hope that this was great. I hope you love this episode and Brooke as much as I did. And I will see you back here again next week with another episode of The Good girls get rich podcast

145 – Emerge from Your Cocoon Prepared

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen discusses how you can prepare for a post-COVID-19 world.

Advancements with the COVID-19 vaccine are being made. While we might have a few more months of restrictions ahead, now is the time to be planning for the future!


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

We’re starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is hopefully nearing its end, we most likely have a few more months of pandemic restrictions ahead of us. Instead of getting depressed about the next upcoming month and wishing it were all over already, let’s instead look at this time as our cocoon where we can be planning for the future. When the pandemic is over, we will emerge like butterflies from our cocoons.

Be Intentional

Where do we start when planning for the future? Start by being intentional and planning for the future. Since we have fewer in-person events and fewer places to go, we can take advantage of that extra time and plan for the future of our business.

Focus on LinkedIn Relationships

Next, focus on your LinkedIn connections. Are the people you’re connected with the people you would be connected with if 2021 were your millionaire year? Connect with the right people and nourish those relationships.

Think Big

Stop thinking small. Instead of selling multiple low-price products and services, brainstorm and find a way to provide a high-ticket offer. People find more value in high-priced products and services. You also don’t have to sell as much when your price is higher.

The end is nearing! Let’s take advantage of these last month and prepare our businesses for a non-COVID-19 world.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/145
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (1:42)
  • Be intentional and plan (8:37)
  • Focus on those relationships (12:45)
  • Think big (14:57)
  • Episode recap (19:34)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Read the Transcript

Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the good girls get rich podcast episode 145.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the good girls get rich podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are girl, stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello, this is Karen Yankovich. And this is Episode 145 of the good girls get rich podcast. And this podcast is brought to you by she’s linked up the program that we teach simple relationship and heart based LinkedIn marketing to women that gets you on the phone all the time consistently with perfect people, people who will change your business, your life and your bank account for ever. We teach digital marketing with the human touch human to human marketing, talking to people looking for the bigger opportunities that relationship marketing can bring to you. So you know if you’ve listened before, if you love what you hear today, we love to hear from you. So make sure that if you’re loving what you hear taking a quick screenshot of this episode, and share it on your social media tag me I’m @KarenYankovich. Use the hashtag #GoodGirlsGetRich so we can see it. And then share that post with our audience. And then we can get you more visibility. Right. That’s how we lift each other up. in the show notes, there’s a link for speakpipe where you can leave an audio review or you can just leave us questions. Let us know what topic you may want to hear about on the show. Or maybe you have a guest you think we should interview I’d love to hear from you just go to KarenYankovich.com/145 you’ll see the blog for this episode, you’ll see the link to speak pipe and we love to hear your voice. So today’s topic, you know is timely for those of you that are listening to it live. If you’re listening to this on the replay that I want you to just kind of put this in maybe you look back at it and go oh my gosh, remember those days, right? But maybe there’s also something coming ahead that you can apply these principles to right. It is November 2020. I had unexpectedly had to go to Florida, my parents have a condo there and I they sold it like in a day. So I needed to get out of there in a couple weeks. So I was volunteered to go down and take care of all that for them. So the beginning of this month has been a little crazy for me because I kind of had to shift gears and thankfully my business can come with me, right. But it definitely takes you a little out of your element when there’s not as much planning involved. Also, in the beginning of November 2020, my Facebook ad my facebook account got shut down my ad account got hacked. And that just led to this stream of crazy Facebook things right. So all of this is happening in the first couple weeks of November. And now you know I’m coming home This episode is going live, I think somewhere around November 22 ish. So I’ve been back in my office for a week, we’re slowly getting Facebook back, I’m back to kind of sitting here at my desk where I’m always most productive, even though I love that I have a lot laptop lifestyle for my business. But what I’m looking ahead at now is 2021. And what I’m looking ahead at is getting colder here in New Jersey. And what I’m looking ahead at is, you know, maybe more pandemic restrictions here in New Jersey and in other parts of where maybe where you are as well, right? And I’m looking at this saying, okay, you know, I’m a little Pollyanna, where’s the where’s the goodness because you know, I don’t there’s a little bit I have a little bit of introvert in me so there’s I’m not too unhappy about getting locked in my house. Although I missed the heck out of my kids and grandkids I just don’t get to see them anywhere near as much as I’d like to and I cannot believe we’re looking at a few more months of this. And I also know that I’m one of the lucky people who has been healthy and everybody in my life has been healthy. I’ve definitely known close I’ve had close friends that have succumb to this virus so I if you’re hearing this and go girl, like get get a grip, you know, this is not all Pollyanna, I get that Believe me, I get the severity of the issue that we’re dealing with. But I can only do what I can do for me right and and if you’re listening, I want you to kind of take what what you listen to in this episode that works for you and kind of just leave the rest. So I’m sitting here and I’m not necessary, thankfully, not necessarily the depressive type had it kind of occurred to me that I can look at the months ahead as cold and dark and locked in my house and sad and insane or I can look at it as a little bit of a cocoon because while I am you know not while I’m looking at dark and cold and not being able to go out again. I’m also starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had a conversation the other day with Chris comatose. I am a part of their vid fest conference and they’re doing a pod fest conference in which I was a part of live in March of last year. And they’re doing they’re they’re moving the pod fest live conference to June of 2021. Because he says we were the last conference out and we’re going to be the first conference back and I was like, wow, I love that mindset. Because Because he’s starting to see the light. Right. He’s starting to plan for what’s on the other side of this. We’re seeing vaccines get approved here in the US. We’re starting to see See the light, right? So, so maybe instead of looking at the next couple months, in your business or in your life, as, you know, dark and depressing, we can look at it as a cocoon. And we can start to plan for the butterfly that can emerge, right come spring of 2021, doesn’t that feel better than then looking at this, as, you know, depressing. And when we do that, now we have intention, right? Now we have, we’ve shifted our mindset, a little bit around it, right, we’ve shifted our mindset instead of, and now we’re saying, okay, you know, we’ve got a few months ahead of us, and then the light will will, the light will start to shine, the light will start to shine. And I don’t think there’s gonna be I don’t know, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I don’t know if there’ll be fairy dust sprinkled all over the planet. And we’ll all just be able to emerge from our restrictions, you know, all in one fell swoop, I’m guessing that’s not gonna happen. But I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I do know that I’m starting to see light. And because of that I want I choose to look at the next few months as the cocoon that will let me build and thrive and nourish the business and the life that I want to have as the light starts to come back to us. So that’s kind of what I want to talk about today on this podcast. So how about you? Are you ready to kind of shift your mindset about what’s ahead in the next few months. And instead of looking at it as Okay, we’re going to be locked down again, we look at it as our cocoon, we feel like we have a little bit of, we have a little bit of time. Now. You know, remember the last time this happened, we know how long it was gonna be right? We were always thinking, well, it’s a couple weeks, and this things were closed down for a little time. Now we know, we know, we’re going into a time period where we’re going to have at least a couple weeks, probably a couple months, maybe six months, where we have time to plan for. And by the way, while we’re planning, we’re going to make some money, right? I don’t want to plan to not make money, but we’re gonna have time to plan so that when the light starts to shine back on the world, we are ready, and we are ready to step into that light. And we have the best year of our lives in 2021. Doesn’t that sound amazing? You join, you’re ready for this? Because here’s the deal. It couldn’t be simpler to think I’m crazy. It couldn’t be more perfect for your business right now. Right? You know, we didn’t know this was happening. Now we do know what’s happening, right? So we know we’re gonna have less shiny objects. In the next few months, we know we’re going to not spend as much time in our car, right? So the travel time that you might have had to go to events is gone now. So if you if you did three, you know, networking events a month, let’s say you went to Chamber of Commerce events or something, and it took you you know, maybe there’s, you know, there’s travel time all around what was what is now a half hour or an hour zoom of your time used to be three or four hours, right? Because you had to drive there and you spent some time and you’re schmoozing and talking and whatever. So we have that time back. And we know we have that time back. Because we know in the next few months, we’re not going to be going to in person networking events, very likely, right? So we have that time back. We know it. So we have less shiny objects, we have more time in our calendar. It is a time to plan and be intentional. And create the cocoon and inside the cocoon, right? I don’t know what’s happening inside a, you know, a butterflies cocoon. But I know there’s a lot happening there, right? There’s a lot of growth happening. There’s a lot of thriving happening. There’s a lot of nourishing, happening there right inside that cocoon, which we look at as as quiet but maybe it’s not so quiet. Right? So that’s we’re gonna talk about here today. So the first thing I want to talk about, as we do this is being intentional. Okay. So again, we’ve already I’ve already mentioned, we know this is happening, we didn’t know this was happening before, right? We know this is happening. It’s we’re not looking at, we’re going to open soon. And by the way, if you have a gym or a restaurant, obviously this is not necessarily for you. This is for the people that you know, most of my people listen to this podcast, people that have service businesses, maybe their employees, and they’re using LinkedIn, to, you know, to build their network, you still can be doing this, if you’re a restaurant or a gym owner. So there’s still things in this podcast that are gonna be good for you. But I understand that your challenges are different, I totally understand that your challenges are different. But for those of us that work from home, whether you’re newly working from home, because your office is now not doing in person work, or you’ve always worked like me, you’ve always worked from home. We know now that we have time to build to nourish our cocoon. We know we have time to plan and to make a plan. So that’s what I want to do. That’s what I want you to do now, right? It’s November 2020. I want you to start to plan, start to plan maybe if you’re doing events, maybe you can start to plan an event for the summer of 2021. Maybe Maybe you’re um hopefully you’re looking at your business plan for 2021. And you’re looking at how many of this Do I need to sell to and how many of these do I I need to enroll people in in order to hit the numbers I want to hit. But you can be doing this planning. And you can be intentional with your time. Maybe you even Wow, I just thought this is I’m talking, I like this, I might do this on my calendar, maybe you even put two hours or three hours a half day a week, or every week for the rest of 2020. And call it planning time. Okay, let’s plan for 2021 lets us because we probably didn’t have three hours a week, right prior to this pandemic time, where we could literally just focus on our time, take that time that you’re not driving, and create a planning time, be intentional about how exactly you’re going to spend your time in 2021. You know, one of the things that I’m doing, and I started to do this in the beginning of the, you know, in March of 2020, I was going live every day on LinkedIn and in my facebook group, and I’m still having challenges going live in my Facebook groups, because while my Facebook profiles back, a lot of things are still not back yet. And I can’t schedule multiple lives in multiple platforms at the moment. Hopefully that will be not the case, by the time you’re listening to this. But what I was doing was I was getting up every morning and getting up taking a shower, brushing my hair, putting on makeup getting dressed, because Lord knows we know what it could be like to be pandemic, Karen right and not shower for a few days. I don’t want I didn’t want that to happen. So I committed to go live every morning on LinkedIn and on Facebook. And sometimes I send them to YouTube or Twitter, right? There’s all different ways we can do this. And I knew that I could do it now like say 9am every day. And I couldn’t do it in a normal world because I would never be around 9am every day, I’m always all over the place. You’re going to networking events and meeting with clients or having coffee dates, but I wasn’t doing that now. So I knew that I could at 9am every day I wasn’t going anywhere I was home, but there’s no reason. And frankly, it helped me It helped me get ready for the day, right? I had to force myself to be camera ready by 9am, which helped me turn my camera on for stories and things like that over the rest of the day, right? Instead of going well, I can’t do a story yet because I haven’t brushed my hair yet. Right. So to be intentional, I actually am going to go back to that. Because I’m looking at how can I be intentional, as I move through the next few months of knowing that I’m kind of being it’s going to be in my house in my office for most of the time, I’m going to go back to my morning daily lives. And I hope you listen, I hope that if we’re connected on LinkedIn, you join me for them, because I’m going to help you right. I’m not going live just to tell you about what my dogs doing today, right? I’m going live to teach you some of the things that I do to thrive to have helped my business thrive. And hopefully you can take some of those tips to help your business thrive. So be intentional about how you spend the next few months, knowing that it’s very likely that you’re not going to be leaving your house as much as you’d like to or your office. Okay. So the second thing I want you to do is focus on those relationships. All right, focus on those relationships. You’re listening to this podcast, you know, we’re going to talk about LinkedIn. Right? LinkedIn is about building relationships. Do when you look at your LinkedIn network now? Do the people in your LinkedIn network reflect the type of people that millionaire Mary would have in her network? So if you’re looking at 2021, to be your million dollar year, your multiple 6,000,000,006 figure maybe your multiple million dollar year? When you look at your LinkedIn network? Do you see the people in your network that millionaire you would be hanging out with? If not, I want you to be building those relationships now. Build the family that start to build the foundation for a personal network. And remember, like, it’s not like your Twitter followers, your LinkedIn network are actual people that you can build actual bit relationships with human to human marketing. So start building the foundation for your millionaire network for 2021. Okay, so as you’re being intentional, which we talked about in the first point here, part of that should be continually building relationships. And you know, I call it watering your money tree, right, going over to LinkedIn, what are your money tree, and make sure that you’re consistently connecting with people. And what I want you to do now is be consistently connecting with people that are going to help you that are going to be the network of your dreams as you move into the business of your dreams. In 2021, you’ve got the time now they’re locked in their house to most likely, so a message to them, which is like listen, you know, looks like you’re doing some pretty cool things. We’re both in the same Chamber of Commerce. We’re both in whatever commonality you have with whoever you’re looking to connect with. Right, use that, and then quickly try to convert that into a zoom call or a call or a phone call, right because they’re not doing anything either. So it’s quicker to build relationships virtually today than it’s ever been. But be intentional about who those relationships are. Make sure there are people that are that are going to be the people that are going to fully support you as you build your millionaire network. And then the third thing I want you to focus on As you’re cocooning, right, and as you’re planning and being intentional and building relationships is to think big, because we have, I mean, listen, we could you could look at this to it, I like to look at this as we have less noise, right, we have less noise, because we’re not running all over the place, we can be more intentional about where we how we’re spending our time, right, less noise allows us to bring more value to what we do. So you know, where you might have thrown a, you might have thrown an offer out there a $200 offer, hoping that you’re going to sell 10 of them make $2,000 this week, right? I want you to now think about what your $2,000 offer is, because while you’re in this cocoon, right, I want you to come out of the other side of it with a bigger ticket offer. Okay, I want you to come out of this with a bigger ticket offer because here’s the deal, when people buy your $200, whatever, maybe maybe 10 people buy it, and of the 10 people that buy it, probably half of them don’t even do it. Because I don’t know about you, but I have a hard drive full of $200 things that I bought and never got around to doing. Right. And of the two of the five of the 10 that do watch it, half of them are probably not doing anything. Because you know, we just add it to our to do list, right? Because it’s we don’t put a lot of value in what we spent $200 on. But if that if you sold one of those 10 people a $2,000 offer, chances are, they’re going to have the results you wanted them to get from the end of that because their investment, they’re more invested in it, and you with a $2,000 offer, can add more of your time to assist them in getting that transformation you want them to get by buying that offer, right? So take this time in the next few months to really develop your bigger ticket offers. And don’t be afraid of them, please don’t be afraid of them. Because I’m telling you, the I’m gonna I’m not gonna say who it is. But if you’re you know who you are, if you’re listening to this podcast, and I’m going to tell you to listen to it. I had a conversation yesterday with somebody that teaches yoga. And she was saying, Well, I don’t know what, I don’t know how really I would use LinkedIn. So we spent a little bit of time talking about that. And like right now, it’s a little crazy people are going to yoga studios maybe right? And yoga classes are What $10 $15 $20? I said, What if you developed $1,000 personalized yoga package, an individual, your individualized yoga package, you have people that are women that are aging, that are working from home, and they’re sitting in their chair, maybe they’re babysitting their kids, or their grandkids and their, their, their lives, and their bodies are completely out of whack. They don’t have time to do an hour yoga class. But if you spend a day with them, and really give them a high level of service, holy crap, I want that right? Don’t you want that? So we spent some time really building out what a 1000 or maybe even a $2,000 personalized package would be? Right? And I’m a giver gifts giver presence getter, great yoga mat, right? Like what kinds of cool things could you do to really elevate someone’s success because guess what, that person that invested 1000 or $2,000, in you to help them develop a personalized yoga practice that you are going to be their personalized coach for, right, that takes into consideration their bad knees or their bum hips or their carpal tunnel, right. So they’re not sitting on the floor watching a YouTube video and sitting on the floor watching the video half the time, because they can’t do half the poses that the YouTube person is doing right, give them a personalized one, they’re gonna have better success. They’re happy to invest in you write. So take that same concept. And put that in your business, create a bigger offer go big, and you don’t have to do anything fancy to do this. Because here’s the thing, the bigger your offer, the less work it is. Right? If you’re creating a $200 product with a tripwire and funnels, you got to have sales pages and an email opt ins and you’ve got to build your list to thousands and thousands of people. And I’m not saying don’t do those things. But it’s a lot of work, right? When you do personalized big ticket offers. They’re custom. All you need to put on your website is we create custom packages to help you get this result. Right. And that’s it, you’re done. Right. So for the third piece of this is go big. Think about what your bigger offers can be. And in this time, just dream big I when I do these projects, I’m I tend to have sticky notes all over the walls, what can I think of something else I want to add to this big ticket something and I’ll write it on a sticky note and stick it on the wall. And I’ll figure out where to put it in later. Right. But just do a brain dump of all the amazing things. You may wake up in the middle of the night and go, Oh my gosh, I could do this too. If I’m if they’re investing me at 5000 or 10,000 or $25,000, right? I can do this too if I can at that investment level. So think big. All right, does that make sense? And you have the time in the next few months to do these things. So let’s just recap this for a second. The first thing I want you to do is be really intentional. We know we have a couple months ahead of us where we can look at it as our cocoon, right as our we know where our butterfly is going to emerge from as the light starts to shine. be intentional with how you’re spending your time. Take maybe take some more planning time maybe even take some more self care time, but be intentional. Instead of sitting back and going this sucks. Can’t believe I can’t go out, I miss my kids, I miss my family, I miss my parents, I miss my friends, we know all of that right? be intentional, maybe part of the intention is every day at lunchtime, have lunch dates, right, have lunch dates, schedule lunch dates, be intentional with how you’re spending your time in the next few months. Looking at it as your cocoon, as you’re building and nourishing your thriving business, that’s going to happen on the other side of it as it emerges as a butterfly, right. And number two, don’t forget about the relationships. Okay, if 2021 is going to be your year, then start to build a millionaire network. And that happens by building relationships. That happens by having, you know, having lunch days with people and having getting on the phone with people getting on zoom calls with people at any level. And the third thing is think bigger, this is the time to start to think about your big ticket offers, okay? I mean, I’m telling you like my, my friend that I spoke to about the yoga practice the yoga business yesterday, you know, these women that are not doing this, we are not getting the benefits of yoga, because they’re, they’re frustrated, they can’t do these online classes, because they’re not meant for them. They can’t even even if they were in person classes, and they’re, they don’t have an hour, maybe to do this, because they’re doing a million different things. So customizing something for them. This could be life changing, right? This could be life changing, this could change their health forever, they’re willing to invest to do that. Don’t look at this, you know, so look at it as that look at it from that perspective, and just serve the EverLiving hell out of these people. Okay, at a high ticket level, and this is the time to be building these offers. Because we are tired of all the noise, we’re tired of all the all the stuff, right? And we’re more willing to dive deep to get fast results to hit our achievements or to have those transformations. And in a shorter period of time. People will pay for that. So go big, how does that sound? You guys? How does that sound? Does that? I mean, does it doesn’t it feel great to think about this time as a cocoon, because we are starting to see the light of the spring maybe changing and being the light that we know is going to is going to help us get back out to the world and spend more time with our friends and family and frankly not be so worried about our health and the health of our family members and our friends, right? Doesn’t it feel great to to take this time to just nourish ourselves and nourish our businesses, so that when that light starts to shine, we’re just we’re just taking full advantage of it. I’m here to support you with this, we have tons and tons of different ways to do this. We do we in fact, one of the things I highly encourage you to do, as you can see by the conversation I had with my friend yesterday about our yoga practice, I love brainstorming what your big offers could be or what your breakthroughs could be. We offer complimentary breakthrough calls to anybody that wants them. Just go to KarenYankovich.com/call schedule a breakthrough call, you’ll talk to me or someone on my team. And we will we will talk to we’ll spend an hour with you really developing helping you develop what’s there for you in 2021. And obviously, if we think it’s something we can help you with, we’ll tell you what that looks like. But we’re not there to just sell you on our programs, we are truly there to serve you. Because we know when we come from this place of service, it’s when when the right people, we want only the right people in our program. So we don’t make an offer, frankly, to everyone that has a call with us. So we love having these calls. We want to talk to people, we want to support you, we want to give you ideas and frankly you may come back to us in a year or two. Right if tonight if Now’s not the time, but it is the time to start thinking about this. So book a call KarenYankovich.com/call gets you on our calendar, we’ll spend an hour with you will really help you develop this and we’ll just hold your hand as you kind of think about how you can nourish your cocoon. So if this was helpful to you, I would love for you to take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your social media tag me @KarenYankovich. Use the hashtag #GoodGirlsGetRich, we’ll share it with our audience because what my goal is the reason we do these breakthrough calls complimentary is we love to lift you up. And you can help us by lifting us up by sharing this podcast and we want to let will lift you up then by sharing that post with our audience. So we’re all lifting each other up, right? A rising tide lifts all boats. I do this podcast to support you. We do these free complimentary breakthrough calls to support you. We want to help you get started and have an amazing network of people an amazing business and a big fat bank account and I’m here to help you do that. Let’s kick some 2020 booty together. And you know it doesn’t have to be hard. It can be simple. I’ll see you back here next week for another episode of the good girls get rich podcast.

120 – It’s Who You Know

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares how to grow your network.

Virtual networking has never been more important. To grow and cultivate your network, start by taking a look at your first-, second-, and third-degree connections on LinkedIn.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Have you ever heard the phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”? I’m sure you have. And there’s a lot of truth to that saying. As we’re all navigating this unprecedented time in our lives, virtual networking has become more important than ever.

In-person networking still has its value, but while we’re under shelter-in-place orders, now is the time to take full advantage of virtual networking opportunities. And that starts by growing and cultivating your connections.

LinkedIn’s First-, Second-, and Third-Degree Connections

As you’ve most likely noticed, LinkedIn has three different degrees of connections. Ever wondered what the degrees mean? A first-degree connection is someone you’re directly connected with on LinkedIn. A second-degree connection is someone you’re not connected with, but you have mutual connections. Lastly, third-degree connections are the connections of your second-degree connections.

Cultivating Your Connections

The first place to start when virtual networking is to look at who you know – your first-degree connections! Find the people you’re connected with that you meant to follow up with but never did. Then start a warm, heart-felt conversation with them. Remember, this isn’t a sales pitch!

Growing Your Network

The next step in growing your network is to take a look at your second-degree connections. How do you know these people? Maybe you’re part of the same in-person network. Maybe you know them from high school or college. Perhaps you’re even both members of the same business group on Facebook.

Find the people you can relate with and start connecting with them. Keep in mind, you don’t want to connect with just anyone and everyone. Make your connections targeted.

I want to see you succeed. As we’re all weathering this COVID-19 pandemic together, virtual networking is the tool that will help you grow your business in stressful times.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/120
  • “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” (1:46)
  • The fastest path to profit (5:59)
  • The skill and value of virtual networking (7:56)
  • First-, second-, and third-degree connections on LinkedIn (8:28)
  • Go through your first-degree connections (9:31)
  • Look at second-degree connections (12:49)
  • Think about who you used to know (15:24)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast Episode 120.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are, girl. Stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies, and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:23
Hello, I’m your host Karen Yankovich. And this is Episode 120 of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast and we’re brought to you by the She’s LinkedUp Accelerator Program where we teach simple relationship and heart based LinkedIn marketing to women. We get you on the phone consistently with people that can change the course of your business and your life and your career forever. People who you can’t wait to have the opportunity to chat with and this episode is gonna tell you exactly why that’s so important. We basically teach digital marketing with the human touch so you know that if you listen to for if you’re loving what you’re hearing today, we love to hear from you. So you can subscribe to this podcast, wherever you’re listening, take a quick screenshot of the show. Right now while you’re listening and share it on social media tag me, I’m @karenyankovich, use the hashtag #goodgirlsgetrich, and that allows us to see it and we can then share your post with my audience. And that’s how we will get more visibility. We have a link to Speakpipe in the show notes where we can get your audio reviews. So you can leave us an audio review there. Just give us a chat and let us know who you think we should have as a guest or topic you’d love to hear us speak about that link is in the show notes at karenyankovich.com/120. That’s where you’ll find the blog for this page where you’ll see all the other links we talked about and all that all the good stuff that you want to follow up on.

So I know that you’ve heard over the years that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, right. We’ve heard that. I mean, I’ve heard that I feel like I’ve heard that forever. Right. And I you know, I think Listen, I think you also have No, I think is also what you know, right? Like you, if you want to be if you want a sustainable business, you got to be good at what you do. And but a lot of times, we’re really good at what we do. But we don’t we overlook the who we know, right? We work so hard on the what we know that we don’t really put time and effort into the who we know. And that is exactly why I teach LinkedIn marketing, because that’s what I teach you how to do. I teach you how to build relationships. And sometimes we have to reignite relationships with people we know. Or we’re looking to intentionally build relationships with people. Because when you have contacts in places that can more easily open doors for you. Yeah, when you show up and the doors open, you got to be able to deliver, right, so you absolutely have to know your stuff. But if somebody can open the door for you or somebody can make an introduction to you, it just makes things so much easier. And you know, somehow we got stuck in the past 10 years of social media, I think on this cycle of growing our networks. growing on networks and having a million followers and you know there’s there’s a lot of value to that in a lot of ways I’m not gonna say that there’s not value to that I you know, having a lot of followers on some of the platforms helps establish me as an influencer. It helps me land gigs when I need them. But if you had to ask me today, which is more important, having a lot of followers are having specific people that can open doors for me 100% I would say, who I know is more important than having tons and tons of people who follow me. Can you relate to that? Can you think of a time Have you ever experienced a time where one solid introduction changed the trajectory of your life or your business or your career? Maybe it’s even when you were younger and somebody you know, you know, one of your high school friends had a job somewhere and they were able to get you in on that job right or somebody you know, worked for a company that you really wanted to get in on and they were able to get you hired there right they got you the interview. You know, you still have to do your thing and you know, you have to show up and and do a good job but it You know, that somehow when who, you know, let you know that there is an opportunity, right? And who you know, that can introduce you to people, that can be the big context, the important context in your life. Right. So, maybe you’ve experienced this at some point in your life where, you know, somebody, you know, either introduced you to a client, that was a huge opportunity, or somebody, you know, just put you, you know, we say, I was in the right place at the right time, but why were you in the right place at the right time? Right? Maybe you somebody, somebody put you there, somebody introduced you to someone that got you there. So, you know, thinking back to that, I want you to now fast forward to today to future you to current you’re not future you to the you have this in this present moment in time. And, you know, as I’m recording this, it’s spring of 2020. And we are reimagining what our businesses look like in many, many, many ways. We’re reimagining what our careers look like and I think certainly in my business, and in Many of the people I speak to in their businesses, we are starting to realize that this is the beginning of the new normal, right there is no flipping a switch that’s gonna put us back to how it was in January it is this is the beginning of what the new normal looks like, and remembering the who you know, value in your business in your career now, and developing and strengthening and, and, you know, building relationships with people that, you know, one person at a time, not by getting hundreds and hundreds of followers. That is, it’s kind of almost remembering how powerful that was in your earlier in your life. I know that’s how it was been for me, and it’s why I teach this because I’ve known for years how powerful that those one or two relationships are, you know, if you’ve listened to this podcast before, you know that there’s lots of people that teach you know, connect with 100 people a week or 100 people a day and that is absolutely not what I teach. I teach Connect with five people a week, because I want those five people to be people that can get you in front of big audiences, people that can maybe feature you in their magazine, people that could maybe you know, I don’t know, the big clients not, you know, not the numbers, I want you to be really intentional about who you connect with. Because I know that that’s the fastest path to profit, not by having lots of followers by being really intentional and building relationships specifically with the right people. And you guys know what I mean, right? You get you probably are getting lots of LinkedIn connection requests from people immediately followed by by my stuff, right? I don’t want you to do that. I want you to be think think long and hard about warm opportunities to connect with people, even if you have to create those warm opportunities. So let’s talk about this as it relates to LinkedIn for a second. You know, LinkedIn, to me is about building relationships. And we’ve talked about this before. You know, if you build intentionally build relationships that you think can bring value to you and your career and your business, the sales will follow. You don’t have to lead with sales. So on in my world, LinkedIn is not about selling, it’s about relationship building. And then of course, it is all business. So everybody knows you’ve got you’re there to build your business and to grow your business. So it’s okay to talk about business. It’s not okay to just build relationships with the intention of just selling, right. Like, you know, if you’ve gone to a chamber of commerce event or a networking event or a women in business event or, you know, be in a meeting, whatever, and you go to these meetings and injured people, somebody introduces themselves to you. And they say, you know, hey, yeah, I sell widgets and you need widgets. I’m like, really? Do I really need widgets? I don’t even know you and you’re already ready to sell me widgets, right? Doesn’t happen as often as in person as it does virtually. But I want you to think about, you know, using LinkedIn As the virtual networking, right virtual networking, and you wouldn’t, you know, if you’re doing in person networking properly, you wouldn’t be walking up to people and immediately pitching your services. I think that virtual networking is a skill that is going to be really valuable to us in the next six months. And maybe for the rest of our lives. I mean, I think it’s always valuable, right. But I think it’s going to be particularly valuable to us for the next six months. So that’s what we’re going to really be talking about here. So on LinkedIn, I want to talk a little bit in case you are not familiar with how this works. on LinkedIn, you have a network, and you have first degree people in your network. You have second degree people in your network and you have third degree people in your network. And if you and I are connected on LinkedIn, we are first degree connections. My second degree connections are your connections that I’m currently not connected to. Okay, so so by being connected to you, it opens your network to me as second degree connections. Now there’s probably people you’re connected to, that I’m also connected to, and those remain first degree connections. But if you’re connected to 200, people 10, of whom I’m already connected to, then you’ve opened me up to 190 second degree connections that are new to me, right. And then a third degree connection are people that you and I are not connected to, but are connected to my second degree connections. Okay, but for the most part, the power in LinkedIn are those first and second degree connections. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here in this episode. So the first thing I want you to do in this virtual networking world is to take time to go through your first degree connections, you probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of people that you are currently connected to on LinkedIn, right people that you connected to, or they’ve connected to you, and you never really took the time to build a relationship. Now, I don’t want you to be building relationships with every single one of those people, because I don’t know who they are. But I do want You go through them. And and if you use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, we’ve did a couple episodes on that we can link to the them in the show notes, it helps you do this even more powerfully and more quickly. But whether you’re using Sales Navigator or not, go through them and start to make a list of people that you are connected to first degree connections that you want to get to know better, right? Because who, you know, you want to make sure you know them. They know who you are, and you’re looking for opportunities to collaborate with these people. And your message to them is, you know, hey, Mary, it’s Karen, we’ve been connected here for a couple years. And then whatever is true, you know, we haven’t talked in two years or we met at that event, and we intended to follow up and somehow we never made it happen, right, whatever is true or maybe it’s, you know, we connected I’m not even sure how we initially connected but it looks like you’re doing some really cool things. And it looks like we serve a similar audience. I you know, I’d love to get to know a little bit more about what you’re doing. I’m taking this time of being you know, have a Having a little bit more time in my day, while we’re still sheltering in place, and I thought I would reach out to some people on my LinkedIn network that I that I want to get to know better. So it is as simple. You’re not pitching them, please don’t pitch them. Okay? Because it is true networking. But you probably have gold in your first degree connections, okay, you probably have gold, but you have to go through it to see who those people are. So whatever you think is going to be valuable to you. Now is the time to do this. Because we are open now I’m finding people are more open to those deeper connections to the opportunities to get on the phone and have an actual conversation, maybe jumping on zoom, which is the closest thing we have right now to face to face. Right. But you are you probably have a lot of gold in your first network right now that you haven’t tapped. So I want you to go in this week and tap that and just five people a week. Five people a week. Reach out to them as well. message as you can, as warmer messages you can you’re going to hear an upcoming episode, I interviewed Nigel nickel and episode that’s coming up in a few weeks. And one of the things that he talked about doing, which I thought was such a great idea, he has packs of business cards from people he’s met at events, and most of them are in his LinkedIn network. But what he’s doing is he’s going through the business cards and saying, well, this person could be really valuable to me taking a picture of the business card, and then messaging it to them on LinkedIn and saying, Hey, Joe, you know, look, what I just came across. How cool was it? You know, it’s been four years since we met, and I got this card. I know, as you’re not even at that company anymore, maybe it’s time to catch up and see how we can support each other, right? True networking. He’s not pitching him, but you’re doing it intentionally. You’re not doing it to everyone. You’re doing it to people that you think for some reason or another could be really valuable to you on the other side. So the next thing I want you to do is start to take a stab now, at your second degree network. And this is not something you’re not going to go to your second degree network. This is going to be enormous. Okay. But I want you to think like have your second degree network in the back of your mind. And then think about maybe I want you to build out your network, I want you to start to connect with five people a week, micro targeted, we talked about that a lot here, micro targeted five people a week. So five people you already connected to reach out to them, and five new people. Maybe you belong to an organization, maybe it’s nabo, National Association of women business owners, maybe it’s a chamber of commerce, maybe it you know, whatever you belong to, maybe it’s a Facebook group that you think is got your ideal client, your ideal people in it, go through those two member directories, whatever that looks like for you. And I don’t want you to, it’s not about I don’t want you to, you know, I want to make sure you’re following the rules. If there’s rules in the Facebook group that says you cannot reach out to people outside of this group, then don’t reach out to people outside of that group. But if you are, maybe there’s probably threads in that group. If you search for enough, there’s probably threads in almost every Facebook group that says hey, let’s connect on LinkedIn. Go to those people. Red’s pour through it, see if there’s people in there that you think could be valuable. take a little time to do this. All right, don’t don’t rush this, because I want these to be incredibly valuable to you, I want you to have a microphone in front of their group at the end of this conversation, I want you to, you know, have them say, let me introduce you to my, you know, cousin, Sue, who’s going to be the biggest connection you’ve ever had in your life, right? So start to build out your network and start with your second degree connection. So like, if you are part of let’s use us nabo and they probably have a LinkedIn company page, right? You could say hey, you know, I’ve been and I’d start with your local chapters, by the way, because it’s just the warmer you could make this the better shot you have getting on the phone with people, you know, hey, we’re both members of Nova we’re both members of this chamber of commerce wherever that is, and I’m, you know, I’m taking some time now to really look at the people and then in the, that our other members because I joined this organization, because I knew they were really cool people that were also members, but I haven’t been You know, I’ve kind of dropped the ball and haven’t really made the time to get to know these really cool people that I joined to meet. So that’s what I’m doing now. I love to be connected to you here on LinkedIn. And you know, learn a little bit more about what you do. That’s it. Okay. But the warmer you make that the better shot you’re doing it now you’re building out your who, you know, network, but you’re doing it in a really specific and targeted way. Right. And then I want you to think about who you used to know maybe these are people you went to high school with, that you went to college with, like, dig deep, okay, dig deep, open up your high school yearbook, open up your college yearbook, open up your sorority, you know, alumni directory, go like Who did you use to know that now would be a good time to rekindle that relationship. Maybe when you’re going through those business cards, you’ll see some people that you’re not connected with on LinkedIn already. And you can, you know, you can connect with them. So think about who you used to know That you can reach out to now and say, you know, I was going through my directory. And you know what, just for kicks, I was like popping up names of people we graduated with on LinkedIn. And you know what, like, it looks like we serve the same kinds of audience. I’d love to hear more about what you’re doing and catch up. Right? So who did you use to know that now would be a good time because again, you never know who they know, okay? You never know who they know. So taking time now to go through your first degree connections to see who you’re already connected to, that you haven’t really made the time to reach out to start to build out your network, using organizations maybe you belong to or warm, make this as warm as you possibly can, using your second degree network to do that, and then thinking about who did you use to know maybe there’s a company that you used to work for me, you know, there’s just there’s no end to this stuff, right? Because there’s so many people, I don’t want you to to reach out to everyone. I only Want you to reach out to people that you think if you can get on the phone with them could bring real immense, huge value right to your network, to your business, to your career to your personal brand. And that’s it. Right? Remember that one solid opportunity could be gold, that one person that got you that job when you were in high school that led to this great career you have right? Like thinking back to that it could be gold. So you know, there’s a couple things you need to keep in mind with this. You have to be open. The goal is not to just be connected to them. By the way, the goal is to take that conversation and try and get a phone call out of it. An actual dial the number talk on the phone with your headset on to people, okay? I want you to look to actually get on the phone with these people because you don’t really know them if you haven’t had at least one phone conversation with them right? So get on the phone with them and but here’s the thing when you get on the phone with them You’re still not pitching them, you are just open to seeing where these calls go. You have to be truly networking, not just selling, truly networking. And we know that networking is valuable actually looked up the definition of networking, and Webster’s is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups or institutions. So the exchange of information, not just the push of information, and then specifically the cultivation of productive relationships, for employment or business, specifically, the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business, do this really specifically, virtual networking is, is going to be a skill that’s going to make, I mean, I’m going to say it’s going to make or break you, in this moment in time. It’s if you can, I’m not gonna say it’s gonna break I’m not gonna say you won’t be successful if you can’t do it. But if you’re struggling, virtual networking can take you to the next level. And the other thing that was in Webster’s and I don’t know who how, I don’t know who this person is, how long can I didn’t I didn’t really look them up I should have I guess, networking networking remains the number one cause of job attainment. Okay? That is the same thing for sales attainment and networking. Networking can be done right now. virtual networking is being done get on the phone with people don’t be afraid to do this right now. This is the beginning of what this next season in your business and your career and your life is. So start to be networking and building relationships and building the who you know. Rolodex now Rolodex I just tells you how old I am, right? virtual Rolodex, I don’t know. But you got to do this now. People are investing right now. People are there’s many, many people that are taking this time to invest in their learning to invest in their businesses and in their careers. You know, I want you to do this but I want you to do this with integrity and with authenticity. So I if you want to dive a little deeper into this stuff, we are doing our Mastersclass which you can check out at sheslinkedupmasterclass.com. The She’s LinkedUp Masterclass get you more detail on all of this, how to find these people that are your second degree networks, right goes into some other stuff too about your profile and, and why now is the best time to be doing this, but just know that I know you I’m hoping that as you’re listening to this, that little niggling thing in your head is going yeah, you know what if it wasn’t for this person, right, this and this and this wouldn’t have happened, start meeting those people now get on the phone with those people you don’t know which one of those people are going to be the one that’s going to, you know, catapult you but it’s so nice when when you say I wonder who I know that works for this company and you pull it up. And not only is it somebody that you’re connected to on LinkedIn, but you’ve had a phone call with them, they will remember you and they’ll be more likely to support you and help you with whatever it is you need help with. Right? We’ll talk about this rising tide lifts all boats, right I do this podcast to support you. If you’re supporting each other if you’re supporting people in your network and they’re supporting You and you’re lifting each other up you’re both going to have a better chance of, of surviving and thriving in this new season of your world. So you know, let’s lift each other up. Help me help you share this podcast. again take a quick screenshot of this episode on your phone if you like this, share it on social media that helps me and then I will help you by sharing it with my audience. And that’s how we lift each other up join us for the sheslinkedupmasterclass.com. It is the time to do it. We are focused on connecting while disconnected. So we get to detail on a lot of the things we talked about here in this episode. And let’s kick some 2020 booty together. What do you say? I want this to be simple for you. I’m here to help you make that happen. And I will see you back here again next week for another episode of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast.

118 – The Birthday Technique

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares how to use your birthday as a way to build meaningful relationships.

Relationship-based marketing is more valuable than sales-based marketing, and your birthday provides you a valuable opportunity to grow relationships.


We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

About the Episode:

Many people on LinkedIn don’t understand why they should add their birthday to their profile. After all, LinkedIn is for business, right? But don’t forget, you should be focusing on relationship-based marketing, not sales-based. And birthdays are the perfect opportunities to build relationships.

LinkedIn and Your Birthday

If you include your birthday on your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn will notify your connections when it’s your birthday. And that’s cool! It’s nice to receive birthday wishes. But the real value is in the opportunities to build meaningful relationships.

The Fortune is in the Follow-Up

How do you build meaningful relationships on your birthday? The fortune in the follow-up. Because LinkedIn birthday messages are all private, start a personal conversation with the people who wished you a happy birthday.

Don’t just say, “Thanks,” or send a thumbs up and end the conversation. Have a meaningful conversation like, “Hey, remember when we…” or “I heard you’ve been doing…” or even “It’s been a while since we’ve met up.” As they reply back, don’t let the conversation end. Keep genuinely communicating until you’re able to get on the phone with them.

Be Intentional

Keep in mind, however, that you don’t want to have these intentional conversations with just anybody. Take your time to look over their profiles. Are they someone you’d want to do business with? Would you be able to mutually help each other? If so, go for it! If not, just be grateful and thank them for their birthday wishes. You don’t want to burn yourself out building relationships that won’t go anywhere.

Keep this in mind, and as your next birthday comes around, try using this birthday technique. You’ll be amazed at the business that’ll roll in.

Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode: karenyankovich.com/118
  • Introducing this episode’s topic (2:57)
  • The opposite of what you should do on LinkedIn (6:35)
  • Relationship-focused, not sales-focused (8:06)
  • Social media and your birthday (9:10)
  • The fortune is in the follow-up (11:50)
  • Be intentional (13:43)
  • The most powerful thing for your business (19:36)

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Karen Yankovich 0:00
You’re listening to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast Episode 118.

Intro 0:06
Welcome to the Good girls Get Rich Podcast with your host, Karen Yankovich. This is where we embrace how good you are, girl. Stop being the best kept secret in town, learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies, and make the big bucks.

Karen Yankovich 0:24
Hello there. I’m your host Karen Yankovich. And this is Episode 118 of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast. And this podcast is brought to you by Uplevel Media where we teach simple and authentic relationship and heart-base LinkedIn marketing for women that get you on the phone consistently with your perfect people. None of this throw a lot of spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks none of this bug everyone you know, bug everyone you don’t know and hope to get a sale, very targeted, very focused, very much relationship-based. And when you start to see how this works, you start to get excited about who you see on your calendar. So it’s we teach digital marketing with the human touch over here in Karen Yankovich World. So I hope that if you’re new listener, welcome. If you’ve been listening before, you’re gonna love this episode, I guess either way, I think you’re gonna love this episode. Because this episode came to me kind of like, Oh, this technique that I’m going to teach you in this episode came to me, like kind of by mistake, but it worked so well, that I’ve talked about it a few times in my private groups. And I wanted to just do a whole podcast episode on it, because I think there’s a lot to talk about because it really does get to the heart of relationships. So if you’ve listened before and you love this podcast, you know that I’d love for you to take a quick screenshot and share it on social media and tell everyone that you’re listening and you can’t wait to hear what this week’s episode brings. If you’re new, then do the same thing and maybe say, you know, “My first episode of Good Girls Get Rich. I can’t wait to hear what Karen’s about to teach.” But when you share Share this with your audience. If you tagged me, I’m @karenyankovich, then I see it, and then I can share that with my audience. And that’s how we all get more visibility, right? We love your reviews and be really specific, tell us what you love so that we could do more of that. You can also leave us an audio review, if you go to the show notes of this episode, you’ll see a link for Speakpipe or you can go to karenyankovich.com/speakpipe, and leave us an audio review. And you know, when those audio reviews, you can also or call back a second time and let us know if you have a guest you think we should interview or if there is a topic you want me to cover, I’d love to help you or I can use the hashtag #goodgirlsgetrich, so that we don’t miss your post, and then we all get more visibility. So yeah, just go to karenyankovich.comm/118. You can see the blog for this page, the show notes, you see the link for Speakpipe. All the links of everything we talked about here on the show today. And yeah, that’s how you get more on this. So let me tell you a little bit about how this time technique that I’m going to teach you today came about. So my birthday is in December, and it’s December 6 for you astrologists. And this past year, December 6, 2019. I actually was on a panel, a social media panel, actually, it was like a finance panel in New York City. And it was really early in the morning. I don’t remember what time it was. But I remember I was done by like 9am. And it was my birthday. So I was meeting a friend, Sharon Haver, who I will link to her episode in the show notes. We actually had her on the podcast, Sharon and I were going to have lunch later that day, so I had some time to kill. And and Sharon lives in a city so it was a good chance for me to meet her. I don’t live in the city, so I’m not in there all the time. So I had a few hours to kill and there was a really cute little cafe right near where my panel was. So I went down to the cafe and I had my iPad with me and I got some, you know, avocado toast, which was yummy and some coffee or something. And, you know, it’s my birthday and you know what that’s like in social media and especially, you know, when teach social media because because I teach social media, I have just a ton of people that I’m connected to on multiple sites. So my inbox was crazy. My Facebook page was crazy. And I sit down, I’m like, I’m going to start responding to some of these people. And I intentionally decided that I was going to, at least on LinkedIn, personally respond to every single person that wished me happy birthday on LinkedIn. And you know, we don’t think of LinkedIn we think of birthdays and digital marketing, we think of Facebook, right? But I decided I was gonna because, you know, LinkedIn is my thing. I decided I was going to use the opportunity to to start conversations with people actually, they started the conversation, right? So that made it even more beautiful, because instead of just saying, you know, thanks, thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. And because it was me doing it and this is really why I know that a lot of you listening don’t want to hear this, but this is really why you need to be doing a lot of this stuff. You can’t have your assistant doing a lot of this work. It’s got to be you. Because I knew that it was my cousin or my friend or my college friend. And I could say things like, I can’t believe how long it’s been since this or oh my gosh, I think about that event we both spoke out a couple years ago. Wasn’t that crazy? So I could I could personalize the response to these Happy Birthday things. And it started conversations. Well, it took me three days. It took me three days to get through this. Now I have, like 12,000 LinkedIn connections. And that’s mainly because people connect with me. You know, if you’ve listened to this podcast before that, I do not say you need to connect with a ton of people, you need to connect with a few people a week, right? So I can enter the few people a week but at the same time, a lot of people connect with me. So I have a lot of connections, which meant I had a ton of birthday messages on LinkedIn. Well, I am not kidding you when I tell you, I shook so much business out of those conversations that I blocked December 6th, 7th, and 8th off of my calendar for 2020. To do this again next year and do it more intentionally and not be in a cafe in New York City, where I’m like scribbling notes on places that I can remember to follow up with people, right? I shook so much busy, I will celebrate my birthday a week later, with all the money that my business is making from the relationships that I reengaged because these people reached out to me to wish me happy birthday. So I’m gonna so how cool is that? Right? So I’m gonna, I’m gonna tell you a little bit more about that in this episode. But here’s the thing. You know what I mean, right? You know that you get LinkedIn connection requests, and they’re immediately followed by, by my stuff, right? Or worse, then you get a connection request and they’re selling you something on that connection request. That is the complete opposite of what I teach on LinkedIn. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. In fact, I had a call as I tried to get on the phone with a lot of the people that connect with me, especially if they look interesting where they initiate the connection request. And I got on a call with somebody yesterday. And it was clear that he had no idea what we were talking. And it was clear that it was all automated. And it was a complete waste of both of our times. And, like, Who needs that I was frustrated because I usually can pick up on those things. And I missed it in this case. So you don’t want to be that person. I don’t want you to be that person. I surely don’t want you to say, Well, I’m doing this because this is what Karen Yankovich told me how to do like, No, no, no, no, no. relationships, right? So this is about building relationships, not selling. So I mean, like, Listen, if you’re a business owner, or an entrepreneur, or even a career, you know, like a at a job, you’re in sales, relation building relationships, like listen, putting your kid to bed at night sometimes is sales right? Getting your spouse to do the load the dishwasher is sometimes sales. So yes, the sales were there. That’s why you’re here. Even if it’s not like directly like I sell widgets, right? But if you if you’re in services, or if you whatever your businesses there’s a sales component to it, especially if you’re a business owner or an entrepreneur. We’ve talked about that a ton on the show. But this technique isn’t sales focused. It’s relationship focused. But here’s the thing. This is a tweetable, you guys. When you focus on the relationship building with intention, the sales will follow. So I’m going to say that again, when you focus on the relationship building with intention, the sales will follow. So let me talk a little bit about this technique. This birthday technique. Okay, I need a good name for it. So if you guys have a good name for it, tweet me or Instagram, DM me or LinkedIn messaged me What a good name for this birthday technique should be. So first of all, I wanted to say one more thing. Just I had this scheduled to be recorded today. And just yesterday. I’m part of a Facebook group that a lot of other LinkedIn trainers are a part of. and somebody’s like, Oh my gosh, somebody’s out there saying change your birthday a couple times a year so that you get birthday requests a couple times a year. Please don’t do that. Please don’t do that, like be authentic. You only need to do this once a year, don’t change your birthdate and make this happen more than once. Just do it once a year, but the once a year you’re doing it really powerful. Okay, so first, let’s talk a little bit about social media and your birthday when you are getting birthday requests on Facebook, or even Twitter. Did you guys know that if your birthday is on Twitter, Twitter doesn’t announce it at your birthday. But when you post, Twitter wishes you a happy birthday with like balloons and stuff that pop up. I actually was doing the webinar when you’re on my birthday. And I was like, and I was doing I guess I was doing it about Twitter. And I was posting and then all these balloons came up. I was like, Oh my gosh, Twitter’s wishing me a happy birthday. So now of course, I always want to go into Twitter on my birthday and post something. I mean, I post all the time, but post something. So I can have Twitter. Wish me a happy birthday. But Twitter does not, you know, push out today’s Karen’s birthday, but Facebook does, right? But on Facebook it’s public, right? It’s 99% of the time is public. And frankly, if you are dming me on Facebook, I don’t. I mean, there’s a big difference between Facebook and LinkedIn. LinkedIn is all business. Right? my LinkedIn, DMS, don’t wake me up in the middle of the night. My Facebook, DMS, although I don’t get I don’t get Facebook notifications on my phone. But Facebook is like kind of human interesting. So it’s part personal part business. So, yes, it’s okay. If you DM me, especially if you know me actually know me. But 90% of the birthday requests you get on Facebook are public and in the public when you’re responding. Yeah, it’s fun. If you say, you know, hey, let’s talk about this. Or remember when we did this, or when we did that, that’s, that’s fun. But remember, it’s public. It’s not really a business conversation, right? It just isn’t. And I love Facebook, but it’s not a business conversation. LinkedIn is all business. So and when people wish you a happy birthday on LinkedIn, it goes in your messages, right. So it’s up private conversation between you and the person that wish you Happy Birthday. So when you when you reply to those messages, it’s just like chatting. It’s just chatting. So it’s much more personal. yet. It’s business, right? It’s business. So it’s not on your Facebook page, you’re not sending notifications to 45,000 people about the messages, right? It’s all business. So if you are looking to use the birthday message as the person that is reaching out to people, then do it on LinkedIn. Right do it on LinkedIn, cuz that’s all business and certainly, certainly be paying attention to the people that wish you a happy birthday. In fact, what you should be doing right now is going in and making sure your birthday is only done that you actually have it noted there because a lot of people don’t because they’re like, Why don’t people on LinkedIn need to know my birthday? This is why when you’re done listening to this episode, you’re gonna, you’re gonna want to do this. Alright, the second thing is, you know, you’ve heard this before, and you’ve heard this from me before, but the fortune is in the follow up. So when you respond to so One, the reason that it took me three days to get through it was because they were responding back. Right? So it was following up with the people. It wasn’t just replying to the people that said Happy Birthday to me. It was following up and staying into in those conversations. I am not kidding you when I tell you it was completely overwhelming. And I will say that for me, I’m a fan of using my I have the iPad Pro, which is amazing. And I like the app to do this better than I actually like LinkedIn built in messenger on on desktop. So I use the app, the iPad app for this and I feel like it’s much easier. But in any case, it is a lot of work. It’s a lot of work, because you have to follow up. You can’t just take that one. I mean, the The point is building a relationship and having a conversation. You have to follow up and you have to be ready with you know what, like, let’s jump on the phone. Let’s jump on the phone, right so but you have to not just respond once you have to continue conversation when they respond back to you, not with a thumbs up emoji, okay? Not with a thumbs up emoji with conversation. Right? I’m gonna go back and repeat this again. When you focus on the relationship building with intention, the sales with will follow. So let me talk about intention for a second. And by the way, those of you that, that now are listening to this, I don’t want you to think I’m gonna try and sell you when it’s my birthday is not about sales, right? It is about seeing how we can support each other because many of these conversations, maybe I was now an affiliate for their programs, right? Because it’s about building relationships. And that puts money in my bank account, but it also helps you right? relationships is where the collaborations happen. Oh, my gosh, I could talk about this forever. Okay, so the fortune is in the follow up. But now I want you to be intentional. Okay. I’m not saying if you get 100 birthday requests on LinkedIn, that you need to be like if there’s people that you look at them, and normally, I’m a big fan of like, if They want to know you there’s a reason right? As your influence grows, people are going to want to know more about you, they’re going to reach out to connect with you. So I’m not saying if you don’t know them don’t respond. But I am saying, if you look at their profile and you feel weirded out, or you feel like there’s just, I want you to be intentional about who you do this with, okay? So yes, with every single person, be generous, you know, be gracious, and be full of gratitude that they took the time to reach out to you and say, you know, thank you so much for the birthday wishes that was so nice, I hope business is going well for you or something like that. If they respond again, now you have a conversation, you can decide if you want to take that further. But take your time with this. Take your time with this, I want you to actually look at the profiles of the people that wish you a happy birthday. And if it’s someone really cool for you, right? If it’s somebody who you think could be an ideal client, if it’s somebody who’s got a podcast that you’d like to be a guest on, if it’s somebody that’s part of conferences that you think if it’s somebody that maybe just has a similar market to you that maybe you can go elaborate and get in front of each other’s audiences, if it’s somebody that just has influence and you don’t really know where you don’t have an idea yet what it could be valuable, but you just know having that person in your life a little deeper would be a cool thing. Then take your time and be really targeted in your reply. say things like, wow, you know what, the last time we talked was in, you know, 2018 I see in 2019, you totally pivoted your business, now you’re doing this, this and this, I would love to hear more about that. Just drop it at that. Thank you, again, so much for your birthday wishes. Be really intentional and don’t make it about you. Let me tell you about what I’m doing. Talk about them, right, who wants a relationship with somebody who’s, who’s a narcissist who’s completely self centered. Please don’t be that person. Be the person that is genuinely interested in the person that wished you a happy birthday because again, you’re building relationships. And when you build relationships, the sales follow. So take your time with this. Look at the profiles. If it’s some One that’s you know, really cool that you really want to you’d love to get on the phone with be really custom and targeted in your response to them. Okay, and again, back to the second thing I mentioned, the fortune is in the follow up, be ready to respond. I’ve said to you guys many times on this podcast, that my linked in inbox is way more valuable to me than my actual inbox. Not that my actual inbox is invaluable to me. My LinkedIn inbox is where the money is in my business, to where the money is, at the time that I’m recording this podcast like full disclosure, I am so far behind and accepting connection requests because we’ve been so busy. And I don’t just accept connection requests, I accept them and look at the profile and say, is this somebody I want to actually get on the phone with because if you’ve reached out to me to connect, there’s a reason for that, right? If I think you’re just trying to sell me something like right off the bat, I try to have a good sense for that. And I’ll probably still accept, but I won’t necessarily take a lot of time to say Do relationship building. But if it’s somebody really cool, or somebody that I think is in my ideal client target market, I might respond and say, you know, it’s so you know, thanks so much for reaching out to me, it’s so nice to be connected. I love what you’re doing. You know, I teach women this, it looks like you teach women that, you know, I’d love to hear I mean, you know, for a quick call. Now remember, they started the connection request, I’m not into 15 messages to them, sending them BS articles that you think might be a value for them to read. I don’t have time for that. I don’t, I don’t know you. I don’t have time for that. But if I say to you, I really want to know more about you. I can get on the phone with them probably in that first phone call. If they don’t respond, then they’re not my people, right? And that’s okay. Same with this birthday thing. If they don’t respond to your request, you know, to your response, then don’t worry about it, then don’t then just let it go. Like you don’t need to continue when I say the fortune is in the follow up. Don’t bug them don’t want them. Right. But if they respond to you, I want you to continue that conversation because these Conversations is that your bank account is going to be singing the happy songs. I’m not kidding you, like the month after your birthday if you do this intentionally. So do you understand how cool that can be. So the first thing you need to do is understand the difference between LinkedIn and Facebook and even Twitter or Instagram. LinkedIn is all business, the conversations around Happy Birthday are private. And you can say, tell me more, you know, this is so cool, obviously be gracious and, and, and full of gratitude for their wishes. But if it’s somebody that’s cool, take it to the next step. The fortune is in the follow up. So it’s not just one more step, it’s as many steps as you need. If it’s a cool conversation with a cool person, as many steps as you need to actually get on the phone with these people, or to drop it, right? Or to drop it. I don’t want you on the phone with a million people that are not going to be valuable to you, right? So it could also be just dropping it and then the last thing is take your time. Take your time. Look at the profiles. If it’s someone really cool for you. Be really, really tired. uted in your reply to them, and you know, say things like, Wow, it looks like you’re doing some cool things or I just read your most recent blog posts, maybe even share it right? Or if you use like Evernote or if you haven’t a VA forwarded it to forward it to that and say, you know, put this in a stash somewhere. Let’s share this next week cuz I don’t want to share everything on your birthday, right? Usually, you’ll be blowing everything up. So you know, one of the things that I think, you know, I’m recording this, it is April 2020, I am still you know, we’re still quarantined here in New Jersey. And one of the things that I am seeing is that lots of other people are starting to really recognize that the relationships are the most powerful things in our business, the relationships, having people to pick up the phone and talk to building relationships, kind of looking to see what kind of collaborations you can be doing. diving deeper into the relationships with people like maybe you go to networking events, or maybe you’re just part of lots of Facebook groups are lots of groups, and you just kind of know a lot of people, but when you start it what we’re seeing To see now that we’re stuck in behind our computers all day long, is that it’s when we dive deeper, maybe we need to go to half as many networking events and spend twice as much time following up with these people and building actual relationships with them. And I think more and more people are starting to learn how to do that. I teach a workshop on how to do this with integrity with authenticity, not just on your birthday, but you know all year long how to how to leverage your existing network, how to build a new network that has you jumping up and down when you see the names of the people that are your on your calendar, so you can get that it’s at free LinkedIn workshop comm if you’re listening to this on the replay, even if it’s 2023 you can… freelinkedinworkshop.com always goes to our latest workshops. So check that out there. You know, here’s the deal. I do this podcast to support you. I’ve got this free workshop that I do to support you. How you can support me is by sharing this and telling people, if you enjoyed, telling people they should listen to this. A rising tide lifts all boats, I want to support you, I will share your share with my audience. And we all get more visibility that way. And that’s how we start to build a relationship, not just me talking to you through your speakers on your computer, right, but actually starting to build each relationship. So let’s lift each other up, help me help you share this podcast, take that quick screenshot of this episode on your phone and share that on social. I’ll share that with my audience. And the bottom line here is I really want this to be simple for you. I know that despite the challenges we’re facing the world we’re living in that we’ve never seen these kinds of challenges before I know that we can kick some 2020 booty together. So let’s create our simple, relationship based marketing strategy together. I will see you back here next week for another episode of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast.